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Cusp Orb for significators in K.P. Astrology

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Respected K.P. Astrologers,


I have a few questions regarding the Cusp Orb and it's degree for determining significators in K.P. Astrology and the new theories based on K.P.. For instance, if Moon were deposited in the 11th house at 02:18:59 in Taurus and if the 12th cusp itself were to start at 03:15:14 in the same sign Taurus, it would be logical to state that Moon is in rapt conjunction with the 12th cusp and therefore should offer it's results as a significator. My question in this regard is -


1. Should Moon be treated as an occupant of the 12th house due to the orb of the 12th cusp and if so, what is the accepted value for any cusp orb in degrees and minutes to determine occupancy of planets outside of the house cusp? If Moon is to be treated as an occupant, then it would be logical to follow the rule that planets deposited in it's stars and signs would also offer the results of the 12th house. Would this rule also apply in cases such as this?


2. If in the above case, Moon is NOT treated as an occupant of the 12th house, but that of the 11th house, Would it be treated as 'weak' due to it's proximity of the 12th house and therefore planets deposited in it's stars and signs also as 'weak' significators of 11 and 'strong' significators or 12?


3. Are aspects of a planet to a house cusp or to other planets, also signified by planets deposited in he source planet's stars and signs? I would assume this to be incorrect.


Please explain and clarify my doubts to all the above.


Thank and Regards,


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