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Repost - Kriyas or Expanding Organs and Hyper Contracted Muscle Groups

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The Kundalini is an extreme vector of contractility and expansion for diverse

muscle groupings of the body. Electricity can also do this but

Kundalini is far more efficient and benevolent in this activity as

it selectively exerts stimulus to specific muscle groups as an agent

of energetic expression through hyper expressed contractile tissues.


These Kundalini infused muscle groupings react to the infusion by

contraction and as this is done the energy moves onward into a

specific routing that corresponds with the personal dynamics of an



One can feel these contractions quite readily as they are often

accompanied by vigorous waves of energy coursing through the body.

These energetic expressions can begin to demonstrate the Kriyas

platform of Kundalini activity upon the body.


Kriya is a Sanskrit term meaning " movement or action or deed or

effort " This is from some of the scholarly sources of translations of

Sanskrit words into English. It means much more than can be

translated but this will do for now.


These Kriyas or " movements " are the Kundalini energetic infusions

into areas of the body that are in need of being changed or

transformed. They are demonstrated by movements of which many are

very similar if not exact representations of yoga postures which

gives us a clue to the ancient origins of yoga positions.


The infused area will jerk or twitch or sometimes spasm. They are

not painful unless the person resists the Kundalini compulsion to

allow these movements to express. All of the expressive bodies will

have Kriyas. Emotional Kriya's such as laughter for no reason or crying

or vocalizations or mental lapses or extreme mental acuity. These

are all representations of the Kundalini in its active

transformational expression.


As these muscle groups respond to the Kundalini these groups will

flex and contract in very specific patterns of activity guided by the

Kundalini into various actions that will not seem normal and the

individual having these symptoms may panic or in other ways try to

run away from or treat these symptoms with drugs or harmful chemical

restraints. SSRI's and other vectors of chemical restraints are

often used to the detriment of the individual as this process of

Kundalini is not recognized or understood by medical science.


So please be advised if this begins for you that there are places of

care one shouldn't depend on for the resolution of Kundalini

experiences. One needs to merely allow the process to complete its

initial infusion of the body and these kriyas like many of the other

initial Kundalini symptoms will dissipate. Kundalini is still

present in the system but the initial changes have been made and the

symptoms of these first changes no longer will express.


So be brave and be patient and surrender to these movements nothing

is wrong in fact everything is going well. If you have pain do your

best to increase your surrender and this will go far to release the

pain from your experience.


If you have an old or current injury to these muscle groups or in

another area of the body some pain can be visited there but it will

quickly subside into an increased level of healing of the injury.

One needs to also consider the injury and how this extends into the

emotional and psychological bodies and bring those into balance as

the Kundalini moves simultaneously through these other areas as well and

if you do have continued pain look to these areas for a balancing of

the emotions brought about by the injury.


The Kriyas can demonstrate the intelligence of the Kundalini as it

will know when you are working and it will know that a Kriya

demonstration can get you fired from your job. The caveat with this

is that there absolutely must be given a time frame for these Kriyas

to express and if one does not allow this then the Kundalini will

bring them on no matter where or when and what the individual is

doing. So take great care in allowing these movements a complete

freedom to express.


A Kriya can lay a person on the floor twisting and flailing and

barking or singing or laughing and crying. It isn't painful these

are merely different Kriyas happening for different expressive

bodies. It will look scary though so please be prepared. Family

members must be advised of this so that the process isn't

interrupted by a concerned love one calling an ambulance! These can

resemble a seizure even a grand mal seizure except to one who knows

what they are seeing.


The emotions can express the Kriya in ways as previously given but

in all the various spectrum of emotional response, one right after

another and this can be confusing to anyone observing. Once again nothing is

wrong. Its not bi polarism or schizophrenic symptoms. It's not

dementia or any kind of medical condition. These are of the

Kundalini and they are expressing in order to carry the person

further into the enlightenment processes. So let them come. Invite

them. Be at peace with them and surrender completely to them. It's

all for your health and well being that the Kriyas are there.


The organs can begin to flutter and these can be understood as

kriyas for the organs of the body. Major organs and minor organs all

of these are inside the influence of the Kundalini energetic

infusion. The organ can actually shake or jump or move in ways that

are not normal movements for that organ.


They can swell in size such

as the kidneys which can easily swell 30% larger than the normal

size. They will protrude from the body and one can easily palpate

that protrusion so do nothing that can bump them or in any way cause

injury to them in this sensitive state. No tight belts or clothing

that will compress them or in any way apply pressure to them. Let

them do this for the amount of time that is needed.


One may feel during this time that they have a kidney stone or some

kind of renal condition and this is not the case. Unless you have a

severe history of renal conditions you are basically feeling the

Kundalini in that part of the kidney. It is fine and the tests will

show nothing. But if you have the money or the insurance get the

tests and do not despair that nothing is found. It a good thing!


The adrenal glands will also have their Kriyas and they will over

produce the fight or flee hormone epinephrine. This can cause one to

become paranoid and have increased levels of fear. It will also keep

one from sleeping long hours and will awaken one earlier than

usual. There are other factors that also control the sleep but they

are outside the context of this specific information. No worries

nothing is wrong. It is an over active adrenal gland system that is

responding to the Kundalini so drink no caffeine or eat any sugars, or

stimulants, and allow this process to also take place as it is to your



The organs of generation will also hyper express. The female organs

will flutter as if they are taking on a life of their own as will

the male organs. Extreme sexual Kriyas will call for extreme

physical gratification for some individuals. This is fine just do

not make any choices that will get you in trouble. Because as this

area is stimulated so will all of the fantasies good and bad be

brought into acute expression. So please be very careful how you

allow these aspects to express. Our society is not very

understanding or forgiving when it comes to these specific taboos.

So be careful.


Other areas of Kriya activity are the nostrils. They will flare

farther than you can imagine! Extreme flaring of the nostrils is

normal. The lips around the mouth will take on unusual positions as

will the tongue and the jaw assume positions that are very unusual

and great care must be taken to understand that these are indeed

Kriyas and not some affliction.


Ear pressures can come and go and often one can feel as if there is

a bubble of air in the inner ear canal. The ear drum can become very

sensitive and sounds can be discerned from a great distance. No loud

music in the ear at this time. Though the pain from that experience

will help you understand.


The rectum and all of the " ring " muscles will flutter and contract.

The tailbone may start to move. It's all normal. Toe Kriyas and foot

Kriyas are often experienced as a strong curling of the toes and

flexes of the foot from a point to the heel being extended. Same

with the fingers. Stretching of the fingers and of the wrists and

flexing of the elbows and shoulders. These phenomena greatly respond

to a yoga routine but the strange movements and activity preclude

going into the public areas for these applications. So get a video

if you can or a book and start doing the yoga postures. Make sure

you do both sides of the body with these postures.This is very

important as the body will " want " to be balanced.


The intestines will move more than the peristaltic movements. Gas

can form as well as much abdominal music. Remember virtually every

physical system will be transformed by the Kundalini and this

process can take years. So be patient with your self and be brave as

this can be a bit scary. Have no problems with this aspect of the

Kundalini experience and by adopting this beneficial attitude the

process will go much faster. – blessings all - chrism

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