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So was thinking, " phhhhht, watermellon, like where am I going to get watermellon

this time of year, phhhhht...dumb " .

Then today we were served watermellon juice for cinqo de maya festivies in the

cafe here at ye olde grinde.


This means that everything is a projection from thought and that all phenomenon

is mind-made. And that we are not the body. All of our bodies drop dead,

sooner than we think. So all day just viewing the dead bodies wandering around,

or the soon to be dead bodies.


And wondering, ??? wtf.



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Hi Gale,


Hey, I had watermelon today too!


About 'everything is a projection from thought and that all phenomenon is

mind-made...Actually I believe that everything you hold in your (subconscious)

belief system is projected to you. This is why we come into the physical - we

get to experience(in real time) our inner beliefs and hopefully learn, change

our karma and evolve consciously.

I think the reason you are seeing all the dead bodies is because you have a deep

hurt and loss buried inside of you - your precious mom's death. That hurt is

being projected into your world you see. It means - take time - be kind to

yourself - this is a major transition for you. I know that we are not our

bodies - but when you are in a body - you get use to talking to people in

bodies!! - even though we know your mother is right there with you - at all

times. I know you miss her.

If you need anything - please contact me.


Hugs and Love - Helen




, " elagmck " <elagmck



> So was thinking, " phhhhht, watermellon, like where am I going to get

watermellon this time of year, phhhhht...dumb " .

> Then today we were served watermellon juice for cinqo de maya festivies in the

cafe here at ye olde grinde.


> This means that everything is a projection from thought and that all

phenomenon is mind-made. And that we are not the body. All of our bodies drop

dead, sooner than we think. So all day just viewing the dead bodies wandering

around, or the soon to be dead bodies.


> And wondering, ??? wtf.


> -gale


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For some reason your post reminded me of some books I read a long time ago:

Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhism, and Magic and Mystery in Tibet, both

by Alexandra David Neel; also Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines (W.Y.

Evans-Wentz translator).


Another thing that popped into my head reading your post was the idea of getting

out into nature away from people and meditating near running water, preferably a

waterfall. Don't know why, but since it came to me, I thought I'd pass it



> This means that everything is a projection from thought and

>that all phenomenon is mind-made. And that we are not the body.

>All of our bodies drop dead,sooner than we think. So all day

>just viewing the dead bodies wandering around, >or the soon to be

>dead bodies.


There are scriptures in Shaivism that speak of the world being a projection of

consciousness. I forget which ones - Shiva Sutras, Spanda Karika, Vijnana

Bhairava - one of those.


I believe you are experiencing one of the many points of view, or " positions of

the assemblage point " that one can experience once Kundalini knocks our

awareness out of its usually fixed location. There is a perspective out there in

which one may perceive people as merely dead bodies walking around, an extreme

perception of the transitoriness of existence and not necessarily a perceptual

place I'd choose to stay in for too long. But stay as long as there are lessons

there that Shakti wishes you to learn. Take notes in your journal. There are

messages for you in these experiences.


A particular perspective, containing particular realizations and understandings,

is like a " scenic overlook " on the highway. You stop, check out the view, are

moved and transformed by it, have various realizations, stay for as long as you

and Shakti determine you need to be there, then you get back into the car, and

the journey continues. There is no turning back and no standing still. Point

of view is always moving and is in a state of continual transformation. When

Shakti is driving, there is no fixed perspective.


In some traditions, what you are perceiving about the dead bodies is used as a

dharana or contemplation practice: deliberately cultivating this vision of the

world as a way of viscerally experiencing the transitoriness of existence and

the emptiness of phenomena. Having fully grasped these understandings, the

practitioner moves on to other exercises. It's no accident that some tantrikas

meditate in cemeteries and cremation grounds.


Some schools of Taoism refer to all this which surrounds us as " the world of

dust " . Yet the same sages produce magnificent poems and paintings that radiate

love for the eternal Tao that manifests through and in these very phenomena

comprising the world of dust.


Ephemeral illusions, dreams of the Goddess, real and illusory, radiantly



So yes, there is a perspective available in which one is surrounded by dying

bodies. You can shift your assemblage point to any of many viewpoints. Choose

love and devotion and you shift to a different perspective. I think this is

what Don Juan meant when he said to choose a path with heart. I think this is

also one of the purposes of the emotional and awareness safeties. Since

Kundalini loosens the awareness from a fixed location, we must consciously

choose how we experience the world moment to moment (where we will place our

attention), and the safeties help us to choose a perspective of love and inner



This " world of dust " can be sublimely beautiful. The corpses and everything

else are Shakti's play, Her emanations. Within each of those walking corpses

dwells a spark of the Divine. With your K-enhanced perception you can see both

the container and that which it contains; it is up to you which one you choose

focus upon.





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hi gale...


you come into my mind at various times and I think of your loss and how you must

be missing your mom... I send you love at these times.


When I read what you wrote last night something came to mind but I did not share

of it as I am unsure of these things...

but I will share what happened to me now and hope it is ok to do so as it

involves also something that danielle shared with us...


when I read of you experiencing people as walking dead bodies what danielle

described as her lack of sensation under her finjger tips came to me and somehow

the two things seemed the same... a feeling of being outside of the typical /

normal experience of body wooshed into me and wooshed out again and I did feel

" it " for those moments... it had the quality of an unknow stillness and

observation and perhaps a sort of seeing or experiencing from another realm...

there is more to see than is seen...


love julia


, " Helen " <helenlooft



> Hi Gale,


> Hey, I had watermelon today too!


> About 'everything is a projection from thought and that all phenomenon is

mind-made...Actually I believe that everything you hold in your (subconscious)

belief system is projected to you. This is why we come into the physical - we

get to experience(in real time) our inner beliefs and hopefully learn, change

our karma and evolve consciously.

> I think the reason you are seeing all the dead bodies is because you have a

deep hurt and loss buried inside of you - your precious mom's death. That hurt

is being projected into your world you see. It means - take time - be kind to

yourself - this is a major transition for you. I know that we are not our

bodies - but when you are in a body - you get use to talking to people in

bodies!! - even though we know your mother is right there with you - at all

times. I know you miss her.

> If you need anything - please contact me.


> Hugs and Love - Helen




> , " elagmck " <elagmck@>


> >

> > So was thinking, " phhhhht, watermellon, like where am I going to get

watermellon this time of year, phhhhht...dumb " .

> > Then today we were served watermellon juice for cinqo de maya festivies in

the cafe here at ye olde grinde.

> >

> > This means that everything is a projection from thought and that all

phenomenon is mind-made. And that we are not the body. All of our bodies drop

dead, sooner than we think. So all day just viewing the dead bodies wandering

around, or the soon to be dead bodies.

> >

> > And wondering, ??? wtf.

> >

> > -gale

> >


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Had never looked at things that way - interesting perspective. A senior came in

yesterday - this fella and I have discussed Kundalini in depth and he is on a

road to spiritual growth that may indeed see K finding him or he the K.


He brought up the fact that we come into the world from a place of being alive

then as we enter this world we begin dying immediately. The body that is - the

body is just a temple a housing a container. The real who we are needs a place

to be in this realm. So yes we are all walking around in a mode of dying.


One of chrism's articles gives me pause( paraphasing here) when he says that we

who have taken on a body are brave and it shows our strength. It is a big deal

to come into this realm and we are observed by those on the other side. They

want to know how we handle things.


That now includes your mom Gale- she is watching and giving her love and support

to you and your family. The body may leave yet the spirit will remain. My

sister said when we lost our mom that she felt she should write on her forehead:

" I have no mother " that to me is not true – we not only have our earthly mother

always we have Shakti with us always.


The body is a temporary housing – it is not important – the deterioration is not

important we know the true self is spirit – we will live forever – we may take

on another body to work on more karmic traits or not.


It is good that you can share what you are seeing and hearing and realizing.

This will help you- the sharing helps to bring the ideas in a more knowing

format not only to you but to all of us.


Take the time you need Gale – do whatever it takes to bring your understanding

of this earthly event to some kind of understanding. We are here for you in

whatever manner you need.


And yes there are no accidents – watermelon juice at a meeting – someone was

saying " hello " to you.




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Holy cow, There are so many responses from all these 'dead bodies', omg lol. So

much deep thought! Deep thinkers here. Won't be able to do justice to that

which was written so excuse this reply in that way!


Wow, you talked about Don Juan, my hero. :) Take the path with heart. He also

said that all paths end in the same place ...that's why guruji tossed me, was I

made that statement. Speaking of guruji, dreamed of her and the sages last

night. Dreamed I was back in the group and was really glad and relieved. Was

waiting my turn for shaktipat but when it was my turn the phone rang, and

everyone forgot and dispersed. Then as I looked for guruji, just to get sight

of her (because I love her), I saw that she despised me. Then I knew I didn't

belong. It made me feel very sad and I could not understand it. And the dream

had really bizarre wild and tumultuous visions as well.


I've heard that Buddhists observe decaying bodies so that they really get the

impermanence of the body. And India allows deterioration for the same reason.

(vs the US that is constantly hiding impermanence)


So it is true, I am using it as a meditation. Don Juan used to tell Carlos to

continuously consult 'death' over his left shoulder. When viewing the bodies

being pushed here and there it's almost comical, because the personality or the

ego becomes so apparent. It's not seen as the 'person' anymore, but rather a

manifestation of the consciousness that maintains the body and viewpoint. In

other words, you can see worlds about a person's thinking just with one look,

and you can see the illusion, that is why it's almost funny.


Getting out into nature and meditating near a waterfall, that sounds like a

great idea! Possible to do that this week. :)






, " djgottlieb "

<dgottlieb wrote:




> Gale,


> For some reason your post reminded me of some books I read a long time ago:

Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhism, and Magic and Mystery in Tibet,...

Shaivism that speak of the world being a projection of consciousness... an

extreme perception of the transitoriness of existence ...dead bodies is used as

a dharana... Choose love and devotion and you shift to a different perspective.


> Love,


> David


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Ah ha ha ha. Yes, our bodies are the GUI to this game, lol.


Sometimes at night, especially lately, I awaken to weird strong vibrations going

up and down my body. It's pretty strong. And I hear what sounds like a

rotating magnettosphere, whirr, whirr, whirr, whirr at about 6hz all during the

vibration time. Sometimes I think it's aliens, lol. The whirring has been

going on for years, since I stood in a crop circle right here in Forest Grove

Oregon, but that's another story, that's why I think it's aliens, lol.


The Universe is playing another practical joke, that happens a lot. Ah ha ha ha

ha on the watermelon joke. I used to hate it when things would disappear until

I asked for them to reappear again. Thankfully that joke doesn't happen too

often anymore. You can always tell when it's a Universe joke because of the



:) love,



, " " .





> Had never looked at things that way -...the body is just a temple a housing a

container. The real who we are needs a place to be in this realm. So yes we

are all walking around in a mode of dying... watermelon juice at a meeting –

someone was saying " hello " to you.


> Love

> e


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After a long dry spell, Im cooling a watermelon to gobble up as well YAY!







Helen <helenlooft


Wed, May 5, 2010 10:36:53 PM

Re: watermellon



Hi Gale,


Hey, I had watermelon today too!



Hugs and Love - Helen


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " elagmck " <elagmck

> wrote:


> So was thinking, " phhhhht, watermellon, like where am I going to get

watermellon this time of year, phhhhht...dumb " .

> Then today we were served watermellon juice for cinqo de maya festivies in the

cafe here at ye olde grinde.


> This means that everything is a projection from thought and that all

phenomenon is mind-made. And that we are not the body. All of our bodies drop

dead, sooner than we think. So all day just viewing the dead bodies wandering

around, or the soon to be dead bodies.


> And wondering, ??? wtf.


> -gale










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