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I want to marry her but is it safe?

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Hi all, I'm actually new to this site, this is in fact my first post!


I recently got talking to this girl and the issue of kundali came up. I have never taken it too seriously but my Mum does. In addition, I believe she is a Manglik, but I heard in some circumstances, Manglik gets cancelled.


My details are

D.O.B : 13/01/84

P.O.B: UK (London)

Time: 06:30am


The Girls details are

D.O.B: 09/06/86

P.O.B: Himachal Pradesh (Kangra)

Time: 05:53am


I'm really desperate to know if it's safe for us to get married as I like this girl alot :-(, if anyone can help please let me know, your help will be incredibly appreciated.




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