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Fear and surrender - repost

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Fear and Surrender – aspects of a Kundalini practice


Kundalini is an evolutionary energy that is designed for humanity's next step

toward a luminous physical and spiritual expression. The Kundalini is in

everyone. It is an untapped resource of divinity within us all that is waiting

to be awakened and experienced. Never has the time been so right and crucial

for a change of this magnitude to be explored and initiated.


Kundalini is a very powerful and transformative energy located at the base of

the spine within the last three vertebrae of the tailbone or coccyx, extending

to the perineum. Kundalini is a natural birthright to all people but must be

sought and nurtured with a physical and spiritual practice.


One aspect of a Kundalini practice is surrender.


People often have severe difficulty with this subject. They feel as

if they are laying down all of their defenses that they have

nurtured and developed and woven into a tight enclosure around

themselves to protect them from harm. And they are correct. On one

level. If you are not afraid than there is no need for such an



In life in our current society there is still some need for this

defense mechanism. But inside of the Kundalini there is no room for

it. Yet due to the Kundalini reputation and its strengths the person

will still feel drawn to the familiar artifice and comfort of



Yet there is no defense against the Kundalini.


It is inside of you and is part of you and knows you better than you

know yourself! You do not defend against your arms or your legs do

you? You do not defend against your eyelashes or your heart do you?

And even if you could. Why would you?


Same goes for the Kundalini. It will begin to unburden you of your

fears. Not by taking them away but by giving you direct experience

with them. The opportunity to release them. Remember there are

reasons why you fear what you fear. Other existence or Karma or a

difficult childhood, it's a long list. Kundalini gives you your

fears so that you may progress beyond these fears by coming face to

face with them and balancing them.


And yes some of them are pretty bad and scary and so must your

resolve be as strong! Giant snakes and spiders are mere

representations of the Shakti as are dancing blue maidens and

dancing blue men and they are not as closely related to your own

special fears - unless they are. Fear of water or heights or certain

animals like sharks or wolves or bears. Predators that you may have

a past relationship with can often come back for balancing when the

Kundalini begins to clean out your fear closet.


So you must surrender to these fears. Let them come and let them do

what they will do. But do not back down or huddle in petrified fear

as you may have once done. You change the outcome by reversing the

emotion or the actions. This is no small thing. Those of you who

have been molested and tortured as children know exactly what I am

writing of here. Fear attaches the experience to the person. Facing

the fear releases it.


Kundalini has a plan for each and every one of you. As she did and

does for me. We are not apprised of this plan unless Shakti desires

for it to be so. Kundalini Shakti will choose which fear to present

you with and when. There are reasons for this choice and it is for

your benefit and for your continued ability to surrender these fears

that certain themes are used and others left alone. So do not feel

as if you can second guess what will occur. Surrender your fearful



With private students I ask them to surrender every aspect of their

lives to my jurisdiction. This in reality is my Kundalini's

jurisdiction but most students don't quite get that. They are still

ensconced in the ego world. This is a test in and of itself. Not

many can do this. Yet it is crucial for there ability as a practice

to surrender everything to the Shakti.


It requires trust and fearlessness and love and faith. Not easy

qualities to come by in real life. This begins the process of

surrender to their Kundalini as it is in fact easier to surrender to

an in your face teacher than one who comes to you in dreams and

visions often in forms that can be very terrifying.


So know this and also know that for every fear you balance you will

be gifted with an immense joy and an all pervading love as you

continue to climb up the Kundalini ladder one rung at a time,

assisted and guided by your Kundalini teachers within and outside of

your self. - blessings all - chrism

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