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married for five years, some abortions, not any full pregnancy!

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hello Ji,

iam female born 24 january 1983, 9.36pm and my hubby born 03 August, 1977, 1.10am,

can you please read our birthchart and tell us on the prosperity of giving birth to a baby!

What is the pariharam that we can do, iam from southindia,,,

What kind of pariharma can be made to nullify the effects of Rahu and kethu and improve the positive effects of good grahas?

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Smt Sripillai,

At the outset in both the charts of you and your husband some common factors are influencing progeny.

1.5th/11th houses is influenced Rahu-Ketu axis.

2.5th lord is in 4th.(12th to 5th).Jupitor for you and Mercury for your husband.

3.Mercury 5th/2nd lord in your husband's chart is in your 5th house.He is lord of 2nd and 11th for you.In your chart he is retro.

Children are not denied but not in the normal way.The above position of planets indicate you have to undergo artficial insemination to bear children.

Regarding astro remedies both of you have to shanti puja to Rahu-Ketu, Sri Vishnu puja and pray him daily.You have to do Shanti puja to Budha as he became malefic by retrogression.

wish you best of luck,


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