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Several years ago I had an empathic experience. I experienced being bulimic and

I have never been bulimic. I just love food and that is why I had ballooned up

to 225 pounds (another lifetime for me now). When I experienced this several

years ago from a woman in the same restaurant I was in, I even went so far as to

go to the bathroom with the intention of taking action on that feeling. But

then, thankfully, it seems the act of getting further away from the woman who

was bulimic allowed me the space to come back to my real emotions and I woke up

to my true self again.


Another such example is something I described a few months ago to everyone in

this group. Stagefright during yoga! I then realized having never experienced it

since that it was never truly mine (except for those few short days). I was

partnered with a very nervous girl in order to practice our yoga poses in front

of our teacher training class. Her nervousness stemmed beyond mine into real

stage fright and body shakes. I've never experienced that. I was nervous but not

to that extreme. Suddenly when I looked into her eyes, I became her nervousness

and my body would not stop shaking. It took two days for it to go away (and a

week for some smaller effects to fall away) and for me to realize through

observing her that it was hers and not mine.


My last, most recent, example is even more elusive. It is about receiving

another's emotions as well as possible entities attached to them. I'm unsure if

it was both or just her emotions. I was in a Sunday morning yoga class and next

to a woman who came into the class in tears. I was late and did not know all of

what was going on until a few days later. Halfway through the class my yoga

teacher noticed this woman had tears streaming down her face. As my yoga teacher

explained to me two days later during our yoga teacher training class, it took

all of this woman's energy to come to yoga class because of severe depression

and anxiety. My yoga teacher went to the girl and had her lay down on a bolster

in order to open up her chest and heart. The girl remained laying down for the

remainder of the class. And unbeknownst to all of us, our teacher started to

practice reiki (energy healing) during class in between yoga pose transitions.

She would place certain crystals on her as she was drawn to. I knew she was

assisting her but hadn't realized a reiki session had commenced. I commended my

yoga teacher for her ability to still keep the class flowing while assisting

this woman. Later that same day I started to feel drained and depressed with

slight anxiousness. I had bouts of uncontrolled crying. This followed into the

next two days! I thought I was simply under the weather so I worked from home on

Monday. I thought I was starting to feel a bit better by nightfall but upon

waking I still felt a horrible tug on my Solar Plexus and a nauciousness in my

belly (a similar feeling of being psychically or energetically attacked). So I

ended up having to call in to work this time and not even work at all. I forced

myself through my morning cardio workout that lifted my spirits a bit. Then I

assisted the kids through their breakfast routine and dropped them to school and

daycare. When I got home I decided to go right into a yoga session where I would

prepare for a yoga class I was to teach the next day. I felt better after this

hour session. I then opened up the book I have written and am about to publish

and began editing it again. Something I hadn't done in probably a month. While

doing this I felt so good energy-wise I ended up finishing up two long-term

assignments ahead of schedule for my yoga teacher training. So in doing this I

was doing some wonderful yoga and energy work on myself for sure. Before I knew

it the nap I wanted to take had slipped away because I was so enthralled with

the energy of my book and then the yoga assignments. All of this focused energy

got me away from feeling icky. I really felt good and decided I could do one

more quick strength training work out and finally relax and eat something. The

closer I got to nightfall and my weekly Yoga Teacher Training class the better I

started to feel. Once in class that very evening this same yoga teacher

mentioned she hadn't felt good either. When I shared the same she asked me about

it. We each realized we *both* felt exactly the same since the completion of

that yoga class and both started to feel better and better as we neared the yoga

teacher training class. She admitted that she didn't have a good method readily

available to clear her energies after that impromptu energy session. During this

yoga class she was practicing reiki and releasing some of this woman's blockages

and I was near by. However, as has pointed out several time once

Kundalini is awakened you are profoundly effected by the energy in the

environment that surrounds you (the people, the energy, the experiences). You

are more susceptible to the energy that surrounds your environment. It is aimed

at you like a laser beam almost. And I've noticed that this has turned into

" Empathy " for me where I feel what that person feels. I don't always know I'm

experiencing it and it's rare as I prefer to only feel my feelings and not

others, but we are energy beings and are all connected. As the Kundalini awakens

more it seems to be coming up more and more.


So now with this woman in this yoga class who is depressed with anxiety... I

felt that. I used to experience that in what seems like a lifetime ago. I even

said in the midst of this feeling after that yoga class that " this isn't mine "

and then when I heard that my yoga teacher had the same exact experience as me I

knew 100% that it wasn't mine! I was so relieved. I had gotten over depression a

very long time ago. (Part of it started with a nasty side effect from a now

outdated drug called Phen/fen in an effort to lazily lose weight.) I am now 100%

the opposite; a happy, joy-filled, awake person.


So what seemed to happened was being more open to the energies in our

surroundings. We picked up on and took in more than we should have or were aware

of. It's also a pondering thought that we may have also been " fed " on as well by

possibly her (unbeknownst to her of course) and by lower level energies and/or



So the challenge. How does one discern from these experiences their own emotions

and anothers'? Simply practice practice practice with discerning and being sure

the feelings are always yours? Probably. :) Thoughts?




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Hi Maggie,


Thanks for sharing your story in this post.

You asked " how does one discern from these experiences their own emotions and

anothers? "

You really seem to be doing vey well in being able to discern your feelings from

anothers. ok, so it is not immediate or spontanious lol, but you came to know

that the emotions were not yours reletively quickly.

You are very tuned in to this Maggie and I see no reason why you would tune out

or loose this ability/skill/observation. I bet you will just get better and even

better at it!

Love julia.



, " Maggie " <a216024





> So the challenge. How does one discern from these experiences their own

emotions and anothers'? Simply practice practice practice with discerning and

being sure the feelings are always yours? Probably. :) Thoughts?


> Peace,

> Maggie


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Hi Maggie and all,

It is nice to read of someone else that experiences the world as I do. I

went through a phase where I was picking up all kinds of unwanted stuff -

for about three years.

I now visualize a thick clear bubble shield around myself. Sometimes I

automatically put it up without consciously knowing why, but of course I do

know why.

Chrism said I needed to experience that so I know to not go down that road.

What great lessons I was given. The stuff people pack around is NOT FUN!


I work with two women that have fear and anxiety. Sometimes I can barely

hear what they are saying as I am busy blocking them out. But I ensure that

I do it without fear and believe in the strength within. My strength as well

as the Kundalini strength.


I work in a Child & Family Services Agency in the Finance dept., and all

kinds of lives come in the door. So it has given me plenty of practice.





10/1/13 Maggie <a216024




> Hi!


> Several years ago I had an empathic experience. I experienced being bulimic

> and I have never been bulimic. I just love food and that is why I had

> ballooned up to 225 pounds (another lifetime for me now). When I experienced

> this several years ago from a woman in the same restaurant I was in, I even

> went so far as to go to the





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Hi Maggie and all,

Thanks for all the shares on this topic. I, for one, became a lot more

emotionally sensitive when my K got activated. I tended to get too involved

with people emotionally and thats what I gleened from your share, is navigating

the distinction, whats mine and whats theirs. I work as a therapist and Chrism

gave me a few suggestions to help. one, he told me to avoid putting my images

onto the situation. how I took this was not to project my story onto theirs but

to be more of a presence to theirs, and two, after each session, to take all

that occurred during the session and imagine putting it on a pane of glass,

allow it to shatter and take back only that which is mine. these suggestions

have been incredibly helpful to me as i feel I can be of greater service and

have had a lot more energy for my work (and relationships with friends, family,

etc. as we're all on our own journeys here).


I'll give you an example in the past where I had an aha moment. My dad nearly

died from alcohol about a year ago and was told by the doctor that to drink was

to ask for death. well, he has continued to drink, not regularly but some. I

felt this great pain, that he was drinking to avoid his pain, and felt great

pain about this. Then, I realized he wasn't feeling pain, he was numb from the

drinking and it was my projection onto him. in this moment and realization I

let go and in letting this go, i've come to a greater acceptance of his

decisions and have met him where he is and am enjoying him.


Not sure this has anything to do with your sharing Maggie but this is what I

thought about when I read your and others shares.

Love and blessings,



, " Carla & Patrick "

<bowenhealth wrote:


> Hi Maggie and all,

> It is nice to read of someone else that experiences the world as I do. I

> went through a phase where I was picking up all kinds of unwanted stuff -

> for about three years.

> I now visualize a thick clear bubble shield around myself. Sometimes I

> automatically put it up without consciously knowing why, but of course I do

> know why.

> said I needed to experience that so I know to not go down that road.

> What great lessons I was given. The stuff people pack around is NOT FUN!


> I work with two women that have fear and anxiety. Sometimes I can barely

> hear what they are saying as I am busy blocking them out. But I ensure that

> I do it without fear and believe in the strength within. My strength as well

> as the Kundalini strength.


> I work in a Child & Family Services Agency in the Finance dept., and all

> kinds of lives come in the door. So it has given me plenty of practice.


> Carla



> 10/1/13 Maggie <a216024


> >

> >

> > Hi!

> >

> > Several years ago I had an empathic experience. I experienced being bulimic

> > and I have never been bulimic. I just love food and that is why I had

> > ballooned up to 225 pounds (another lifetime for me now). When I experienced

> > this several years ago from a woman in the same restaurant I was in, I even

> > went so far as to go to the

> >




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Hi Julia,


Thanks for your post and confidence booster/reminder! :)





, " Julia " <jajahern



> Hi Maggie,


> Thanks for sharing your story in this post.

> You asked " how does one discern from these experiences their own emotions and

anothers? "

> You really seem to be doing vey well

> Love julia.

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Oh I love the bubble! I used to and still do like to think of Glenda the Good

Witch of the North from Wizard of Oz as my visual for this! :) And I've recently

reminded myself of a powerful visual for me, which is a Golden Egg bubble

(seeing golden liquid light coming down from the heavens meeting your crown

chakra or just above it and surrounding your entire aura and body with this warm

beautiful golden liquid light. Once you are completely surrounded you will then

feel the golden liquid light harden. I did this so well that I could hear the

crackle of the golden liquid hardening like a dry golden egg all around me. It

can be that powerful to me). Of course with this one I have to remind myself

with setting the intention that it's not to block out love and connecting but to

" protect " from those unwanted energies.


Of course I do like what YogiJan said about utilizing the connection as the gift

that it is for and simply allowing it to then disperse. Again fun discernment is

a key element. :)






, " Carla & Patrick "

<bowenhealth wrote:


> Hi Maggie and all,

> I now visualize a thick clear bubble shield around myself. Sometimes I

> Carla

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