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From epic to bottom in career- seek immediate suggestion

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Dear Sir,


Just one year back-- till Oct'09- I have enjoyed roller coaster time in my career, characterize by many promotion, bigger responsibilities, and facilitation. I am working in same company for last five year and achieved great success in my work responsibilities and thankfully always rewarded. Out of four yearly appraisal, I have been rated A+ 4 times and received PB which is rare for most of employee to achieve once. However, unexpected turn around has happened from Oct'09 when Saturn sub-period started. I met with accident, and somehow, seems to loose all extra-energy (I never felt laziness before). Although, I got some positive reward like promotion, increment in salary, bigger responsibilities in Apr'10 to 10 May'10. I almost started loosing all my expertise and faced all sort of obstacle. In spite of all efforts and correct procedure, result is being minimized at last moment by some out of ordinary problems. There are obstacle like--- some sub-ordinate leave and we have appointed some other and in spite of all waiting period and acceptance, all of sudden, candidate doesn't turn up (This is just one example and many thing like this has happened).

With Ra-Sat-Ketu period, I have gone into worst stage of my career- I have many time decided to quit and also discussed it with boss however, because of my reputation in company among top management for my performances so far, my boss has supported me to continue.


Surprisingly, I have again selected among best manager because of outstanding resulted in some parameter and rewarded with A+ in 2 QPA. However, my performance in own set standard is very poor and I am not able to digest the same. Also, I always happened to be appreciated and figure pointing on performance is somewhat making me loose confidence and so many concern.


Also, I don't know if this is right time to change job? I am firm believer in astrology and have found many indication in my life to be exactly true. When I met with accident-- it was Ra-Sa-Mer period, Ma was in 8th house deli-bated, Mer was in 12th house deli-bated, Ju-- lord of ascendant was retro gated and deli-bated in 2nd house. Mo - lord of 8th house in 8th making it very strong, Sun was in 12th house. Ra was transiting 1st house.


Dear all guru, I request your help. I understand, Saturn sub-period with Saturn transiting in 10th house and Ketu in 7th house will create huge upset in career. There are many positive yoga present in my chart like Chandra adhi, lagna adhi, lord of 10th in 7th in own sign, Venus, mercury, mars in own sign and Jupiter in exaltation. However, none will rescue me in this period. I request you all to give input to minimize impact.

My DOB is 12/06/79, Place: Ranchi, State: Jharkhand and Time: 19:00.


I would be oblige for any immediate suggestion on remedies.

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