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You are the perfect completion and the perfect beginning

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I allow divinity to be present in me so that divinity is again my



If you don't let the past end, then you can't begin to enjoy the



We seem to be compelled to prosper as well as we can and to implement

our will in this reality. You can do that and the more present that you

are you can really make some wonderful things happen, but who want to

end up like Donald Trump? Not me, because you don't do anything but tie yourself

up eternally by

forcing this reality to be different than it is.


The thing that we are both looking for is our expression where we can

move though life as a divine being that allows everything that we

experience here to be exactly the way that it is. And the process of

that absolute freedom of allowance for this reality is what gives it its

completion. You can't have a new beginning, that's the problem with

intention, effort and goals is that it is taking things into your own

hand to implement from a level of lower consciousness. If you instead go the

strait way, which is to say; if I am not divinely consciousness in

this moment, then I am operating in a state of confusion and if I am

operating in a state of confusion then I am not going to give any weight

whatsoever to anything that I believe and by the very state of my

consciousness I have to admit is not divine and therefore cannot be

relied upon as being the truth of what I am.


Then you can do some of the exercises which is to observe your reality

with your senses, to feel and sense the reality and then to sense your

beingness that's perceiving that reality. You then lock on to that

beingness, envelop it fully with your consciousness, feel it for what it is and

know it is what you have identified yourself as and then realize that none of it

is anything other than a created belief system and if

you let it go, the process of divine movement can then move through the

body, interacting with this reality in a way that is inspiring to

yourself, others and begins the heaven on earth experience that we are

looking for.


The point that I was trying to make was that the past has to end before

you can begin the new creation and so if you don't like what is, you end it. You

give it a completion, you see that it is in a state of final

perfection exactly the way it is, exactly what was intended in the

motion that created it. Then you are able to open up and allow your new

presence, your original consciousness to come in and choose what your

next purpose is in life, because you have to end off on your original

one in order to have a new beginning. Which is the alpha and the omega,

the beginning and the end.


For those of us who want something to be different, we surrender to what is as

being in divine perfection based upon the choice that created it

and we say good! Over, done, complete, dead and gone, then we reemerge

like the phoenix. That gives you a chance in the embodied state to

embody your divine consciousness, that's the thing that the prophets,

the holy men, the yogis and others were able to accomplish to a greater

or lesser degree; which was the death of the false self by giving it an

end by instead of fighting it, surrendering to the present, as a divine

completion, which then allows you to reemerge as your truth.


As long as you are still playing cops and robbers from the original

decision that you made prior to coming in here, then you can't say I am

going off to play a new game because the game that you started here has

to have an end first. What you may not realize is that the ending

doesn't have to be the end of the body; it can be a self acknowledged

completion. It is not the ego self, it is you because you are the ego

self and yet it is not you; but you have to die as it or the false self

doesn't fall away, because you are looking at it as separate from you.

So yes it is a creation, but at the same time you have invested your

consciousness into that beingness, then resisted it and separated from

it saying I am not that. So you have fractured your presence into

different states of being and you have to reassemble them by embracing

then fully, then you can let them go.


As you are working on your day to day business, it's tough for you to

see this reality divinely when it is so obviously not. It is a bit of a

puzzle to put together, because this is a crappy reality where we do bad things

to each other here. The reality is the way that it is and even

though it is not heaven on earth, heaven on earth like the scripture say is

within you and

you have to reacquaint yourself with it before you can live it. You have to

reintroduce yourself to what it is and because of the

overstimulation of dealing with other people from the valences which are the

false selves that we have created ourselves as, there is just no

way to go from where we are to our divines selves while we are in

movement acting as the false self.


You have to go to your closet, you've got to take your quiet time, do your

meditation, connect consciously with whatever the highest state of

divinity it is that you are willing to embrace and allow it to embrace

you and allow the self that you believe that you are to be harmonized

with the essence of pure divine grace of spirit; the consciousness of God. In

your doing that,

that is what dissolves you and that fear that you feel so deeply and

penetrably to your very core that you are being annihilated that is

proof positive that your entire sense of you, IS FALSE. When you can put

together the bravery to go deep into surrender to the divine and allow

it to embrace you fully as you are, there are changes that happen as you fully

embrace the divine and it embraces you back and you have a

conscious interaction with that realm, you allow it in every second for

it to have its way with you. It is annihilation of the lies, it is the

burning of the wicked in the last days, it is not a bad thing, it is the

salvation that we are all desiring and that is to go home and you can't go home

as a self that is not true.


What we are talking about is dying while you are alive so that you can

be here as your eternal truth so that this earth and this reality can

shift into that state of heaven on earth; which will be the entirety of

this earth and everybody here moving into a state of synchronistic,

divine, conscious creation where everybody and everything is divinely



You are the flower and the gardener, as the flower you sit where you are

planted, surrender to the divine sun and you allow it to embrace you

causing you to unfold the divine perfection within you. At the same time you are

the gardener, you have to prepare the soil, pull the weeds and

determine where you are to be planted. This is a reality of free agency

and so you are both to surrender and be responsible at the same time.

You surrender to the divine and you are responsible for who you interact with,

where your body moves and where you sleep. With your associations you look at

each of them and say " does this one bring out the best in

me? " am I allowed to be by this person somebody that they can love?


Everybody has their little challenges, but if the basic intention is to

celebrate the nice things that happen for the other, then that is what

you are looking for. Learn to treasure your alone time where your

consciousness is your own, it allows you to look at what you are

experiencing without distraction and if you are in a reality that is not

something that you would choose to experience again; embrace it as it

exists without judgment and as whatever it is that the reality perceives me to

be and as what I have Identified myself as, I observe that

beingness and presence as the watcher, bless it as a divine completion

and release it back to heaven. This cleanses you to the degree that you

allow the experience to move you with a cleaner filter, with a clearer

view of who and what you are and what this reality is.


Allow the grand completion, the final end already of exactly what it is

that you are here, when you realize that then you have an opportunity

for a new choice and a new beginning. Celebrate your life as the

successful completion of exactly what you are, and then reclaim your

consciousness by letting go of the one that you have. You have to allow

the divine flow not to just move through you, but to move through you.

To be divine there is divine movement, the grace of conscious control,

the full awareness.


If you're trying to decide how to move, then you are not allowing the

divine to move you. If you are moving without grace, then you are moving with

the intention of the false self. Remember, you are the grand

completion of all that has gone on before and you are the beginning of

that which is new here. You get to choose a new beginning only when you

have successfully chosen yourself to be the successful culmination of

all that has come before in manifesting you. Your next evolutionary step comes

when you realize that you are not on the one that you were just

on. It is finished and it has been left behind.


You are the perfect completion and the perfect beginning. When you are

that, you are divinely present. God wants us to want what we want to, to believe

as we believe, to live as we live, to change as we choose. The

time for allowing life the conscious choice of change to a new direction without

passing through death is…


You don't have any problems, when you do, realize that they are only

un-acknowledged, un-allowed completions.


David Newren





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