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very very long rambeling re the casa

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Last year when I first heard about the Casa De Dom Inacio and John of god in

Brazil I knew deep in my heart that I would travel there some day. Then in more

recent months when it looked like a vist to the place with chrism was going to

happen I felt a huge calling to go. I had dreams about the place and while I

could not recall the details, the feeling and the calling to go there was very

strong. I listened to this and decided that I would go. This was a very big

decision for me and yet I was able to make it very quickly as I was compelled to

go. Why was I going? I really had no definite answer to that question. I was

not going for a physical healing it was a journey of a spiritual nature of that

I was sure. As the time to depart drew near I wondered if I should actually ask

for a physical healing for my thyroid and then later for my uterus. I left that

option open and started to consider it.

I had no expectations and I was very curious to see what lay in store for me.

If memory serves about 3 weeks before the trip began I started to have a

difficult time. I had grave doubts about the trip. I had also come accross

fairly negative information about John of God and I had to deal with all the

stuff that brought up for me. At the same time I had physical challenges in my

body and this was difficult also.

My emotions were very fragile and I also had some severe seperation anxiety at

the thought of leaving my small children for two weeks. I was in some turmile

about my own inner journey and while I didn't know it then, it was all part of

the preperation and clearing out so that I was not distracted on arrival and

could give my full attention and awareness to my process while I was in Brazil.

About a week before I left all of my difficulties began to to be resolved and I

returned to peace and to the knowing that I was called to go to this place.

Meeting with the group at Brasilia airport was wonderful. It was the first time

I experienced K energy move in me as a continous response to the presence of


When we were all gathered (minus Stephen and Chrism) we met with Billy who was

our driver to Abadiania in the Goias state of Brazil.

I was blown away by the green country side, I mean green green and lucious.

There are but two seasons in Brazil, the rainy season and the dry season. The

green starts to fade around April and as the dry season advances everything

turnes to brown and gets scorched and dies.

Anyway we arrived at our Hotel and got our rooms.

I couldn't believe I had finally arrived and had two weeks all to myself to

explore and focus on what ever was to be given while here.

had suggested that I keep a diary and so I did. When ever I woke up

during the night and when I returned to my room during the day I wrote in the

diary. I think what I will do is to speak about certain things that happened

and quote bits and pieces of my writing.

I will just do one or two entries as I am sure it is not of particular interest

to anyone but myself.

First though I thought you might like to know a bit about the protocols at the


There are many many rules that must be followed. It is said that if you break

with the protocols then the contract for healing is also broken. The rules and

protocols are said to be given through John of God by the entities. So in the

casa and surrounding area the entities are in charge. They decide on what is ok

and what is not ok to do while in the casa and indeed in the Abadiania area. The

hotels are viewed as Hospital wards where people recover after their

interventions. ( the words operations and surgeries are sometimes used but

intervention and cleansing and helaing are the official words) It is said that

the entities work on folks while they are in the area and in their hotels and in

the grounds of the casa. They do much of their work when people sleep.

John of god is present in the casa every Wed Thurs and Friday.

When one arrives there are different options one can choose to do.

On our fist visit we were to go to the first time line and have no more than 3

questions for the Entity (john of god) One writes this in English and then you

wait in a q for a translator to change it to portugeuse for you. then you go

into the meeting room and wait.

So... people who are not going to see the entity (john of god)

what options do they have. Well the current room is the room where people can

go and sit in meditation. John of god is in this room and people q to meet with

him. There are a few different areas to the current room. On the left as you

enter is the first section of those meditating. their function is to offer

cleansing to the people as they enter the room, they also keep the energy as

high as possible in order for the healing work to be done. anyone can choose to

sit here. The next section of people have been told to sit in current and so you

are not supposed to sit in this section unless you have been told to do so, in

other words given permission to sit there. " Permission to..... " was a biggie at

the casa. Then near to John of God were more folks that he invited to sit close

to him as mediums.

There is an area where one can get crystal bath treatments. Crystals with

coloured lights are placed over the chakras and as you lie on the bed soft music

plays and the chakras are worked on.

There is a sacred waterfall. One must ask for permission to go here.

The entities work on people here. men go with men ande women with women. each

individual goes into the water and says a cleansing prayer, one can stay there

for 2 or three mins.

When I dedcided to come to the casa I decided that I would stay in that area

only and not touraround Brazil, that is what one is told to do anyway. I made a

contract that I would committ to being in the casa to following the protocols

and that I would be open to receiving and to serving. I wondered about the

exchange that took place. My first sitting in the meeting room was an amazing

experience and it was because I could feel the presence of the entities there

that I came to the following decision. I said that I was offering my k energy

and that the entities could receive it. It was important that they could not

just come and take k from me without my say so or permission. To me there is a

big difference between taking something you want and being given something you

want. Once I had done that I was then able to be fully open to the energies

there to give and to receive. although the general " permission " thing began to

annoy me as time passed in the casa I also resonated a bit with it because I had

used permission myself and had a contract of exchange.

I will quote a bit from my diary now.


Afternoon 14.45 Tuesday Feb 2nd


" I went to the soup kitchen but none of our group were there. It ws 11.10 so

they must have gone on walkabout.

I went into what is called the meeting room I think. I sat to the side of the

stage and looked around the walls at the pictures. Lots of interesting ones. I

looked at the prayer triangle and could see the requests that people had placed

there. There were only a few people present. I closed my eyes and began to

meditate. I opened my eyes again fairly fast....phew, there was energy there.

Not just the K within and upon me but other energy besides. I closed my eyes

again and began to move into a deeper and deeper space.... I came back out and

considered things for a while..... " (this was when i gave the permission)


" .... I really can't write down what occured sequentially but here is some of

what happened.

* trance state - head moved upwards, to the left and to the right

* Great heat in the left of throat in the thyroid area, heat coming from my

back out through the front around the heart chakra and travelling up to my

throat. A huge weight pressing down on my left shoulder..... aware of activity

in my throat and aware that I was not swallowing. This went on for ages with

slight head movements and phases of moving in and out of my head.

* surges of energy

* surges of bliss

* spontanious prayers said

* communication given through phrases... can't recall the words


---- I have no questions for John of god, absolutly none. I am ready to

surrender to the work that is mine to do.

---- there were a few times during the experience where I think my ego was

getting in so I offered to surrender my ego on those occasions. I spoke to the

kundalini to god to the Entities.....( too personal to write here) .... At one

stage I opened my eyes but they were forced closed again..... I could not move

until suddenly at some stage I knew it was time to leave.

I met Angela and at the book store I booked two crystal bath sessions at 12.30

and I headed straight down to the rooms as it was that time then. I lay on the

bed and the crystals pulsated colours. The sessions were lovely, I could feel

the heat all the way up the front of my body, there was a lot of feet shuffeling

and noise around the rooms and this really jarred but I sent out love and each

time I just blissed. I could feel great heat in my feet which is still here.....

got back to the casa and stephen had arrived, it was good to see him. today is

Chrism's birthday so we are going to skype hime later...... "


Ok I will not write as much again as really the detail is not necessary but I

will post this as it gives a taste of what it was like for me as the journey



love julia.

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