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His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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Hi All,


I was very fortunate to be able to attend the public talk given by the Dalai

Lama in Indianapolis today.  There were over 10,000 people in attendance!!  His

talk was entitled " Facing Challenges with Wisdom and Compassion in which his

stressed  approaching all things - personally to globally- with compassion -

forgiveness- and wisdom.  (Sound familiar!??)  He did joke and laugh and exuded

love to the audience. The day before in Bloomington, IN He taught The Heart

Sudra - the Womb of Buddha - The Blessard Mother, the Heart of the Perfection of

Wisdom. - (a little back story) the Dalai Lama's brother is a professor at

Indiana University - and was the director of the Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist

Cultural Center- a 108 acre grounds with the Kumbum Chamtse Ling Monastery on

it.  His  Brother's son in law has a wonderful Thai Restaurant in Bloomington (

my favorite!!)


A little background - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th Dalai Lama is the spiritual and

temporal leader of the Tibetan people.  He was born to a  peasant family on July

6, 1935.  His Holiness was recognized at the age of two , in accordance with

Tibertan tradition, as the reincarnation of His predecessor, and thus an

incarnation of the Bodhisattva (Buddha) of Compassion.


The 14th Dalai Lama fled his homeland after the China's takeover of Tibet in

1959.  He is a spiritual leader and a tireless worker for peace.  He was awarded

the Nobel Peace Prize and the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor.  His Holiness

resides in Dharamsala, India where He has established the Tibetan



I was fortunate to hear this man that has been described as the true embodiment

of compassion and a universal symbol of kindness and tolerance.  I didn't get to

ask him --How many of the 5 Tibetans does he do in the morning??  Maybe next

time.  lol  Love Helen






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