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Analysing 5 planets eefect in a single house

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My Ascendant is Cancer and I have 5 planets sun,Mercury,Ven,Jup,Sat situated in Libra. Kuja,Ketu in saggitarius, Moon in Taurus and Rahu in Gemini.


currently im influenced by Rahu dasha and shani bhukti. im facing immense problem in my married life though we couples are very soft natured we are unable to keep up the good relation. we quarrel with out speaking with each other for any reason.this is causing imbalence in my mental Peace please somebody help me and provide solution/ Suggest pooja that should be done.


also i always have the urge to help needy who is in trouble, i reach out the extremes to help the poor people. i feel guilty if i could not help any when they are in pathetic situation due to which i take thier's risk on my head and create problems for myself


My Birth details are as below

DOB: 03/11/1982

Time: 00:15 Am

Place: Bangalore


Please mail me the solution to my mail id: sureshspeaks@gmail.com

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