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Does God Exists?

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I just want to do some analysis based on the responses I am going to receive, for last few days I am thinking on the existence of God (in fact i am trying to find the answer for "reality" when I meditate in my consciousness) but I dont find anything convincing. infact I am compelled to trust on the science more and more ....


Do Reply (No Intention of hurting any religious feelings, I thought this could be the better place to post this topic)

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It depends on who you call God. I believe there is a Supreme Intelligence running the whole cosmos according to some laws. If you want evidence whether God exists.. ask yourself why people take birth and die in cycles? Recently I have seen a documentary in which Harvard scientists are close to creating primitive life forms in lab. They could be eventually successful. But they can never explain how a living being becomes life less. These events are all run by Supreme Intelligence.

There is someone and only ONE behind everything that happens in Universe. We all are mere players for this Supreme Intelligence's game.

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