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seeing and crawlers ha

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Hi kundalites,


The stuff I see is with my eyes open. When my eyes are closed I see the swirl of

lights - if i focus on love it gets really intense and beautiful and takes me in

deep On the other hand when I meditate on nothingness - just silence sometimes

the light goes away and I am in blackness which is nice and peaceful.


I love Linda how you described the black you see! That is so cool! I will

tonight look at those black dots closer and see if I notice anything - I don't

know how much is subjective which is why I don't really write about it much, but

maybe its a good thing so that we can all map out certain similarities so that

when others come upon it - it will be ho hum. (:


The other thing James is that I went through a winter where I felt little bugs

crawling on me - or just inside the skin. That wasn't so great and I didn't like

it either. However when spring came and I was in the sun more it went away. Did

it go away because my spirit felt better - in the winter I can get the blues a

bit. Or did it go away because I went through it and it finished doing whatever

it was it was doing? (: I don't know - God keeps forgetting to drop down my



But if you can get some time in the sun - try it...maybe it will help. I also

felt bigger sensations of crawling - not so great either but now I look at it

all as if the Kundalini - the Shakti was jumpstarting my body - like when you

jumpstart a car or a heart -


It is helpful to know its normal in k land and it passes. I'm sure many of us

here have felt those bites or stings especially on the big toe. The snake bite I

call it. Now when I feel those if I do - I feel it and say thanks Shakti for the

jumpstart. Again its all much better just in changing my perspective - which

helps when I know others have felt similar stuff.


I appreciate too the conversation about staying in the now. This is something

that I am forever trying to get under control. I like to go night driving - its

a way to unwind from the day for me and during that time is when my mind wanders

and I find myself daydreaming as I'm driving. (clear the roads people)


Earlier I was daydreaming about how much I would love to live off the grid -

somewhere surrounded in nature all by myself. What a party animal I know! Anyway

I was daydreaming about living in one of those self-sustaining homes and blah

blah. Then that negative 2012 stuff started going around in my head. I started

thinking about that and thinking I would need to hoard a lot of food and water

to survive. (I highly suggest you stay away from such youtube videos!ha)


Within 5 minutes of this thinking a black cat came out of nowhere and crossed in

front of my car. (I love animals and cats too btw) But for me it is a sign from

the divine about what I'm focusing on. It's the strangest thing - this always

happens to me now almost as soon as I start going off in negative thinking! I

look at it as a gift from the divine. Not that cats or black cats are bad just

my association the crossing the path thing. ha - I'm such a nut.


So anyway I started laughing about it and myself that I STILL can so easily go

off in a tangent and was happy that I was out in my car so Shakti could send me

that black cat.


Again Its Debs/Mia world - crazy - isn't it? (;


I would really like to stay in the now more. When I intentionally do this - its

kinda fun but if I'm able to mediate it doesnt count! ha So when I drive and

have to stay focused in the world it's a good time to practice. I always want to

play a game with you all. The lets stay in the now for (to start) a half-hour or

an hour a day and work our ways up!


To drive without the radio on and to look out at everything going by without a

judgement - without an opinion - just seeing without an opinion - just being. I

can do it pretty easy when I'm in nature walking in silence - but when I'm out

and about - I find myself wandering off in daydream land. I do like to indulge

myself in fantasy so I know this is something I would like to work on a bit. God

I have great fantasies! hahaha


Julia I really enjoyed also what you wrote about detachment. This always seemed

like one of those paradoxes to me. THe paradox being that the kundalini (and

maybe this is just the stage of emotional clearing) but it gives you soooo much



Don't you all feel love so intensely? Feel pain so intensely? Feel so much???

And to stay in the now going through the emotional clearing - Is that even

possible? I sure have tried.

But the Feeling was so intense - I couldn't stop - whether its laughing non-stop

or crying - just crazy stuff. Then there comes like this peaceful place that I

love so much and feel normal - finally and probably for not so long. lol


How to stay detached and in the now when she's/God amping you up love? Then

when I can get to that place - the detachment I've felt too and then I don't

feel any motivation to DO anything. It all seems like such an illusion sometimes

I can get a bad attitude and be wondering whats the point? Again I have to pull

myself up by my bootstraps and realize I must not have come here to float away

on a cloud (or to mediate off somewhere in that bliss forever)


So maybe its all stages to go through? I don't know? Balance I suppose is key -

again back to my black dots out of orbit! hahaha


Oh yeah - speaking of that. Normally like Skoogle I do see people all with the

same light - same glow. So I would agree with that post he wrote awhile back

about that. But these black dots/rocks/ that are moving all around...I don't

know - I don't see them around anyone - so is that because I am not focusing

enough cuz I don't zone out in front of people although I can see their light

glowing off them easier maybe? I don't know.


I always wonder if thats a k signature or not? Sometimes they look like a dark

black round blackground with a spark of light inside - sometimes just the black

dots. The first time I saw them I was just waking up and opened my eyes and it

was weird I saw neat rows of black dots - a bit larger than a dollar coin piece.

But since then now when I sit at night usually - when I'm kicked back I just see

them flying all around me. Also the beautiful sparkles and pops of colors -

don't know what it means - if anything?


And the comment Julia about not dreaming - thats interesting because I have read

before and always wondered about this...that at a certain point that stops? Is

that just something that stops for awhile and comes back? I wonder if Chrism



I know I stopped obeing for a long long time. Then it recently came back?

So just like this " seeing " - it may be temporary and go away or maybe it will

stay? Who knows? Although in the last two years it seems to have gotten slowly

stronger. Which brings me to the vibrating that always goes on. My forehead is

always vibrating. Do you guys feel that? If I practice too much this gets

bothersome for me because then reality seems likes its popping in and out and

its probably me - my chakra just vibrating too much. Makes me kinda dizzy

honestly. But even that too is getting easier - I mean I don't

feel like losing my lunch! ha


Sometimes I see these beautiful columns of light - Usually its night and I'm

outside maybe after some time on my trampoline laying there looking up at the

stars (and many times Skydancer (: - I think of you there dancing among the



And these balls of white light come down and I say hi and ask them to come

closer and they will move closer. I don't understand whats up with them either.


these huge columns of light appear -only once in awhile - and then my k goes

crazy and I just look at them - they radiate so much and I feel such love I want

to cry - (oh oh some sappy stuff here) (:


During the summer months when I'm outside more these white light balls -

different than the ones I see at night seem to appear and look like a rotating

atom. They are about the size of a basketball maybe a bit smaller. So I always

ask if I can play first - then they move closer - when I put my arm inside them

they change into that long swirl - like a tunnel around my arm. Its fun but I

don't feel anything - again have no idea what thats about but thats okay - I

just play. ha - But these I don't see all the time either. So I don't know whats

its about? Is it just a subjective thing - Is it consiousness in some form? It

seems to move closer when I ask and play back but what is real - you know?


And that tunnel - its always with me. I have the sneaking idea that everyone has

their own - just that I can't see theirs. I don't know if I'm going to get

thrown in there. I keep thinking about Skydancers experience and wonder if I'm

going in there soon..


Beside this stuff - just the ribbons of lights and balls of light that come

through the bedroom at night. I felt really good when Shaz told us about her

experiences with that.


Its beautiful though - I feel like I have the 4th of July fireworks in my

bedroom every night.


The tones I'm hearing over my head everynight usually starts with a flash of

white light - then its tones. Some of these tones I've heard before - Like on

youtube - the sound of the sun - sometimes I listen to those different tones on

youtubes to see if what I'm hearing the delta - the theta - ect the love tone (:

to see if thats the same thing going on.


I'm thinking alot about what you wrote Linda - sounds so beautiful! I wonder

when you meditate if you ask a question - is this when you see something during

the mediation or if it just comes while you are mediating. It would be great to

ask a question a see an answer - but that doesn't come like that for me.


I can't see anything from a distance - just right in front of me.


If James you are feeling things on your body - at least now you know its normal

and Shakti is probably upgrading your body even more. I will be interested to

hear when spring comes and if you get out in the sun if it stops or if it stops

before that?


But one thing - during the summer when I lay outside and now breathe in that

prana - I " Feel " it coming in every pore - and the feeling of the k when I do

that is completely ecstatic - wow - If the bug crawling thing I went through

somehow helped me to feel that - then I tell you - you are in for quite a treat

- because I could never have imagined how good it feels to be in this body- the

sensations are better than anything you've felt - just wow - So think of those

bug crawlings as good things to come - and when you lay there and breathe in the

sun from your entire body and the wind slightly touches you - you will weep with

the feelings of sheer ecstasy - sheer bliss - and be in complete awe of the body

you are in. (; So let that bug thing do its thang - cuz whats on the way...is

moments of pure heaven on earth -


Lots of love Kundalites -

Guess I got Chatty again (:



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