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I am helpleass please help me, i broke don't know what to do ?

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Pranam brothers and sister's


I am in real trouble don't know what to do i am in love with a girl she loves me too,we were best friends from 6 years but two years ago we mutually agreed to a relationship,her mother was not ready for this marriage but my fiance was adamant so her mother finally nodded for our engagement last year but she put some condition in front of her doughter to stay with her for one year before marriage my fiance was agreed to that but later on again her mother refused for this marriage this is happening from past i and a half years we are not allowed to meet each other finally me along with my parents went to there place which is 400kms away from our place and we talk to her mother what actually she want than once again my mother-in-law asked for a months time and asked us to make the arrengments we returned to our home but suddenly beahviour of my fiance was changed there was a time when she was with me all the time but now the moment i say something about her mother she got angry and irritated all the time and she stopped talking to me,whenevr i tried to talk to her she used to say we will talk after marriage our marriage was fixed for last month she was only talking to my mother during this time giving us assurence that she is coming cuople of days before the marriage date,just 10 days before our marriage we came to know that her cell phone is switched off she has deleted all her email accounts my emails everything now i dont know where she is,her mother was all into black magic her mother used ask for a picture of her and just couple of months ago my fiance has some strange experinces at her home,dead people in dreams blood spot infront of her room strange noises she had a hard time sleeping so i suggested her to light a deepak infront of tulsi ji she used to do that but from sept she stopped doing everything,now i really dont know what actually happened with her,where she is?i have no idea,i just know one thing that major happened she cant do this,now its been more than one month i have no clue,so is it possible that she can come back and we can marry or if she is under some black magic is it possible to remove that,i am just praying to god all the time to send her back keep her safe,i have never been so spritual but these days i am always saying sorry for my bad karma's i love her so much,is there any brother or sister who can help me,with some mantra' s or some puja that would be a great help u can take my birthdetails and my fiance's details as well ,if someone can help please repply me


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It could be either "Uchaatan" on her OR "Vidweshan" on her for you...

In any condition this can be cured by 2 major actions..

"Sammohan" to cure Vidweshan b/w you 2

and "Tantra-dosh-nivaran" to cure Uchhatan.


Contact to head office of "MTYV" ... "Mantra tantra yantra vigyaan" ...

or attend any camp and meet Guruji with her photographs..

You may find contact numbers in magazines of every month..



Don't loose your hope..

Everything will be alright..


Mantra-tantra-yantra-vigyaan is now "Narayana-mantra-sadhna-vigyaan"

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hi,brother i am sorry for your story i just i want to suggest you to do vashikaran to your lovers mother.and do kali or shiv pooja to get rid from black magic.i know the procedure but if it is fake that means i dont know about you if you do any wrong thing with which i give mantra.so firstly i suggest you to go to ujjain mahakaleshwar temple and then your problems will decrease.have a happy life

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