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Dreams - Inner Promptings

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Hey everyone! I thought I would share this - nothing paranormal really,

just synchronistic and really cool, I thought. Maybe it will help those (myself

included) who had a rough night last night for whatever reason! Was it a full

moon? LOL!


But first about dreams. I do not always have wonderful dreams. In fact,

sometimes I am downright appalled! But I do have a great interest in dreams and

have studied them a lot. My favorite dream book is Mark Thurston's " Tonight's

Answers For Tomorrow's Questions. " He has something to do with Edgar Cayce; I

forget what. But anyway, he says that all dreams have what he calls a " simple

story line. " He says to use generic terms to figure it out, such as " Somebody

had something happen and felt whatever emotion. " Or something like that. He

says this will help determine the meaning.


But he also says that nightmares can be fear dreams, warning dreams

(warning of danger), past life dreams, health dreams, precognitive dreams, etc.

Which is interesting to me. So when I am trying to understand my own dreams, I

like to try to figure out which theme I am dealing with. But I do think that

the Kundalini Energy fuels the dreams and has a way of really, really, REALLY

getting your attention. Like - which ego issue is It trying to help me resolve



Okay - now to the cool, synchronistic thing. I woke up around 2:30 last

night and could not go back to sleep. I don't remember dreaming, but had this

weird feeling that I was being pulled in and out of my body like a yo-yo! I

must have been practicing my anomalies again! But anyway, I got up and went to

the living room and sat on the couch and I was feeling really down, uneasy and

worried. Like - having a major ego moment.


After about two hours of this misery, I remembered what said, so I

gave thanks for the guidance. Then, I said in my mind, " I'm listening. " Next,

this spiritual book that I have came into my mind and the number 247. So, I got

up, went to the bedroom, got the book, flipped straight to page 247 and here

were the first two sentences:


" My peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart

be troubled; neither let it be afraid. "


Is that Love or what?


Then I went through my day and read today's posts and remembered, what

comes to one of us is meant for all of us!


Wishing peace and better dreams to the K family tonight.

















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