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Repost on Energy Movement (Message 37487)

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(From chrism:) " I cannot begin to describe how important it is for a person to

move the energy. In movement there is a constant flow of energy and Kundalini is

responsive to this movement.


What do I mean by moving the energy?


Service towards others is one way. Doing for others (as is

appropriate) without regard for being repaid in kind. Selfless acts

of kindness have a direct effect upon a persons flow. Love moves the

Kundalini. Love for another but without the attachments that we

often form in relationships that carry with them expectation. Other

aspects of love such as forgiveness move the Kundalini conscious

tolerance or graciousness that is practiced in a conscious format in

the daily existence. Sacrifice as a way of helping. Giving

assistance. Not just to people but to all of creation. Animals,

insects, fish, plants, fungus, bacteria virus, dirt, air, water,

fire, prana, etheric and other less dense form of creation ad



Raising the Kundalini and then sitting with it, physically sitting

with it, without movement based in the activities of love can cause

pain. It is a kind of pain that isn't able to be measured by medical

science. The medical community would label it a " phantom " pain or a

form of neuralgia. As is stated here:


" In the case of TN or trigeminal neuralgia the affected nerves are

responsible for sensing touch, temperature sensation and pressure

sensation in the facial area from the jaw to the forehead. The

disorder generally causes short episodes of excruciating pain,

usually for less than two minutes and usually only one side of the

face. The pain can be described in a variety of ways such

as " stabbing, " " sharp, " " like lightning, " " burning, " and

even " itchy " . In the atypical form of TN, the pain presents itself

as severe constant aching. The pain associated with TN is recognized

as one of the most excruciating pains that can be experienced. "


Not saying it is a TN event but the pain can be similar in its

manifestation. It can come in many different forms and is as much in

this state an amplifier as it is say in the emotional body or mental



Please understand that with great gifts come even greater



This isn't just a catch phrase or a cute saying. This is very true

and can be experienced by those who have Kundalini and yet due to

reasons that are many, refuse or cannot move it to the degree

required to avoid a stagnant energetic response. This is an action

of too much energy in one place having an extreme over amplification

of the expressions of one or more of the five major bodies of



So too much of a slow flow or stagnant flow in the head can begin to

super conduct or burn areas of the physical body in the head or

crown and this will be felt as pain. Sometimes unrelenting pain. So

please as best you can begin to move the Kundalini. Help people and

by doing so you help yourself.


There are other ways to move the Kundalini and please do not

interpret my meaning as being that the Kundalini doesn't move on its

own it does. But consciousness also has the responsibility of moving

it through out the expressive systems. Do this and it will flow in a

way that is beneficial do not do this and various explosive episodes

may be experienced from any one or more of the five bodies of

expression i.e.:





Psychological (ego)



Any of these areas can experience a hyper Kundalini event. How a

person's pain comes to them will typically be individual and will

depend on the unique dynamics of that person.


Kundalini isn't to be raised and then put into the

" Accomplishment Bank. " This is another major difference between

Kundalini and other spiritual energetic formats. Kundalini is also a

consciousness in and of itself.


So it is a triple platform of interaction consisting of the:


Agenda of the Kundalini upgrade of all the five body's

The consciousness of the individual

The consciousness of the Kundalini


Within this platform is where we learn to live and express in a

harmonious fashion the choices and agenda's of the higher

principles. I will caution anyone against ever feeling as if they

can take advantage of the Kundalini. It is very powerful and smart.

And it knows the person better than the self knows itself.


As one begins to surrender the chasing and acquisition of the more

familiar ways of finding solace and joy and love and satisfaction in

life one becomes more keyed into what the Kundalini is

communicating. It is typically of a soft divinity interaction with

life. Meaning that " full " divine interaction would destroy the

physical form so a softer but still very strong version is given in

various amounts into the individual and following the unique needs

of that individual. It is important to remember the Karmic



So do give service in whatever or however way or ways feels most

appropriate for you. Do not over stimulate the Kundalini i.e. Once

it is up or raised do not keep trying to raise it to higher and

stronger expressions as this can over tax your ability to

consciously move it often causing - pain. - blessings all - chrism "

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