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Brazil update..nearly home time.

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Hi K family.


I am sitting in my hotel room in Brasilia at 8.20 am. The group has been

seperating since Thursday and in about 12 hours, my time in Brazil comes to an

end. Some here are heading for part two of their trip. May they have lots of

fun and love as their experiences unfold and may they stay safe and well. Love

and hugs to you all as you journey on.



This experience in Brazil has been very precious for me. Thanks to my beloved

husband I have had two weeks for myself away from my usual committments to

family, two weeks to focus on the spiritual, two weeks to focus on Kundalini,

two weeks to get to know some very special people. This has been a very unique

space for me.


LOL.... I think I am gong to have some attachment issues as I am missing

everyone soooooo much already!


I am curious to know how all this will be integrated as I step back into my

" real " life. I am very aware that some changes have happened at a very deep

level and understandings I did not know before have been given. I also now have

finally acknowledged to myself some stuff that I have always known at a deep

mollecular level. This process is unfolding. Until I am back in my everyday

life I am not sure how my new understandings will impact on my life.

I can say this, I do know that for the most part I live two lives( at least

lol) By that I mean I have some very clear boundaries that may not actually be

helpful for my life. My ego tells me that these boundaries are necessary to

protect me but there is a new light shining on this aspet of my ego and a shift

is happening. My kundalini experiences are very private and while I can be

fairly open, for the most part I say very little about my kundalini.

This causes me to live my life from segregated spects of myself...all genuine

aspects of myself.. but none truely whole. So I feel a challenge opening around

this where the flow of the divine is not to be " fenced off " into a seperate

aspect of my life but is to be integrated and celebrated more openly.

Interesting times!!!


There are sooooo many e mails in my in box I am never gong to get around to

reading them. I hope you have all been keeping well and I am looking forward to

getting back in touch with you next week.

Lots and lots of kunda love from brazil to you all


Love Julia. x

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