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Will it it be a Love marriage? Please analyse and suggest

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Dear Astrologers,

I have attached my horroscope along with the girl i love going on for more than 5 years... She has been my best friend b4 and this relationship is 9years old. Situation is her parents not ready for intercaste and she is not dare enough to fight with them to force for marriage...


I have lagna lord sun in 7th house kumbha. 7th house lord saturn exalted and retrograded in libra(3rd house) aspecting 5th house which has ketu. 3rd house and 10th house lord venus exalted in 8th house pisces and conjunct with 9th house and 4th house lord mars. lord of 5th and 8th house jupiter in 4th house and aspects the 8th house. Rahu in 11th house .2nd and 11th house lord mercury in 6th house. lord of 12 th house moon in 9th house in mesha. Ashwini star. 4th (mars)and 8th (jupiter)lord parivartana.

Currently running Sun-Venus period from august 2010 till july 2011. after that moon dasa.


Last 5 years lagna lord surya dasa has been tsunami for me with love life not getting into marriage and i am being treaded shabbily too... not able to concentrate in work and has been burden to pass on each day with her thoughts preoccupying my mind fully. Had attempt to suicide twice but saved both.


Her horroscope has

Mithuna lagna. Kumbha rasi and poorvabadra nakshatra.

Lagna lord mercury retrograde and conjunct with ketu in 7th house saggitarius.Rahu in lagna. Lord of 6th house jupiter in 6th house scorpio. Lord of 8th and 9th house Saturn Exalted in 5th house and aspects mercury/ketu in 7th house. Venus conjunct Sun and occupies eigth house. 5th lord(venus) and 8th lord saturn parivatana. 2nd house lord Moon conjunct 6th and 11th lord mars in 9th house.

Had love affair and break by july 2005. Tried suicide and rescued.


After which i took her out of that situation but later i fall in love with her.. She accepted after a long dilema. Now situation has been not good. I want to marry,she wants her parents approval and she didnt get till now. She is not commiting anything...

It is a 9year relationship with 5years of love relationship in it.Not able to give up....

Please analyse the horroscopes and help me to know whether it will be a love marriage.Attached horroscopes.



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