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Moon conjunct Ketu - 1st Lord in 8th conjunct Rahu - Rahu/Ketu period coming

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Dear Astrologers,


I have uncommon chart. Many issues all life. Please can you say what maybe past life actions brought this? What do you think this means, this connection of planets, basically?


What focus of life and events will Rahu/Ketu bring?


Thank you so much! You are wonderful. any remedies would be greatly appreciated.


3/23/1958 Washington DC 6:42 am

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Well, Is earning money or saving money is what you are sad about?


Working with machines, computers or a lawyer?


Married to someone from other caste or religion?


Have to work away from birth place most of the time?


Well not all combinations are so bad in your chart:



sun + mercury is a good combination for leaders and policticians.


moon + ketu makes one sad about few things in life but makes one pious, spiritual and kind.


Jupiter + Rahu although may give bad effects and you may have some litigations regarding ancestral inheritance or health problems.


Mars + Venus gives a good energy in your work sphere and at the same time presence of venus makes you creative and tend to makes you attracted towards a person in your work sphere.

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