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What is the basic thing to do before start a Sadhana

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear friend:

I am a practical person. First I will think that if I invite any guest to my home, what I will do? I will clean up the residence, make sure there is nothing dirty, nothing smelling bad and nothing is looking bad too. After that I will look guests comforts and likings-dislikings. Now, if I am starting Sadhana, I am inviting my Ishta Dev or the super natural spirit, into my mind and body. I have to clean up my mind by reading spiritual or religious literatures, cleanup my body systems by turning to the diet which does not have spices, tastes, etc. Best way to clean up system is to go on fruits and milk. Of course, we need our Sadhana place clean and use Googal Dhoop to clean up air. Now, establish the idols appropriate place on the higher level than own siting level. Then put full heart and mind into prayer, mantras, or meditation and start your sadhana. I did this way, it work so well and I had so many divine and spiritual experiences.

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