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Help bringing up my devta

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Hi I would like some help in that I go to a madrasi hindu temple and was told I carry Sangani and Madurai Veren. I am a pujari there who helps out and try to do things and learn more about it. I have been devotion of rum and cigarettes for almost a year now and recently I have been feeling vibrations.


At first I thought it was my imagination because I want him to come up on me, but I talked to sangani and he said not to question my vibrations I feel that he is with me. he wants to come up. I have gotten alot of leg and lower back pain. My question is, what can I do to help bring up baba completely during service? Anyone has any experience with this?


I was told by head pujari to go to the beach and japs in the water, as well as continuing my devotion. Any help from people who can already play will be apppreciated. Right now my life is going throw alot of negatives due to planetary situation.


Thanks in advance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

didnt get your question as i dont understand what sangani means, if you are having health problems recite mahamritunjya mantra. 108 repititions takes around 10 to 12 mintes to complete. chant 33 rosary rounds for 40 days. at last day complete havan of atleast 12500 times. ic case you can not do havan THEN YOU SHOULD recite 33 rosary rounds NOT FOR 40 days but for 56 days (56 days is for without havan and 40 days is with havan)

i hope you get my point.



in case you are getting problem with some spirit do some research on kavach of kali, durga etc.


i think daily doing one path of durga shaptshati soon you will be freed by that spirit. do path in sanskrit.

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  • 4 months later...

Yes it is sankili karupan.... please help me as I have been getting mentally disturbed and seriously depressed (over 3 weeks constantly depressed and crying for no reason). I've also lately been feeling very very angry and loss of temper (i already didnt have much patience as it was). And now my stomach feels very sick thinking about meat, please help me understand this anyone. Thank you.

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