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Holographic Healing / Oneness Blessing

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Hi Linda,


The Deeksha Blessing from India is called the " Oneness Blessing " in the US. It

is quite a large movement. I recieved the Oneness Blessing from a gentleman

that went to India to be trained by.Anna & Bhagan - the founders. People come

and sit and meditate and he goes around the room and put his hands on your head.

You are suppose to have an intention of something you want in mind. When he

came to me - he said " you are one of us! - stay and talk! " So I did - not

really understanding any of this. Latter I read the book and did some research

on this. They charge a fee for the blessing and sell jewelry.???? This

gentleman was K active and said he was activated when he went to India. In the

Indianapolis Area you can find the Oneness Blessing being given in multiple

locations almost every day of the week. They go to hospitals, churches,

people's homes and businesses. One Blessing was at a Wine Shop and we all

sampled wine when we were done. People

are searching and this seems to be filling a need.


I would describe the Oneness Blessing as a mild shaktipat or touch of the Holy

Spirit. Several people had diving laughter - which is so wonder to experience.

It seems to be a very non threatening atmosphere - no formal beliefs promoted -

everyone is accepted (Just like here !!) Google Oneness Blessing. Love Helen


PS: Linda - I loved your information of Amygdala - thanks







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Are you saying Deeksha Blessing/Oneness Blessing is the same thing as Holograhic

healing? What happened to me was in my dream, not a physical happening. There

was someone in my dream doing the healing, but I was not conscicous enough to

realize who/what. It's a wonder I even remembered anything, my cat keeps coming

to the door and waking me up every hour or so. Will be glad when it is warm

enough to leave him outside at night, but he is such a scaredy cat.


There was a podcast of Neil Slade's that I listen to that day, He explains in

his interview that practicing the clicking forward could eventual lead to what

the Hindus call samadhi. It was an interesting interview.






, Helen Looft

<helenlooft wrote:


> Hi Linda,


> The Deeksha Blessing from India is called the " Oneness Blessing " in the US.

It is quite a large movement. I recieved the Oneness Blessing from a gentleman

that went to India to be trained by.Anna & Bhagan - the founders. People come

and sit and meditate and he goes around the room and put his hands on your head.

You are suppose to have an intention of something you want in mind. When he

came to me - he said " you are one of us! - stay and talk! " So I did - not

really understanding any of this. Latter I read the book and did some research

on this. They charge a fee for the blessing and sell jewelry.???? This

gentleman was K active and said he was activated when he went to India. In the

Indianapolis Area you can find the Oneness Blessing being given in multiple

locations almost every day of the week. They go to hospitals, churches,

people's homes and businesses. One Blessing was at a Wine Shop and we all

sampled wine when we were done. People

> are searching and this seems to be filling a need.


> I would describe the Oneness Blessing as a mild shaktipat or touch of the Holy

Spirit. Several people had diving laughter - which is so wonder to experience.

It seems to be a very non threatening atmosphere - no formal beliefs promoted -

everyone is accepted (Just like here !!) Google Oneness Blessing. Love Helen


> PS: Linda - I loved your information of Amygdala - thanks







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This reminds me of the time I went for darshan by Mother Meera. This is how

Wikpedia describes it:


*Mother Meera <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meera> receives thousands of

visitors of all religions for darshan which she conducts in total silence.

Her darshan consists of a ritual, where she will touch a person's head, and

then look into their eyes. During this process, she reportedly 'unties

knots' in the person's subtle system and permeates them with light.*


After this was done I was dizzy, so much energy was received. Then I went

into spasmodic convulsions, I guess you would say, from a layman's

perspective. I received quite a few stares! I finally had to leave and sit

on the ground and download it into mother earth.


I always kind of wondered why I had such a strong reaction. I would of

thought that I would of been able to handle more energy then most people,

after all that is what we are being conditioned for, right? But on the other

hand I am thinking that K likes to be the only show

going.<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Meera#cite_note-5>No one

else had that reaction.


Just another oddball experience that is normal here. Any thoughts are






On 3 March 2010 17:03, Helen Looft <helenlooft wrote:




> Hi Linda,


> The Deeksha Blessing from India is called the " Oneness Blessing " in the US.

> It is quite a large movement. I recieved the Oneness Blessing from a

> gentleman that went to India to be trained by.Anna & Bhagan - the founders.

> People com





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Hi Helen,

I've read so much about the oneness movement and the blessings as well. There's

a 21 day class you can take and become a Deeksha giver yourself. It's quite

expensive to do, I think you have to go to India or their other location in

Fiji. If you watch some of Bhagavan's video's, he is full of wisdom.

I didn't find all the answers I was looking for until I came across the

Kundalini and spontaneous Kundalini awakenings. That's what led me here.

Chrism replied to me, so I knew that he was very involved with the people here

and that's something that I needed and need!





, Helen Looft

<helenlooft wrote:


> Hi Linda,


> The Deeksha Blessing from India is called the " Oneness Blessing " in the US.

It is quite a large movement. I recieved the Oneness Blessing from a gentleman

that went to India to be trained by.Anna & Bhagan - the founders. People come

and sit and meditate and he goes around the room and put his hands on your head.

You are suppose to have an intention of something you want in mind. When he

came to me - he said " you are one of us! - stay and talk! " So I did - not

really understanding any of this. Latter I read the book and did some research

on this. They charge a fee for the blessing and sell jewelry.???? This

gentleman was K active and said he was activated when he went to India. In the

Indianapolis Area you can find the Oneness Blessing being given in multiple

locations almost every day of the week. They go to hospitals, churches,

people's homes and businesses. One Blessing was at a Wine Shop and we all

sampled wine when we were done. People

> are searching and this seems to be filling a need.


> I would describe the Oneness Blessing as a mild shaktipat or touch of the Holy

Spirit. Several people had diving laughter - which is so wonder to experience.

It seems to be a very non threatening atmosphere - no formal beliefs promoted -

everyone is accepted (Just like here !!) Google Oneness Blessing. Love Helen


> PS: Linda - I loved your information of Amygdala - thanks







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I believe everyone has their own experience with Shakti and because we are all

different, She knows exactly what we need. I had a very embarrassing awakening

where everyone I was with thought I had lost my mind. And I did! It has lead

me into a wonderful journey that She has helped me see alot of things, meet new

people and deepen the friendships I already have.


Maybe we needed that strong reaction....







After this was done I was dizzy, so much energy was received. Then I went

> into spasmodic convulsions, I guess you would say, from a layman's

> perspective.



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Re: Carla:



" Her darshan consists of a ritual, where she will touch a person's head, and

then look into their eyes. During this process, she reportedly 'unties

knots' in the person's subtle system and permeates them with light.*

After this was done I was dizzy, so much energy was received. "




Hey Carla - I was interested in your post because I had a very similar

experience last night. A coworker and I went to a spiritual service with

another friend. We have been to a couple of services with her before and she

keeps inviting us, and we are interested because these services are very

different than what we are accustomed to. What we like about them is that the

person holding the services speaks to each person individually and relays

messages from the " Holy Spirit. "


The first lady really impressed us - she was so kind, calm, loving and

encouraging. The second lady was a little bit too " preachy " for our taste, and

our husbands were there the second time and let's just say it was " not their

thing. " Last night was the third time, and this time it was a man who traveled

from quite a distance to hold the service. This time, the service was extremely

loud and noisy and there were bright lights in the room. This man did as you

say, and was laying hands on people, and they were passing out and having

convulsions. I was nervous about him doing that to me - I wondered what would

happen! He did it to my friend, and she did okay with it and was able to

maintain composure pretty good.


Then when it came my turn, he stayed across the room and would not touch

me. I was glad but also wondered why. He said some things that were true, that

he could not have known. When it was over, he was strongly encouraging everyone

to give him a hundred dollars for a " special miracle " to happen. I was turned

off by this and wasn't going to do it. Then my friend said that she happened to

have a hundred dollar bill in her purse because she had just gotten a bonus.

And I told her that I happened to have a hundred dollar bill in my purse,

because my son gave it to me to pay for a car repair. My friend decided to go

through with it. I thought about it and decided it was such a coincidence that

we both happened to have a hundred dollar bill on us (which usually neither of

us do) that I decided I would go through with it too.


When I got up there, he would only hold my hand, but did not lay his hand

on my forehead like he did everyone else. Again, he said things that were true,

about my job, etc. He said that I had been tested much in my life (which I

think is true!) He said that people have pushed me around and that he doesn't

understand why people do this to me because he said I have a kind heart and

gentle spirit. (Just repeating what I was told. This is the third time I have

heard this.)


Then he said that once I am wrongly pushed and pushed too far, that I have

learned how to get people's attention to get them to back off. (Again, I would

say this has been true in the past.) My friend said she was amazed at how

accurately he " read me. " (She has seen me pushed too far at work, but knows

that most of the time, I let things go and try to be the peacemaker or joke

things away.) My husband says that he has told me all of that for free. I

can't argue with that! LOL!


But anyway, after it was over, I went to the restroom and saw that man in

the back room complaining to one of the ladies about feeling really sick. He

was sweating and holding his head down. When I left, I told my friend that I

had a splitting headache. She gave me two excederin. On the way home, my head

hurt so bad and then I started to feel really sick. By the time I got home, I

never even made it to the front door I was so sick. It was not pretty.


I joked and told my friend this morning that this man and I had made each

other sick! She said no, that I just had a migraine from all of the noise.

But, I have to wonder what really happened. Was my energy too much for him?

Was his energy too much for me? Did he cause me to purge some negativity from

my body? Today I have felt fine - much better. I have been praying very

earnestly (for months now) to be rid of any dark negativity once and for all,

for good. It seems as though right before I have a " feeling good, peaceful

state, " I have a really dizzy, sick state.


I am really confused (and a little concerned) about whether I made him sick

or he made me sick or both! And why? Sometimes it feels as though dark forces

(or negativity) have pushed me and tested me much in my life, as he said. It

often seems like the harder I tried to do good, the more I was tested. I guess

I just wonder why a lot - is it karma or what? Sometimes it feels as though

these " dark forces " are trying to stop me from accomplishing good in the world.

The good news is that I feel that for the most part, the negativity is having

less and less of a hold on me. Somehow, I am gaining ground. I feel better,

and people don't " push me around " nearly as much anymore. But the purging

process is sometimes a little much, like last night. At least that is what I

think (or hope) it was!


Kinda scary, kinda mysterious. I have to wonder how this negativity got a

hold of me in the first place, it is almost like I was born into it because this

all goes WAY back to childhood. Sometimes it feels like my life purpose has

been to conquer demons and I very much want to help others do the same. And by

demons, I mean negative or dark forces or emotions in general. I have learned

that depression/fear (pained victim) attracts anger/hatred (bully) and

vice-versa. Based on my experience, I don't see it as a mirror thing, but more

like a magnet type of thing.


I am learning that the best way to get rid of these dark forces is to not

let the pain gain control of your psyche (or soul.) The best way to fight back

is with joy, love and gratitude. And to be nicer to yourself and be your own

friend. I used to be so mean to myself and blame myself for everything. I

don't dare hurt myself like that anymore.


I am also learning that when you can get rid of these dark forces, during

those times of peace and bliss, what is left is a very, very beautiful world,

where every second is precious and everything is a miracle. And I do mean every

single second - like one snapshot at a time. Where everything (including the

body) is lighter, everything looks better, everything tastes better, and the air

seems more pure and everyone and everything seems holy.


Reminds me of something that I heard Gregg Braden say, that this is the

time of " walking between two worlds. " It has proven to be true in my world, but

still quite the mystery to me. Sorry I rambled so much again. Really, I just

want peace on earth! For everyone.


Tired of fighting demons. Tired of trying to figure out why I had to learn

everything the hard way. But glad for what I have learned and sad for the

people who have still yet to learn (the bullies and the victims.) And here's to

hoping the learning is almost over.

















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Tired of fighting demons. Tired of trying to figure out why I had to learn

everything the hard way. But glad for what I have learned and sad for the

people who have still yet to learn (the bullies and the victims.) And here's to

hoping the learning is almost over.






Sorry Deb,

I'm intruding here. I know you meant this for Carla, but I couldn't help but be

reminded of Edgar Cayce. I remember reading about him and at first he didn't

want to do these " readings " on people, but the people insisted and he really was

helping them with their medical issues. So he continued. He didn't want to only

because it took alot out of him, I remember reading that he could only do so

many in a day and such. Now this is just my opinion, but I think this energy

that we have, " The Holy Spirit " is alot and can take alot out of us....leave us

with a headache. It's good in small doses, we are mere humans and the power

that has been given to us is enormous, way bigger than we even know and able to

" hold " . Just something else to consider...


Thank you for writing about your experience, I really enjoyed reading it and

getting to know you more! That sounds very exciting, I would be excited to go

to those things! I went to a church one time and a woman prophet was there.

She pointed to each person there and would say something. They taped the

service and typed it out for each person according to where they were sitting

that day. So I got a copy of what she said to me. She said: " Delight yourself

in the Lord. Seek my Kingdom first and I will add all things unto you that you

will be bold, confident, upright and joyful knowing that as God is before you,

who could be against you. " Pretty cool! I still have it!


I'm so thankful I had to learn the hard way!


What a blessing you are to this group!





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Re: Laura:


I'm intruding here. I know you meant this for Carla, but I couldn't help but be

reminded of Edgar Cayce.



Hey Laura - your input and kindness is greatly appreciated. No intrusion

at all! It was meant for anybody, really. It was just that Carla's experience

reminded me of my own and that is what inspired me to share.


I like what you say about the Energy being a lot for any human being to

take - it relieves my mind and makes me feel much better! I like getting to

know all of you, too. I have never been so closely in synch with so many people

from one group before and this is SO important and helpful for me! You all are

a very important part of my path, my growth, my support and my sanity!


I am at work right now and will be interrupted at any minute! But I just

wanted to thank you and let you know how much you are appreciated.


I was just interrupted! LOL! Have a wonderful day everyone!














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Hi GC Deb,

I apologize for my delay in replying. I was dealing with a huge release in

my neck for four days. It is gone now, I am happy about that. It hung around

the C1 vertabrae (I think) and the occiput, which seems to touch on nerves

as at some point it effected my vision and I was sensitive to light.


I enjoyed reading your post... I have questions too... do you think we would

be bored if we knew all the answers?


And thank you for this reminder, " The best way to fight back is with joy,

love and gratitude. "




On 4 March 2010 18:50, <Deb111222 wrote:





> Re: Carla:



> " Her darshan consists of a ritual, where she will touch a person's head,

> and

> then look into their eyes. During this process, she reportedly 'unties

> knots' in the person's subtle system and permeates them with light.*

> After this was done I was dizzy, so much energy was received. "


> Hey Carla - I was interested in your post because I had a very similar

> experience last night. A coworker and I went to a spiritual service with

> another friend. We have been to a couple of services with her before and she

> keeps inviting us, and we





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There are new developments in the Oneness Blessing/Deeksha movement... since

December 3rd, Oneness trainers are initiating Oneness Blessing givers locally,

instead of having to travel to India. Now, one can attend a 2 day Oneness

Experience workshop + the initiation, here in the US as well as worldwide.


I was initiated as Blessing giver on Jan 2-3, an intense and powerful

experience. The Oneness Blessing, it's like, well drinking champagne without the

hangover! : ) Also with increased participation in deekshas the past 5-6 months,

have had noticeable " Oneness " experiences waking and dreaming which just keep on

rollin'. Received my first deeksha/Oneness Blessing last February 2009,

coinciding with a major kundalini stage. The deeksha in my experience,

complements the K unfoldment, as well as other spiritual practices. As Sri

Bhagavan says, Oneness Blessing is " like sugar in your tea. " :)


Though i think that it may not be recommended to mix it up during Shaktipat,

just based on what I've read here that generally advises.


Having said that, for those interested in receiving the deeksha/Oneness Blessing

whenever they deem, the opportunities locally will increase as more Blessing

Givers are initiated, and coordinate local blessing events. Usually is given

with hands on the receivers head, and can also be given by intent over distances

(available on request).


Here in the DC Metro area, event planning is underway. Those in Maryland,

Virginia or DC will have several blessing venues to attend. Bethesda MD blessing

event should commence in a few weeks... most events will more than likely be

free, usually ask for donation if attendees are so inspired... no one sells

jewelry that i know of! :) Though i attended an event at a yoga studio, where

tshirts and prayer beads and such are for sale, but it's not something that in

general i've observed as part of the Oneness Blessing thing.


The World Oneness Community site is the source to search for local blessings,

teleconference blessings, and/or initiation events:



Oneness University: http://www.onenessuniversity.org/

No longer charging to attend the more intensive Oneness training in Chennai,

India, you just have to pay for travel and lodging!


Another excellent site for Oneness movement information is Rev Dr Michael

Milner's website: http://www.onenessmovementflorida.org/

He lists US/Canada Oneness Trainers, and some upcoming events, Oneness

University teachings, and hosts a weekly Monday night Oneness teleconference,

9:30 PM ET. The teleconference is free (except for the cost of your call--i use

Skype), includes some Oneness information, the moola mantra, chakra meditation,

and the blessing by intent. I love love love this teleconference! Champagne

bubbles deluxe :) I can forward the conference call number and passcode by

request or email Dr Milner.


Another lovely Oneness Blessing by intent is offered by Prudence on ACIM Gather

radio (or via PalTalk). Tuesdays at 9:00 pm ET at



all for one and one for all! ; )






" The infinite library of the universe is in your mind. " ~Swami Vivekananda



, Helen Looft

<helenlooft wrote:


> Hi Linda,


> The Deeksha Blessing from India is called the " Oneness Blessing " in the US.

It is quite a large movement. I recieved the Oneness Blessing from a gentleman

that went to India to be trained by.Anna & Bhagan - the founders. People come

and sit and meditate and he goes around the room and put his hands on your head.

You are suppose to have an intention of something you want in mind. When he

came to me - he said " you are one of us! - stay and talk! " So I did - not

really understanding any of this. Latter I read the book and did some research

on this. They charge a fee for the blessing and sell jewelry.???? This

gentleman was K active and said he was activated when he went to India. In the

Indianapolis Area you can find the Oneness Blessing being given in multiple

locations almost every day of the week. They go to hospitals, churches,

people's homes and businesses. One Blessing was at a Wine Shop and we all

sampled wine when we were done. People

> are searching and this seems to be filling a need.


> I would describe the Oneness Blessing as a mild shaktipat or touch of the Holy

Spirit. Several people had diving laughter - which is so wonder to experience.

It seems to be a very non threatening atmosphere - no formal beliefs promoted -

everyone is accepted (Just like here !!) Google Oneness Blessing. Love Helen


> PS: Linda - I loved your information of Amygdala - thanks







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No one did not answer my question about this. Is this oneness blessing the same

as the holographic healing of my dream? I did not request a Oneness blessings.

What is the deal with that? Has someone invaded my dream and gave me this

without my permission?




, " idelos " <gypsy.eire



> All,


> There are new developments in the Oneness Blessing/Deeksha movement... ing

givers locally,

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Good point, Carla!




" I enjoyed reading your post... I have questions too... do you think we would

be bored if we knew all the answers? "
















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It is known that you can give a deeksha/oneness blessing with eye contact. I

often wonder if someone in India did that to me without my knowledge...


Do you know of anyone that you might have came in contact with that would be a

Deeksha giver? Taveled to India? It affects us in a similar way that the

Kundalini awakening does, so whether your K is awakened/risen or you recieve one

of these blessings, it's almost the same if not very similar. Maybe someone

with more knowledge can answer your question better!

Either way it's a Blessing!!! Yippee!




, " danceswithcats999 "

<crazycats711 wrote:


> No one did not answer my question about this. Is this oneness blessing the

same as the holographic healing of my dream? I did not request a Oneness

blessings. What is the deal with that? Has someone invaded my dream and gave me

this without my permission?


> Linda


> , " idelos " <gypsy.eire@>


> >

> > All,

> >

> > There are new developments in the Oneness Blessing/Deeksha movement... ing

givers locally,


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No, I know of no one like that in the physical.I guess maybe I know someone in

the astral, that did that. Maybe I gave permission in my dream and did not

remember that part. :)




, " Laura " <lo1o113



> It is known that you can give a deeksha/oneness blessing with eye contact. I

often wonder if someone in India did that to me without my knowledge...


> Do you know of anyone that you might have came in contact with that would be a

Deeksha giver? Taveled to India? It affects us in a similar way that the

Kundalini awakening does, so whether your K is awakened/risen or you recieve one

of these blessings, it's almost the same if not very similar. Maybe someone

with more knowledge can answer your question better!

> Either way it's a Blessing!!! Yippee!


> Laura


> , " danceswithcats999 "

<crazycats711@> wrote:

> >

> > No one did not answer my question about this. Is this oneness blessing the

same as the holographic healing of my dream? I did not request a Oneness

blessings. What is the deal with that? Has someone invaded my dream and gave me

this without my permission?

> >

> > Linda

> >

> > , " idelos " <gypsy.eire@>


> > >

> > > All,

> > >

> > > There are new developments in the Oneness Blessing/Deeksha movement... ing

givers locally,

> >


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Namasté Linda,


Actually this was a reply to Helen's post on the spinoff thread about Oneness

Blessing resources for those who may desire to seek a deeksha/Oneness

blessing--apologies if this was confusing.


Your holographic healing dream would seem to me, to be a reflection in your mind

of the emerging awareness of the connectedness of all, of the Oneness reality

gifted to you via your kundalini awakening, representing the illusion of

separate selves dissolving away... in this process of ego eradication we can see

our " self " reflected in those " other " mirrorselves--the KAS-1 collective has

experienced this by noting our many shared experiences. So healing one " cell " of

our Self, is expressed or shared in all the other " cells. " Lovely, isn't it? : )

As Fred Alan Wolfe (quantum physicist) says, " There is no 'out there' out there,

independent of what's going on in here. "


Somehow i'm reminded of this Zen saying:

" One moon shows in every pool; in every pool, the one moon. "






" The infinite library of the universe is in your mind. " ~Swami Vivekananda


, " danceswithcats999 "

<crazycats711 wrote:


> No one did not answer my question about this. Is this oneness blessing the

same as the holographic healing of my dream? I did not request a Oneness

blessings. What is the deal with that? Has someone invaded my dream and gave me

this without my permission?


> Linda


> , " idelos " <gypsy.eire@>


> >

> > All,

> >

> > There are new developments in the Oneness Blessing/Deeksha movement... ing

givers locally,


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Thanks for the clarity Dalia, it was quite confusing what the Onesness Blessing

had to do with my holographic healing dream. I just wanted to know how it

related is all since she did start her Oneness Blessing discussion by combining

it with my dream thread as though they were related. In all the discussions of

that, I could not see how it tied in with my dream topic. :)





, " idelos " <gypsy.eire



> Namasté Linda,


> Actually this was a reply to Helen's post on the spinoff thread about Oneness

Blessing resources for those who may desire to seek a deeksha/Oneness

blessing--apologies if this was confusing.

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