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Rahu bhukti remedy - mars and saturn in 7th house

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It all started with a bang, no efforts and still i was at the best job - commisioned officer in indian millitary until the age of 27 when i got married in 11th Mar 2001. All problems started surfacing. Marriage obviously ended in 2006 and in the mean while took a wrong descision of quitting Navy. 2007 Finally started my career in corporate, established myself by 2009. Mar 2010 got married again and the problems still continue. Facing court cases. Recenetly approached a few astrologers and they said i have rahu bhukti and budha dasha. Rahu is placed in 12th House (Vritchika). My Rasi is Tula and natchatram Vishaka. 7th house i have saturn and mars. what are its effects. He also said i have kala Sarpa Dosha:mad2:


DOB - 06 May 1974

TOB - 22 : 25 Hours

Place - Dindigul (Tamil Nadu)


I have started wearing a gomed in left had middle findger since yesterday.


Please advice me what should be done to get peace of mind and general happiness:smile:

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