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Book: Autobiography of a Yogi

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Hi Randy, I haven't read it but I lived it lol. I'll look into reading what he

has to say:)








believeinobe <randy.cates


Mon, May 10, 2010 2:03:01 PM

Book: Autobiography of a Yogi



I won't try and sell you it's just amazing what those who understand it all are

capable of, how humble they are (a BIG part of this).


Anyone else read it? Heard of it?


Written By:

Paramahansa Yogananda












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I have read this book, but finds it difficult to accept as true many things

written here !!




--- On Tue, 11/5/10, katharine walker <kzenith13 wrote:


katharine walker <kzenith13

Re: Book: Autobiography of a Yogi


Tuesday, 11 May, 2010, 2:51 AM


















Hi Randy, I haven't read it but I lived it lol. I'll look into reading

what he has to say:)










____________ _________ _________ __


believeinobe <randy.cates@ gmail.com>


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1


Mon, May 10, 2010 2:03:01 PM


[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Book: Autobiography of a Yogi




I won't try and sell you it's just amazing what those who understand it all are

capable of, how humble they are (a BIG part of this).




Anyone else read it? Heard of it?




Written By:


Paramahansa Yogananda











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If you like this book find the couple of books that Babaji written. He

appeared to some of his students and dictated three books, I believe

somewhere around 1960s.

The names of the books are

1) Death of Death

2) Masterkey to All ILLs

3) Mysticism Unlocked.

You should be able to find them on torrents.


By the way, while I am on the topic, if you or anyone else for that

matter is around NYC area, Shibendu Lahiri, who is Lahiri Mahashay's

grandson, is coming to New York City for three days to talk and initiate

people into Kriya yoga. I watched him talk in a video when he was in Russia

and very much enjoyed it.

Here is a link for those interested:




With Love,



On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 12:03 PM, believeinobe <randy.cateswrote:




> Hi everyone,


> I haven't been on the forum for a time so if this has already been

> discussed please disregard. I'm just finishing this book but I know everyone

> in this group would love it.


> If you have not had your Kundalini experience yet or have the slightest

> doubts that such a force could exist (most in this group don't) this book

> will open your eyes (wide) to what little we know of the universe, the power

> we have as spiritual beings and the fact that Jesus was not the only

> spiritual being who walked the planet knowing how to create, heal, manifest

> etc. These great beings simply (ha - simply) just understood how the

> universe works.


> I won't try and sell you it's just amazing what those who understand it all

> are capable of, how humble they are (a BIG part of this).


> Anyone else read it? Heard of it?


> Written By:

> Paramahansa Yogananda


> Blessings

> Randy







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Hehe why is this ? Can you find truth in books ?








Venugopal AK <akvenugopal


Mon, May 10, 2010 8:56:59 PM

Re: Book: Autobiography of a Yogi



I have read this book, but finds it difficult to accept as true many things

written here !!




--- On Tue, 11/5/10, katharine walker <kzenith13 > wrote:


katharine walker <kzenith13 >

Re: [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Book: Autobiography of a Yogi

Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Tuesday, 11 May, 2010, 2:51 AM




Hi Randy, I haven't read it but I lived it lol. I'll look into reading what he

has to say:)






____________ _________ _________ __


believeinobe <randy.cates@ gmail.com>


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1


Mon, May 10, 2010 2:03:01 PM


[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Book: Autobiography of a Yogi


I won't try and sell you it's just amazing what those who understand it all are

capable of, how humble they are (a BIG part of this).


Anyone else read it? Heard of it?


Written By:


Paramahansa Yogananda







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Hi Randy,


It is a very good book.This book lead me to spiritual path.Other books were A

Search in  secret India by Paul Brunton and Towards


 Silver crest of Himalayas by G.K.Pradhan ,The play of consciousness by Swami

muktananda. These are experiences of


individuals  in quest of self realisation.I have read these several times but

still have urge to reread.











believeinobe <randy.cates


Tue, 11 May, 2010 12:33:01 AM

Book: Autobiography of a Yogi



Hi everyone,


I haven't been on the forum for a time so if this has already been discussed

please disregard. I'm just finishing this book but I know everyone in this group

would love it.


If you have not had your Kundalini experience yet or have the slightest doubts

that such a force could exist (most in this group don't) this book will open

your eyes (wide) to what little we know of the universe, the power we have as

spiritual beings and the fact that Jesus was not the only spiritual being who

walked the planet knowing how to create, heal, manifest etc. These great beings

simply (ha - simply) just understood how the universe works.


I won't try and sell you it's just amazing what those who understand it all are

capable of, how humble they are (a BIG part of this).


Anyone else read it? Heard of it?


Written By:

Paramahansa Yogananda











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I love this book . . . .it was the first book i read on the life and

ways of an Eastern Holy person.


For many of us this book was a rite of passage into a strange wonderful

new world of Eastern thought and ways.


It is definitely one of the books that changed my life and pointed into

a path less traveled. I have read it a couple of times and hope to read

it again and i am not one to re-read. :)


love and peace




, " believeinobe "

<randy.cates wrote:


> Hi everyone,


> I haven't been on the forum for a time so if this has already been

discussed please disregard. I'm just finishing this book but I know

everyone in this group would love it.


> If you have not had your Kundalini experience yet or have the

slightest doubts that such a force could exist (most in this group

don't) this book will open your eyes (wide) to what little we know of

the universe, the power we have as spiritual beings and the fact that

Jesus was not the only spiritual being who walked the planet knowing how

to create, heal, manifest etc. These great beings simply (ha - simply)

just understood how the universe works.


> I won't try and sell you it's just amazing what those who understand

it all are capable of, how humble they are (a BIG part of this).


> Anyone else read it? Heard of it?


> Written By:

> Paramahansa Yogananda


> Blessings

> Randy






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Hi Randy,


When I went to India in 1991 I bought this book from an outside vender no

knowing what this book about. Since then, I have read this book over and over



Yes, it is a wonderful book.


I highly recommend to anyone. When the time is right, you will find the book.


Take Care,




, " believeinobe "

<randy.cates wrote:


> Hi everyone,


> I haven't been on the forum for a time so if this has already been discussed

please disregard. I'm just finishing this book but I know everyone in this group

would love it.


> If you have not had your Kundalini experience yet or have the slightest doubts

that such a force could exist (most in this group don't) this book will open

your eyes (wide) to what little we know of the universe, the power we have as

spiritual beings and the fact that Jesus was not the only spiritual being who

walked the planet knowing how to create, heal, manifest etc. These great beings

simply (ha - simply) just understood how the universe works.


> I won't try and sell you it's just amazing what those who understand it all

are capable of, how humble they are (a BIG part of this).


> Anyone else read it? Heard of it?


> Written By:

> Paramahansa Yogananda


> Blessings

> Randy


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Namaste Randy,

I have that book, Autobiography of a Yogi, on my night table and I reread pages

of it often. I could say it is my favorite book !

Blessings & Bliss

Love, Pamela


, shrikant phule

<shrikantphule wrote:


> Hi Randy,


> It is a very good book.This book lead me to spiritual path.Other books were A

Search in  secret India by Paul Brunton and Towards


>  Silver crest of Himalayas by G.K.Pradhan ,The play of consciousness by Swami

muktananda. These are experiences of


> individuals  in quest of self realisation.I have read these several times but

still have urge to reread.


> regards,


> shrikant 






> ________________________________

> believeinobe <randy.cates


> Tue, 11 May, 2010 12:33:01 AM

> Book: Autobiography of a Yogi



> Hi everyone,


> I haven't been on the forum for a time so if this has already been discussed

please disregard. I'm just finishing this book but I know everyone in this group

would love it.


> If you have not had your Kundalini experience yet or have the slightest doubts

that such a force could exist (most in this group don't) this book will open

your eyes (wide) to what little we know of the universe, the power we have as

spiritual beings and the fact that Jesus was not the only spiritual being who

walked the planet knowing how to create, heal, manifest etc. These great beings

simply (ha - simply) just understood how the universe works.


> I won't try and sell you it's just amazing what those who understand it all

are capable of, how humble they are (a BIG part of this).


> Anyone else read it? Heard of it?


> Written By:

> Paramahansa Yogananda


> Blessings

> Randy


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Hi Kat,

Well I'm envious. I'm on the path but wouldn't say I've lived it (yet).


I've had OBE's however (self induced) and from what I'm reading OBE experiences

are close to what these yogis experience during meditation.


Blessings and Service to others,




, katharine walker

<kzenith13 wrote:


> Hi Randy, I haven't read it but I lived it lol. I'll look into reading what

he has to say:)


> Love,

> Kat.




> ________________________________

> believeinobe <randy.cates


> Mon, May 10, 2010 2:03:01 PM

> Book: Autobiography of a Yogi



> I won't try and sell you it's just amazing what those who understand it all

are capable of, how humble they are (a BIG part of this).


> Anyone else read it? Heard of it?


> Written By:

> Paramahansa Yogananda


> Blessings

> Randy



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Hi Randy, Lol I did mean that I had lived the book....but trust me you be still

long enough with K things can get


wild. Not much that could surprise me now lol! I have to give it a read. Not

sure I'd say it was obe for me...I have had a near


death one. More like a waking live-action vision for me lol. I have searched

some but haven't yet found anything like that.










believeinobe <randy.cates


Thu, May 13, 2010 4:13:11 PM

Re: Book: Autobiography of a Yogi



Hi Kat,

Well I'm envious. I'm on the path but wouldn't say I've lived it (yet).


I've had OBE's however (self induced) and from what I'm reading OBE experiences

are close to what these yogis experience during meditation.


Blessings and Service to others,



Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , katharine walker

<kzenith13@. ..> wrote:


> Hi Randy, I haven't read it but I lived it lol. I'll look into reading what

he has to say:)


> Love,

> Kat.




> ____________ _________ _________ __

> believeinobe <randy.cates@ ...>

> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

> Mon, May 10, 2010 2:03:01 PM

> [Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] Book: Autobiography of a Yogi



> I won't try and sell you it's just amazing what those who understand it all

are capable of, how humble they are (a BIG part of this).


> Anyone else read it? Heard of it?


> Written By:

> ParamahansaYogananda


> Blessings

> Randy



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  • 1 year later...

Self Realization Fellowship & Yogoda Satsang Society Devotees are currently reading autobiography of a yogi on masse! This started on the 18th of November. When we reach the last chapter it will be Paramahansa Yoganandas Birthday on the 5th January.


The Autobiography of a Yogi is regarded as a sacred scripture to SRF/YSS devotees.

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