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the most amazing horoscope i have seen

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I have recently come to see a horoscope where all planets except rahu is in 6th, 7th n 8th. More precisely 3 planets (venus, moon, mars) in 6th house n 4 planets(sun, saturn, jupiter, mercury) in 8th houe n only saturn in 7th house with aries ascendant


In my view, wht i can predict it that this girl can never have happiness, will always endow with problems of health n will have all sort of problems as all good planets are in 6th n 8th house.


Only one yog that i see is only vipreet raj yoga. Some people say it this situation of all planets in 3 houses as vidhi yoga but i could not find any such yog on net.


KINDLY throw some light on it


DOB: 29/11/1983

Time: 16:20 hrs

Place: delhi

Sex: girl

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Well no horoscope is so bad that nothing exists... God has something in it for all....



Vipareets raja yoga caused by Mars (8th lord in 6th) may give delayed results but in the end helps in overcoming all difficulties.

saturn exalted in 7th house alone is a very good position for delayed but good married life.


Planets in 6th house suggests debt, disease, litigation, enemies etc.

-Here it suggests not so good going with mother sometimes, disease due to overindulgence of food etc.,


By the way there is also parivartana yoga between mars and mercury that helps in cancelling few malefic effects.


-Check out the horoscope of Actor VIVEK OBEROI :) sun and mercury in 8th house may led to some sort of humiliation in public but in the end there are cancellations that helps in recovering towards better.

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