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Do I have to take a diksha from a guru to start maa baglamukhi mantra?

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Is it necessary to find a guru to start saying this mantra? How many times should it be said and for how long?


From my understanding this is the correct mantra: !!Om Hleem Baglamukhi Sarwdushtanam Wacham Mukham Padam; Stambhay Jihwa Kilay Buddhi Vinashay Hleem Om swaha!!


Has it backfired on anyone? How much precaution should we take when we do this?

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  • 2 months later...

If Guru give you the mantra, it will be more powerful and you can see the result in no time. Any mantra, the more time you spend on chanting it, the faster you will see the result. The best time would be from 3 am up to 6 am. Try to commit your self for 90 days, 120 days or until you get what you want.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes You should take diksha before starting any mantra because Only Guru Can tell You the right procedure and right pronunciation. I am also a Bagalamukhi Sadhak and took diksha two years ago from shri yogeshwaranand Ji. Whenever i had any problem i just contacted my guru and he told me everything. So first take diksha it is really must. In the above mantra chant post-40500-138274059092_thumb.jpg

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  • 1 month later...


Is it necessary to find a guru to start saying this mantra? How many times should it be said and for how long?


From my understanding this is the correct mantra: !!Om Hleem Baglamukhi Sarwdushtanam Wacham Mukham Padam; Stambhay Jihwa Kilay Buddhi Vinashay Hleem Om swaha!!


Has it backfired on anyone? How much precaution should we take when we do this?




It depends on what your aim is on chanting bagalamukhi mantra to know if it will back-fire or not.


If you aim to winning only her Grace, I will suggest you only do nama japa (simply chanting bagalaamukhi while remembering her form lovingly)


This nama japa itself will eventually attract Mother's attention and she will give darshan in dreams.


Then proper guide on that sadhana and all knowledge on that sadhan will come to you.


Please dont under-estiamte simply invocation of name . That has immense power.

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