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alternative treatments for cancer

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  • 1 month later...


Dear All,

could you tell me alternative treatments for lung cancer that are available in India. Also could someone tell me where I can get oleander pills for cancer treatment pls. pls pls.


Thanks in advance




well i can tell u the alternative treatment for cancer, firstly can u provide me following details


Condition/stage of patient




Location/City where patient lives




Anurag Kaushal

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  • 3 months later...


There have been cases where people get lots of excersize and change diet and have healed themselves.

Where you exposed to asbestos? My grandmother got lung cancer and it was possibly related to this, if so you ought to look up solutions related to that.

Go through everything you expose your lungs to with a fine tooth comb as it could be simply being around fumes all day. Investigate use your intuition even asking yourself "what is the cause of this" and when/ how am i going to make the neccessary changes to achieve perfect health. Make sure you visualize yourself in perfect health. The brain releases certain signals which have a huge effect on your biochemistry, this is related to whether your focus feels good or bad to you im sure its evident which has what cause.

Diet is very important meat/dairy ought to go imediately get yourself hooked up with a good ayurvedic doc.

Cancer can be an opportunity to project yourself to radiant health so look at it as a wake up call.

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