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Four grah in the same house, interpretation?

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I am highly intrigued by the interpretation everyone has about the interaction of planets in my 11th house.

In my 11th house (Scorpio) I have Surya, Shukra, Guru and Budh all present in my birth chart. I don't know how each interacts, which would be the most influencial and how you would interprate this.

FYI Mangal is on 12th and Shany in 10th with Chandra in Pisces in 3rd (11th is also 8th from 3rd!)


Thank you,

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Surya, Shukra, Guru and Budh in 11th house brings a very auspicious opportunity in life. Surya and Budh makes a Budh-Aditya yog which promises to give you a lot of wealth and fame. They promise to give you opportunities and income from abroad as well. You will be a very wealthy man. It also prmises to give you success in education, business, job and high position in your career whichever field you might be in. Lots more on offer......

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