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Six specific questions about practice~answered by Chism (thankyou)

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1. I used to have problems with night s & minal emission if i practiced non

e & aculation in the past, and on these occassions when i was seriously practicing

i would use the yoga pose of sitting on my heel at the peritiniem which stopped

the emis & ions from occurring ( i am doing this practice at the moment).

Is it ok for me to continue this practice ??


2. I am doing a professional clinical hypnosis hypnotherapy program (home based

study using DVDs) to assist myself and others. May i integrate self hypnosis

with this practice ?

I have found it useful for my previous difficulty with visualization and felt it

would be useful for me to encourage the new patterns of behaviour to establish

themselves bypassing the critical mind.


3. My daughter and I have started doing Wing Chun as I thought it would be good

training for her.The first form is a chi generating exercize as well as having

self defence applications.

Will practicing Wing Chun and this practice be in conflict ??? If so, i am happy

to give it up for myself and my daughter continue.


4. Do you tune into peoples states and make recomendations or prefer to give the

teachings and help out if there is any problems and let students work it out???


5. Will reiki be a usefull thing anymore for me...i haven't practiced for some

time although i still feel energy buzzing on my hands all the time.


6. I noticed you had private students. How does that work and who is eligible??




1) Yes the s & minal restrictions are for the Kundalini itself. When it rises it

will take charge of the s & men and circulate that s & men throughout the body via

the endocrine system. So its good to keep the s & men intact and yes do your

sitting and positions that help you in that way.


2) Cant bypass the critical mind as this is the ego mind and in this the

behavioral modifications need to be given in the here and now during lifes

interactive dynamics. This is how we begin to train the ego mind about the new

direction we are taking towards the Kundalini. This is where we meet our darkest

fears and issues of control so we need to be conscious and cognizant of this

aspect of our personal process towards Kundalini expression.


3) I do see martial arts as a form of fear embrace whereas a person learns to

react to fearful situations with more powerful forms of damage infliction

thereby becoming the bearer of greater fear (of injury) for the perceived

opponent. Where does forgiveness enter this equation? Where does tolerance and

courage and trust have bearing? They can but with constant discernment for these

traits and in many cases this can be easily overlooked.


My thought is that you are giving her this for self protection and in this I

feel it is healthy for her as in the west girls are not allowed to have strength

and the virtues of strength. So yes good for her! For you my friend I would

suggest another way. If she is depending upon you for sparring then be

discerning and begin to consistently walk in forgiveness as a balance.


4) I do both.


5) Reiki is not used by me. If you use these energies then you must be in a

clear and present communication with what is in actuality being given. Highest

goodness doesnt cut it. You need to know beyond the ego. But no I do not and

will not recommend REIKI as a venue though I am niether standing in judgment

over it.


Plenty of excellent healing is given through some reiki practitioners though the

vast majority in my opinion are not able to live up to their own publicity. -



6) Yes private students are those who have come to the determination that it is

from that which is within me that they wish to begin harder and more dynamic

instruction. These are given through application to me and in surrender to the

teacher and the Kundalini within the teacher. Practice of the safeties for a

time is mandatory.


There you are Paul. Please post this to the group purposefully mispelling any

allusion to any kind of s%xual material. - only if you are comfortable doing so.

- blessings to you! - chrism

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