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Concerns of a Alien - Dante

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Interesting drawings Dante and welcome to the group. Based upon the one

encounter with a woman who told you that you are a star seed it would seem that

you have embraced that reality 100 percent? It would seem that (by inference)

some are and some are not star seeds?


I would suggest that we are all star seeds. And that we are all seeds of stars

and that we all have the seed of the divine star within us at all times. No one

is more special than another in this viewpoint.


That ET exists is not in doubt at least with me. That there are people who

incarnate from outside of this solar system I feel is quite common, Most merely

do not remember the previous incarnation.


I am also clear that you are here for a reason as are all people. That you have

a gift and a goal (whether you know what it is or not) and that your life

experiences are for your teachings first and for others only after you have

learned them yourself.


The phenomena that you have shown us here on the group through your artistry is

beautiful and engaging. I would encourage you to continue. That it may have an

ET origin isnt the most important point for me as I feel many examples,

corporeal and non corporeal, have an ET signature.


We come from and are part of many places and races Dante.


No one spiritually originates from a single planet or has total ties to one

place or thing. We are spiritual beings first and physical beings often far

displaced from knowing of that conscious spiritual origin.


Yes a person may remember some of their previous sojourns in other places. This

is good! But the mere remembrance may not be the whole picture. As you continue

your journey may you be blessed with the experience of giving loving service to

your fellow alien and to your fellow human all at the same time!


Let yourself be given into that which is of a loving expression. - As constantly

as you can. Let that be reflected through your art. Let it be expressed through

your body and through your interactions with others.


Be the alien that you would want to meet. - Be good to yourself and recognize

that there may be more to your personal picture than mere new age descriptions

of unique origin and existence.- blessings to you and welcome Dante! - chrism


, " Helen " <helenlooft



> Just curious - Is this posted by Dante Jetiem or is this Dante Jetiem's

article posted by someone else? Matthew?

> Welcome whoever!!! Love Helen

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