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update fro me

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Dear all,


I keep following the posts here but I have been away from some months.

Last time I came to this forum I was in total distress and confusion

because entities where bad after energy work in deliverance church plus

I was seeing mosquitoes whole day and cats. I got paranoid that evil

and aliens where chasing me and I needed to protect myself.


I did not know what happened to me at the beginning, I had no clue of

kundalini and I never studied any subject related. I am completing 2

years since all started.


I want to do some update of my current progress.


I stop going to church and doing any energy work already for 8 months I

decided to look for peace far from any doctrine, priest, healer etc . I

think kundalini made me question every single believe that I had

regarding life, religion, doctrines, myself etc and I needed some time

disconnected from all.


I have worked hard in rising my vibrations in different areas: what I

read, what I watch, what I eat, what I think, what I say, what I feel

and I try to avoid conflict at any cost. At the beginning I was highly

sensitive of negative energy and used to run away from it (Tv programs,

nasty people etc)…now I have regulated more this area and understood

that is not about avoidance but is about becoming peace and love in the

middle of the storms and using every situation to learn and understand

what I am and what I am not.


At the very beginning, I cried lots feeling hurt from childhood issues

now I feel that I have worked hard in forgiveness and I can say I have

made peace with hurts of childhood and the past. I always pray that if

there is any other unconscious hurt from the past is revelled to me so I

can work on it. If there is karmic energy to release don't know yet

how to do it.


I was in a way alone all the way long because priest and healers did not

know what I was talking about it…but I don't blame them because

everybody tried to helped me with their knowledge and understanding

(limited?). I feel it has been all part of my journey so I bless all the

people that I have met ..I feel god wanted me to see or study on that.


I used to feel some unbalance of energy when writing here on the forum

what was going on with me (maybe anxiety or I don't know). The

energy of my chakras was highly activated when speaking about what I was

going through ( I feel a bit now also)….Anyhow, I decided no speak

about it, no write about it, switch to gym activities, came back to

childhood prayers and work in surrender fear issues. I also started to

drink some flower essences of uncut flowers.


This month has been in a way quiet and calm. I think the weather

influences. When is summer and sunny I get more phenomena . I see the

mosquitoes and black shapes flies on the streets mainly in sunny

days…I don't know what to make of this. I get tired sometimes

and anxious. I don't fear anymore to them..but feels unpleasant

mainly because I cannot fully enjoy sunny days.


1 month ago got this cats fighting at my door and window. I told chrism

that I had one black cat on my door and was getting bit anxious about

it. This time I had two cats the black one fighting with a furious

yellow cat (small)..I saw that and thought was very violent scenario. I

did not feel fear but got VERY hot watching that. Almost uncomfortable

to see that at my door. After that, cats did not appeared this month.


The other phenomena is the windows. I feel someone shaking my windows. I

try no to concentrate on it but feels quite intrusive energy when that

is happening.


I have learn NO TO analyse much what happens (it helps me) because the

mind always want to understand, but It is still bit hard for me to said

that god is the furious cat and god is shaking and hitting my windows

and making noises etc…Deep inside I have the understanding that

there is an opposing consciousness and they are the ones doing that . I

must say anyhow that whatever it is helped making me stronger person.


I would appreciate if any member here know the meaning of the mosquitoes

issue and black shapes flies (any experience?) What about the sun and

weather? I honestly enjoy more my winter now as summer is agonizing with

phenomena. Why is the sun causing more phenomena? And the windows?


Other thing is that my husband says that he cannot sleep too close to me

because I am hot like unusual temperature. I laugh..nothing else I can

do. My marriage has survived so far but it has been also hard. Balancing

issues that might cause disagreements at home and fight has been a

challenge because if there is controversy can be turned into fight and I

get strongly unbalanced so I have tried hard to create strategies to

keep peace always.


I did not feel like do any volunteering work like hospitals or things

like that but I started a group on facebook called " messages of

peace and love " .Thats perhaps is what I feel resonates better with

me at this time. I do random acts of kindness as well.


I don't really know what is next for me. I guess I will know it.


Thanks for reading this long message


Peace and Love.


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Hi Monica,


It sounds like you've been on quite a Journey. I'm glad your path has brought

you back this way.


You asked about seeing more phenomena in the form of mosquitoes and black flies,

especially in the summer. I wonder if what you're seeing aren't the prana dots

that others on this list have experienced? I think the prana is stronger on

sunny days, so that might be what it is. I don't know. I've never seen them

myself, but others here have, so maybe they can shed some light on this for you.


You mentioned your K surging in response to the cats fighting. I don't know much

about cats, but my impression is that a lot of their fighting is actually

mating. In other words, S3X. Life force. And cats are often a symbol of Shakti.


I wonder if the anxiety you feel when you are exposed to these things isn't just

your own life force and K energy being stirred?


I don't recall if you mentioned practicing the Safeties, but if you haven't

been, I would encourage you to start, especially drinking lots of water and

eating watermelon. It really does help calm the nerves. Earlier in the week I

had a couple nights of broken sleep and anxiety for no apparent reason. I

remembered I'd run out of watermelon a few days before and had forgotten to go

to the store. Once I got back on it, I started sleeping better. Sounds silly but

it really works for me. So, I suggest you give that a go if you can, as you

incorporate the other elements of the Safeties into your daily practice, such as

surrender, trust, prayer, etc.


I'm glad you're here, Monica, and I hope you'll stay awhile. I like reading your






--- monikaeslava wrote:


> I want to do some update of my current progress.

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Thanks for the anwers


Your words bring support to me


sometimes are real mosquitoes but other as you mention are black dots or unreal

ones appear and dissapear...or huge holografic insects. the feeling is unplesant

while on the street because is often...at the same time I might experience white

 feathers coming down. I think the feathers make me think are angels of god that

are lookign after me...like saying dont fear the black dots...still has been

hard to cope with.


god bless u








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What if the black dots and white feathers and holographic insects and mating

cats all are manifestations of the same thing? What if these are the hands and

feet and tresses and heart and liver and spleen and toes and earlobes of God?


Should we fear one body part and welcome the other? Or marvel that we are

dancing with the body of God? What a joyful, wondrous, miraculous way to walk

down the street!





--- monikaeslava wrote:

the feeling is unplesant while on the street because is often...at the same

time I might experience white  feathers coming down. I think the feathers make

me think are angels of god that are lookign after me...like saying dont fear the

black dots...still has been hard to cope with.

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Hi Monica!!!


So good to hear from you! Those black dots are very normal. Does anyone know

where that picture is where the person sits there and around them in orbit are

what looks like black dots? I can't find it.


Kundalini or Holy spirit or God or whatever you call it manifests as both. There

are many people here who will tell you about their trips into the void which can

be completely black nothingness - The mothers womb is completely black.


I had the same problem because when your third eye opens and you see everything

glowing and when I pick up my limbs at look at them they look like they are made

of light. THey are light...I don't know how else to describe this.


So everyone/thing glows as I know you see too. And then the prana in the air is

little lights - and the colors and ribbons of lights that visit and the sparks

of light can be in different colors - I think calls this your radiance.

So I see that everyday/night too.


But also you see black. And so then I started thinking what if those black dots

are just manifestations of something bad because I've already been shown the

light so to speak.


But the black dots and black scrunchies... (: are also part of the kundalini -

just as glorious and beautiful and good as the light.

If you see that picture you will see those black dots are always with you. I see

them rotating around me all the time. I've also seen Chrisms. Sometimes they

appear as a shiny black background and in the middle is a spark;


I will tell you my last fear. Which is so silly but its good to talk about so we

get them on the table and find out its not anything to be feared.


My black lights/dots/rocks...whatever you want to call that orbit around

me....well they don't orbit so orderly as in the picture. I always had this

secret flash of worry that " I was a bit off kilter - off orbit " Ha ha - (Do try

to hold yourselves back from that one I put on a plate for you to tease me



Maybe Bret can speak up here too - or you can visit his website - the black

scrunchy I call it - thats what he sees and his art shows it.


I've seen the snake also represented as very black.


I believe it was who hasn't posted in awhile " Firefly " that told me that the

snake came to her as black and then she became the snake and went into the womb

which was pitch black. I see that tunnel is with me always - I can't seem to

shake it! ha Its black in there - the opening has flashes of light.


Anyway its easy to get confused when your third eye opens and you see beautiful

light and sparkles and everything glowing so when you see the black too its easy

to confuse it with oh oh this must be bad. Its part of the kundalini - its

always going to be with you - embrace it just like the light colored light -

these are like dark colored light.


The mosquitos/flies are not the same here. The above is a manifestation in my

opinion of the kundalini herself - and when she takes you into her womb or void

and you can be in that velvety shiny silence....its all so good


The flies/mosquitos I don't know what to say. I 've too seen those. They are not

always around like the lights/rocks and light of the kundalini but I have seen

those too.

I've always seen things crawling and flying about that are black. They can't

hurt us. So maybe they have the right to live just as a spider or bug or rat -

I noticed when I stopped worrying about them and just ignored them - first I

would feel the fear then I would tell myself its okay I have a choice and they

have a choice to be - I honor all life even if I don't understand it - I then

put my attention on something else and I don't see those so much.


I will see if I notice them more in the summer.


What I do notice about the sun is that it amplifies your energy. It heightens my

third eye and ability to see - I see more and its clearer. The radiance and

glow and light is also clearer and stronger. It all is. It also all is for me

during full moons? Why ? I don't know...just as the tide is? Maybe the moon

reflecting more of the sun? I don't know


I think it perhaps would be helpful if we all fess up here and say what we see -

because then it wouldn't be so scary for someone else. I always hesitate to talk

about all this - I don't know why but I do know when I saw that picture for the

first time - of the black rocks/lights/spots going around that picture I felt a

HUGE sense of relief!


I thought those lights in the black meant I was secretly sick or that bad stuff

was after me!

Believe me not a way you want to think and believe in k land.


I've noticed " experiences " or " things " seem to come about in real life very

quickly now.

Maybe there is something to that manifestation thing...but all be clear about

what you believe in and when you see/feel things out of the norm please remember

to be positive - be ho hum - whatever she brings is good even if we don't

understand it - your attitude will decide what you can experience here - believe

me I know -


Okay lots of love - hope this helps - and please or anyone out there - Do

you know where to find that picture ???


Monica is amazing and such a wonderful kind person I am so blessed to know her.

Lots of love Monica - hope this helps as you do me too!

Chi balls for you

Deb/Debs/Mia (:(:(:



, eslava monik

<monikaeslava wrote:


> Thanks for the anwers


> Your words bring support to me


> sometimes are real mosquitoes but other as you mention are black dots or

unreal ones appear and dissapear...or huge holografic insects. the feeling is

unplesant while on the street because is often...at the same time I might

experience white  feathers coming down. I think the feathers make me think are

angels of god that are lookign after me...like saying dont fear the black

dots...still has been hard to cope with.


> god bless u


> monica







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Are those little black dot things, seen up close magnified, do look like little

paper thin part bird, part fish little creatures? Waving their back part like a

fish swimming, but their heads look like a bird. They really stood out because

all the background around them was irradience colorful sparkly little tree

looking things. They were swarming around me, like I was in the center of all

that looking out/seeing this.




, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:


> Hi Monica!!!


> So good to hear from you! Those black dots are very normal. Does anyone know

where that picture is where the person sits there and around them in orbit are

what looks like black dots? I can't find it.

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Hia Mia deb,


I loved reading this post and bet monica finds it not just interesting to read

but very helpful.

You said that it might be helpful to write what it is that we all see.

I see nothing. 

I have been fascinated by the  descriptions of the beauty of the lights that

you see and that others mention also.  Some  kundalini folks are given very

visual things to behold.

My third eye is not open so perhaps that is part of the reason I do not see

lights and blue pearls and rainbows and those sort of things.   so far K has

not given me phenomena for my eyes to see.

I do not dream in vision any more and I really think that K is with holding

vision for what ever reason. My eyes are not to see.

That said during meditation, not when sleeping, I get shadows and some black and

white shadow visual images do come into my closed eyes, but I know that is not

the sore of seeing you speak of.

Love Julia. 



rom: flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777


Sun, January 10, 2010 6:58:28 PM

Re: update fro me


  r. The radiance and glow and light is also clearer and stronger. It all is.

It also all is for me during full moons? Why ? I don't know...just as the tide

is? Maybe the moon reflecting more of the sun? I don't know


I think it perhaps would be helpful if we all fess up here and say what we see -

because then it wouldn't be so scary for someone else. I always hesitate to talk

about all this - I don't know why but I do know when I saw that picture for the

first time - of the black rocks/lights/ spots going around that picture I felt a

HUGE sense of relief!


I thought those lights in the black meant I was secretly sick or that bad stuff

was after me!

Believe me not a way you want to think and believe in k land.


I've noticed " experiences " or " things " seem to come about in real life very

quickly now.

Maybe there is something to that manifestation thing...but all be clear about

what you believe in and when you see/feel things out of the norm please remember

to be positive - be ho hum - whatever she brings is good even if we don't

understand it - your attitude will decide what you can experience here - believe

me I know -


Okay lots of love - hope this helps - and please or anyone out there - Do

you know where to find that picture ???


Monica is amazing and such a wonderful kind person I am so blessed to know her.

Lots of love Monica - hope this helps as you do me too!

Chi balls for you

Deb/Debs/Mia (:(:(:


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , eslava monik

<monikaeslava@ ...> wrote:


> Thanks for the anwers


> Your words bring support to me


> sometimes are real mosquitoes but other as you mention are black dots or

unreal ones appear and dissapear... or huge holografic insects. the feeling is

unplesant while on the street because is often...at the same time I might

experience white  feathers coming down. I think the feathers make me think are

angels of god that are lookign after me...like saying dont fear the black

dots...still has been hard to cope with.


> god bless u


> monica




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Wow! that is really detailed Linda.  Can I ask, are these sort of visual dots

present a lot of the time?






danceswithcats999 <crazycats711


Sun, January 10, 2010 10:03:06 PM

Re: update fro me



Are those little black dot things, seen up close magnified, do look like little

paper thin part bird, part fish little creatures? Waving their back part like a

fish swimming, but their heads look like a bird. They really stood out because

all the background around them was irradience colorful sparkly little tree

looking things. They were swarming around me, like I was in the center of all

that looking out/seeing this.




Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777@ ...> wrote:


> Hi Monica!!!


> So good to hear from you! Those black dots are very normal. Does anyone know

where that picture is where the person sits there and around them in orbit are

what looks like black dots? I can't find it.









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Hi Julia, no, I wish I could see that again, but I've only seen it once, I am

not for sure if it is the same as Deb and others are seeing. I think they are

just seeing them walking around and what I saw was while meditating. But was

wondering if it could be a magnified version.

I can see those little dots in the air, though. That are constantly moving and

zipping around. If you just sort of relax the eyes, like you are looking at one

of those 3D pictures, you will be able to see them. Do this outside, it's harder

to see them inside. I am real good at looking at those 3D picture, ever since

one day, I sat and looked at a whole book of them. It cause my eyes to see

warped for a long while. :) Like I can go into that mode even with this page and

there will be layers of writing and if you look down at your key board like

that, you can see the letter through your tranparent fingers. Hehe!




, Julia Ahern <jajahern



> Wow! that is really detailed Linda.  Can I ask, are these sort of visual dots

present a lot of the time?





> ________________________________

> danceswithcats999 <crazycats711


> Sun, January 10, 2010 10:03:06 PM

> Re: update fro me



> Are those little black dot things, seen up close magnified, do look like

little paper thin part bird, part fish little creatures? Waving their back part

like a fish swimming, but their heads look like a bird. They really stood out

because all the background around them was irradience colorful sparkly little

tree looking things. They were swarming around me, like I was in the center of

all that looking out/seeing this.


> Linda


> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Monica!!!

> >

> > So good to hear from you! Those black dots are very normal. Does anyone know

where that picture is where the person sits there and around them in orbit are

what looks like black dots? I can't find it.



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Deb- look in the file section inder chrism's Shaktipat experience- is that what

you are talking about??? It fits with the text he wrote and sounds as if it

fits with this happening too.



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Hi group, Deb/Mia

Speaking up to say I too see shiney black dots and white dots that vibrate and

fill in the outline of objects- with my eyes open- for about a year and half. I

have seen the water from my shower nozzle as individual clear particles, this

with my eyes closed. I also see my chakra colors, sometimes they r a solid ball,

sometimes as bubbles that rise up to my 3rd eye, kind of like a lava lamp

effect. I have even seem my green heart chakra swirl in circles in a Yin/Yang

configuration. Have also seen huge neon pink color surrounding my upper body. I

have seen these with eyes open and with eyes closed through 3rd eye. I have seen

a huge ball of white light seem to fill my entire head, this with eyes closed in

the dark. I have been to a paradise place and the colors there were almost

undescribable; pure, luminese and almost a neon yet soft. Thats all I can think

of as far as black, white and colors and vibrations.


, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:


> Hi Monica!!!


> So good to hear from you! Those black dots are very normal. Does anyone know

where that picture is where the person sits there and around them in orbit are

what looks like black dots? I can't find it.


> Kundalini or Holy spirit or God or whatever you call it manifests as both.

There are many people here who will tell you about their trips into the void

which can be completely black nothingness - The mothers womb is completely



> I had the same problem because when your third eye opens and you see

everything glowing and when I pick up my limbs at look at them they look like

they are made of light. THey are light...I don't know how else to describe this.


> So everyone/thing glows as I know you see too. And then the prana in the air

is little lights - and the colors and ribbons of lights that visit and the

sparks of light can be in different colors - I think calls this your

radiance. So I see that everyday/night too.


> But also you see black. And so then I started thinking what if those black

dots are just manifestations of something bad because I've already been shown

the light so to speak.


> But the black dots and black scrunchies... (: are also part of the kundalini

- just as glorious and beautiful and good as the light.

> If you see that picture you will see those black dots are always with you. I

see them rotating around me all the time. I've also seen Chrisms. Sometimes they

appear as a shiny black background and in the middle is a spark;


> I will tell you my last fear. Which is so silly but its good to talk about so

we get them on the table and find out its not anything to be feared.


> My black lights/dots/rocks...whatever you want to call that orbit around

me....well they don't orbit so orderly as in the picture. I always had this

secret flash of worry that " I was a bit off kilter - off orbit " Ha ha - (Do try

to hold yourselves back from that one I put on a plate for you to tease me



> Maybe Bret can speak up here too - or you can visit his website - the black

scrunchy I call it - thats what he sees and his art shows it.


> I've seen the snake also represented as very black.


> I believe it was who hasn't posted in awhile " Firefly " that told me that the

snake came to her as black and then she became the snake and went into the womb

which was pitch black. I see that tunnel is with me always - I can't seem to

shake it! ha Its black in there - the opening has flashes of light.


> Anyway its easy to get confused when your third eye opens and you see

beautiful light and sparkles and everything glowing so when you see the black

too its easy to confuse it with oh oh this must be bad. Its part of the

kundalini - its always going to be with you - embrace it just like the light

colored light - these are like dark colored light.


> The mosquitos/flies are not the same here. The above is a manifestation in my

opinion of the kundalini herself - and when she takes you into her womb or void

and you can be in that velvety shiny silence....its all so good


> The flies/mosquitos I don't know what to say. I 've too seen those. They are

not always around like the lights/rocks and light of the kundalini but I have

seen those too.

> I've always seen things crawling and flying about that are black. They can't

hurt us. So maybe they have the right to live just as a spider or bug or rat -

I noticed when I stopped worrying about them and just ignored them - first I

would feel the fear then I would tell myself its okay I have a choice and they

have a choice to be - I honor all life even if I don't understand it - I then

put my attention on something else and I don't see those so much.


> I will see if I notice them more in the summer.


> What I do notice about the sun is that it amplifies your energy. It heightens

my third eye and ability to see - I see more and its clearer. The radiance and

glow and light is also clearer and stronger. It all is. It also all is for me

during full moons? Why ? I don't know...just as the tide is? Maybe the moon

reflecting more of the sun? I don't know


> I think it perhaps would be helpful if we all fess up here and say what we see

- because then it wouldn't be so scary for someone else. I always hesitate to

talk about all this - I don't know why but I do know when I saw that picture for

the first time - of the black rocks/lights/spots going around that picture I

felt a HUGE sense of relief!


> I thought those lights in the black meant I was secretly sick or that bad

stuff was after me!

> Believe me not a way you want to think and believe in k land.


> I've noticed " experiences " or " things " seem to come about in real life very

quickly now.

> Maybe there is something to that manifestation thing...but all be clear about

what you believe in and when you see/feel things out of the norm please remember

to be positive - be ho hum - whatever she brings is good even if we don't

understand it - your attitude will decide what you can experience here - believe

me I know -


> Okay lots of love - hope this helps - and please or anyone out there -

Do you know where to find that picture ???


> Monica is amazing and such a wonderful kind person I am so blessed to know


> Lots of love Monica - hope this helps as you do me too!

> Chi balls for you

> Deb/Debs/Mia (:(:(:



> , eslava monik

<monikaeslava@> wrote:

> >

> > Thanks for the anwers

> >  

> > Your words bring support to me

> >  

> > sometimes are real mosquitoes but other as you mention are black dots or

unreal ones appear and dissapear...or huge holografic insects. the feeling is

unplesant while on the street because is often...at the same time I might

experience white  feathers coming down. I think the feathers make me think are

angels of god that are lookign after me...like saying dont fear the black

dots...still has been hard to cope with.

> >  

> > god bless u

> >  

> > monica

> >  

> >

> >

> >



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> >

> >

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No what I am seeing does not fit Linda description.


Mine are more black insects that look fake like holografics..no face of fish or






, " danceswithcats999 "

<crazycats711 wrote:


> Hi Julia, no, I wish I could see that again, but I've only seen it once, I am

not for sure if it is the same as Deb and others are seeing. I think they are

just seeing them walking around and what I saw was while meditating. But was

wondering if it could be a magnified version.

> I can see those little dots in the air, though. That are constantly moving and

zipping around. If you just sort of relax the eyes, like you are looking at one

of those 3D pictures, you will be able to see them. Do this outside, it's harder

to see them inside. I am real good at looking at those 3D picture, ever since

one day, I sat and looked at a whole book of them. It cause my eyes to see

warped for a long while. :) Like I can go into that mode even with this page and

there will be layers of writing and if you look down at your key board like

that, you can see the letter through your tranparent fingers. Hehe!


> Linda


> , Julia Ahern <jajahern@>


> >

> > Wow! that is really detailed Linda.? Can I ask, are these sort of visual

dots present a lot of the time?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > danceswithcats999 <crazycats711@>

> >

> > Sun, January 10, 2010 10:03:06 PM

> > Re: update fro me

> >

> > ?

> > Are those little black dot things, seen up close magnified, do look like

little paper thin part bird, part fish little creatures? Waving their back part

like a fish swimming, but their heads look like a bird. They really stood out

because all the background around them was irradience colorful sparkly little

tree looking things. They were swarming around me, like I was in the center of

all that looking out/seeing this.

> >

> > Linda

> >

> > Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hi Monica!!!

> > >

> > > So good to hear from you! Those black dots are very normal. Does anyone

know where that picture is where the person sits there and around them in orbit

are what looks like black dots? I can't find it.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks Deb


I can related more to this experience of Deb, but what worries me is that once I

was sleeping and entities (robotic voice) spoke to me saying I have to repect

them and bla bla bla..was very scary situation...then half sleep I saw those

things flying black holografic like huge insects ...so i made association that

perhaps was entity thing or alien thing.


Before I had them inside my home...now has decresed the visual inside home..now

only sunny days on the street..feel like the sun activates something and feel

like someone shooting me with those black dots then can be mixed with real

insects and bees or white feathers


Thanks Deb for sharing your experience. It is always helpful


You are also loving lady ! Thanks for being there


peace and love





, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:


> Hi Monica!!!


> So good to hear from you! Those black dots are very normal. Does anyone know

where that picture is where the person sits there and around them in orbit are

what looks like black dots? I can't find it.


> Kundalini or Holy spirit or God or whatever you call it manifests as both.

There are many people here who will tell you about their trips into the void

which can be completely black nothingness - The mothers womb is completely



> I had the same problem because when your third eye opens and you see

everything glowing and when I pick up my limbs at look at them they look like

they are made of light. THey are light...I don't know how else to describe this.


> So everyone/thing glows as I know you see too. And then the prana in the air

is little lights - and the colors and ribbons of lights that visit and the

sparks of light can be in different colors - I think calls this your

radiance. So I see that everyday/night too.


> But also you see black. And so then I started thinking what if those black

dots are just manifestations of something bad because I've already been shown

the light so to speak.


> But the black dots and black scrunchies... (: are also part of the kundalini

- just as glorious and beautiful and good as the light.

> If you see that picture you will see those black dots are always with you. I

see them rotating around me all the time. I've also seen Chrisms. Sometimes they

appear as a shiny black background and in the middle is a spark;


> I will tell you my last fear. Which is so silly but its good to talk about so

we get them on the table and find out its not anything to be feared.


> My black lights/dots/rocks...whatever you want to call that orbit around

me....well they don't orbit so orderly as in the picture. I always had this

secret flash of worry that " I was a bit off kilter - off orbit " Ha ha - (Do try

to hold yourselves back from that one I put on a plate for you to tease me



> Maybe Bret can speak up here too - or you can visit his website - the black

scrunchy I call it - thats what he sees and his art shows it.


> I've seen the snake also represented as very black.


> I believe it was who hasn't posted in awhile " Firefly " that told me that the

snake came to her as black and then she became the snake and went into the womb

which was pitch black. I see that tunnel is with me always - I can't seem to

shake it! ha Its black in there - the opening has flashes of light.


> Anyway its easy to get confused when your third eye opens and you see

beautiful light and sparkles and everything glowing so when you see the black

too its easy to confuse it with oh oh this must be bad. Its part of the

kundalini - its always going to be with you - embrace it just like the light

colored light - these are like dark colored light.


> The mosquitos/flies are not the same here. The above is a manifestation in my

opinion of the kundalini herself - and when she takes you into her womb or void

and you can be in that velvety shiny silence....its all so good


> The flies/mosquitos I don't know what to say. I 've too seen those. They are

not always around like the lights/rocks and light of the kundalini but I have

seen those too.

> I've always seen things crawling and flying about that are black. They can't

hurt us. So maybe they have the right to live just as a spider or bug or rat -

I noticed when I stopped worrying about them and just ignored them - first I

would feel the fear then I would tell myself its okay I have a choice and they

have a choice to be - I honor all life even if I don't understand it - I then

put my attention on something else and I don't see those so much.


> I will see if I notice them more in the summer.


> What I do notice about the sun is that it amplifies your energy. It heightens

my third eye and ability to see - I see more and its clearer. The radiance and

glow and light is also clearer and stronger. It all is. It also all is for me

during full moons? Why ? I don't know...just as the tide is? Maybe the moon

reflecting more of the sun? I don't know


> I think it perhaps would be helpful if we all fess up here and say what we see

- because then it wouldn't be so scary for someone else. I always hesitate to

talk about all this - I don't know why but I do know when I saw that picture for

the first time - of the black rocks/lights/spots going around that picture I

felt a HUGE sense of relief!


> I thought those lights in the black meant I was secretly sick or that bad

stuff was after me!

> Believe me not a way you want to think and believe in k land.


> I've noticed " experiences " or " things " seem to come about in real life very

quickly now.

> Maybe there is something to that manifestation thing...but all be clear about

what you believe in and when you see/feel things out of the norm please remember

to be positive - be ho hum - whatever she brings is good even if we don't

understand it - your attitude will decide what you can experience here - believe

me I know -


> Okay lots of love - hope this helps - and please or anyone out there -

Do you know where to find that picture ???


> Monica is amazing and such a wonderful kind person I am so blessed to know


> Lots of love Monica - hope this helps as you do me too!

> Chi balls for you

> Deb/Debs/Mia (:(:(:



> , eslava monik

<monikaeslava@> wrote:

> >

> > Thanks for the anwers

> > ?> > Your words bring support to me

> > ?> > sometimes are real mosquitoes but other as you mention are black dots

or unreal ones appear and dissapear...or huge holografic insects. the feeling is

unplesant while on the street because is often...at the same time I might

experience white  feathers coming down. I think the feathers make me think are

angels of god that are lookign after me...like saying dont fear the black

dots...still has been hard to cope with.

> > ?> > god bless u

> > ?> > monica

> > ?> >

> >

> >



> > ¡Obtén la mejor experiencia en la web!

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Hi Monica,


So glad things are so much better! I know me too with the associations but thats

okay - we are all learning - takes a bit of time for our egos to assimilate ha


To imagine you walking with beautiful white feathers gently floating around you

is such a beautiful visual. You have me smiling over here - and its so cold here

that I could use those smiles! So thank you my friend and wishing you always a

beautiful journey!


Lots of chi balls and love to you!

Mia D (deb) (:



, " monilovepeace "

<monikaeslava wrote:


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Hi Pamela,


Really appreciate this. Everyone coming together and saying what they see -

makes the seeing all that much easier in the sense that you know you are not

losing it! (:


Thats interesting about the chakra balls. I don't see that although one time I

saw them like a wet funnel that was moving and my eyes were closed so that was a

treat for me.


Sure would love the directions to that paradise place! (: Sounds soooo



Thank you my friend!

Lots of love,




, " pkmorphew "

<pkmorphew wrote:



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Thank you - I was looking for that picture!

I don't know what we would do without you - glad we are not without you!

Funny looking isnt that? (; (in a nice way)

Chi balls,


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I see when I close my eyes blue dots of varying sizes. When they are not there

I ask them to come and sometimes they do. ONce in a while one stands out and

enlarges - such a brilliant blue color and then once in another great while

there is a red dot.


The blues often will cluster like the stars in the sky - a galaxy of blue dots.

I know it is K and I feel they are the masters of old and ancestors.


Then at times there is a white form that moves across the eyes changing shape.

Never anything with eyes open yet-


It is comforting to have them with me.



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Thanks to chrism and all for the loving answers on my post and the mosquitoes



I have found support and guide on this group


love and blessings to all



, " monilovepeace "

<monikaeslava wrote:


> Dear all,


> I keep following the posts here but I have been away from some months.

> Last time I came to this forum I was in total distress and confusion

> because entities where bad after energy work in deliverance church plus

> I was seeing mosquitoes whole day and cats. I got paranoid that evil

> and aliens where chasing me and I needed to protect myself.


> I did not know what happened to me at the beginning, I had no clue of

> kundalini and I never studied any subject related. I am completing 2

> years since all started.


> I want to do some update of my current progress.


> I stop going to church and doing any energy work already for 8 months I

> decided to look for peace far from any doctrine, priest, healer etc . I

> think kundalini made me question every single believe that I had

> regarding life, religion, doctrines, myself etc and I needed some time

> disconnected from all.


> I have worked hard in rising my vibrations in different areas: what I

> read, what I watch, what I eat, what I think, what I say, what I feel

> and I try to avoid conflict at any cost. At the beginning I was highly

> sensitive of negative energy and used to run away from it (Tv programs,

> nasty people etc)…now I have regulated more this area and understood

> that is not about avoidance but is about becoming peace and love in the

> middle of the storms and using every situation to learn and understand

> what I am and what I am not.


> At the very beginning, I cried lots feeling hurt from childhood issues

> now I feel that I have worked hard in forgiveness and I can say I have

> made peace with hurts of childhood and the past. I always pray that if

> there is any other unconscious hurt from the past is revelled to me so I

> can work on it. If there is karmic energy to release don't know yet

> how to do it.


> I was in a way alone all the way long because priest and healers did not

> know what I was talking about it…but I don't blame them because

> everybody tried to helped me with their knowledge and understanding

> (limited?). I feel it has been all part of my journey so I bless all the

> people that I have met ..I feel god wanted me to see or study on that.


> I used to feel some unbalance of energy when writing here on the forum

> what was going on with me (maybe anxiety or I don't know). The

> energy of my chakras was highly activated when speaking about what I was

> going through ( I feel a bit now also)?Anyhow, I decided no speak

> about it, no write about it, switch to gym activities, came back to

> childhood prayers and work in surrender fear issues. I also started to

> drink some flower essences of uncut flowers.


> This month has been in a way quiet and calm. I think the weather

> influences. When is summer and sunny I get more phenomena . I see the

> mosquitoes and black shapes flies on the streets mainly in sunny

> days…I don't know what to make of this. I get tired sometimes

> and anxious. I don't fear anymore to them..but feels unpleasant

> mainly because I cannot fully enjoy sunny days.


> 1 month ago got this cats fighting at my door and window. I told chrism

> that I had one black cat on my door and was getting bit anxious about

> it. This time I had two cats the black one fighting with a furious

> yellow cat (small)..I saw that and thought was very violent scenario. I

> did not feel fear but got VERY hot watching that. Almost uncomfortable

> to see that at my door. After that, cats did not appeared this month.


> The other phenomena is the windows. I feel someone shaking my windows. I

> try no to concentrate on it but feels quite intrusive energy when that

> is happening.


> I have learn NO TO analyse much what happens (it helps me) because the

> mind always want to understand, but It is still bit hard for me to said

> that god is the furious cat and god is shaking and hitting my windows

> and making noises etc…Deep inside I have the understanding that

> there is an opposing consciousness and they are the ones doing that . I

> must say anyhow that whatever it is helped making me stronger person.


> I would appreciate if any member here know the meaning of the mosquitoes

> issue and black shapes flies (any experience?) What about the sun and

> weather? I honestly enjoy more my winter now as summer is agonizing with

> phenomena. Why is the sun causing more phenomena? And the windows?


> Other thing is that my husband says that he cannot sleep too close to me

> because I am hot like unusual temperature. I laugh..nothing else I can

> do. My marriage has survived so far but it has been also hard. Balancing

> issues that might cause disagreements at home and fight has been a

> challenge because if there is controversy can be turned into fight and I

> get strongly unbalanced so I have tried hard to create strategies to

> keep peace always.


> I did not feel like do any volunteering work like hospitals or things

> like that but I started a group on facebook called " messages of

> peace and love " .Thats perhaps is what I feel resonates better with

> me at this time. I do random acts of kindness as well.


> I don't really know what is next for me. I guess I will know it.


> Thanks for reading this long message


> Peace and Love.

> Monica


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