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Siddhi only using mantra? And How?

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How can siddhis be achieved?

Is it only using mantras?


What I have to do is recite a specific mantra for specif number of times? Thats it? What things ensure that I get the siddhi?


Where should my attention/concentration be while reciting the mantra?


What are the mantras to achieve psychic siddhis? like reading thoughts,seeing future etc.?


Is mastery/opening of a chakra considered a siddhi? How can I master my third eye?

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  • 4 months later...



You can master the Third Eye by using the mantra Om.


According to Swami Rama, you get sidhis when performing a mantra for a hundred thousand times.


If you have karmic problems, you'll need to do it for two hundred thousand times.


Three hundreds thousands grants you to influence others in order to that mantra,


and six hundreds thounsands makes you a vehicle for its power.


Any other performing will send you into perfection on siddhi.

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  • 2 months later...

thank you for replying.

So I can chant the mantra om for like 1 hour everyday?

Where should my concentration be while chanting this mantra?

What if while chanting I have some thoughts,what to do with them?

And I should chant 'ooommmm' in an elongated manner and not just 'om' to complete hundred thousand fast?

Is it necessary to use a rosary for this? how is rosary used,I don't know.


And my forehead remains heavy all the time.so is my third eye already opened or opening or overactive or what?

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Dear Makar,


In my opinion, you should be clear about yourself when you say 'Siddhi'.

Unless you know exactly what you want, how can you find appropriate means to achieve it?


"Siddhis' are expressed with respect to Hindu Mantra and Stotras. The mantras and stotras are intended for spiritual upliftment. The ultimate objective of spirituality is to disintegrate one's individual 'ego' whereas the idea of siddhis would inflate the ego of the person. Now, the question arise, what is the significance of Siddhis or attainments in the pursuit of spiritual development ? The answers are two fold.


(a) The siddhis, extra sensory powers, were designed to primarily block those sadhakas who do not deserve to advance in the sadhana. The siddhis were bestowed upon them so that they would toy with those miracles for a while and ultimately get derailed from the spiritual path. This way, the siddhis are the testing gadgets on the spiritual path.


(b) In certain sadhanas, the sadhak is required to keep aloof, isolated and merged into various kriyas. During this time he can be suceptible to outer hazards e.g. attack from wild animals, rain, cold or even bad spirits. At times he has no time even to cook for himself. Under such circumstances, the siddhis provide the sadhak with protection, food or even abilities to do away with food and water for a prolonged period.


Now it is for you to decide what way you qualify for Siddhis..!

If you genuinely intend to pursue some spiritual sadhana, then also you need to understand the science of Mantra. It is much more than just reciting for 'x' number times etc..! I would suggest you to read my thread at this link http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/mantra-tantra-vigyana/1414763-essentials-mantra-sadhana.html

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Dear Makar,


In my opinion, you should be clear about yourself when you say 'Siddhi'.

Unless you know exactly what you want, how can you find appropriate means to achieve it?


"Siddhis' are expressed with respect to Hindu Mantra and Stotras. The mantras and stotras are intended for spiritual upliftment. The ultimate objective of spirituality is to disintegrate one's individual 'ego' whereas the idea of siddhis would inflate the ego of the person. Now, the question arise, what is the significance of Siddhis or attainments in the pursuit of spiritual development ? The answers are two fold.


(a) The siddhis, extra sensory powers, were designed to primarily block those sadhakas who do not deserve to advance in the sadhana. The siddhis were bestowed upon them so that they would toy with those miracles for a while and ultimately get derailed from the spiritual path. This way, the siddhis are the testing gadgets on the spiritual path.


(b) In certain sadhanas, the sadhak is required to keep aloof, isolated and merged into various kriyas. During this time he can be suceptible to outer hazards e.g. attack from wild animals, rain, cold or even bad spirits. At times he has no time even to cook for himself. Under such circumstances, the siddhis provide the sadhak with protection, food or even abilities to do away with food and water for a prolonged period.


Now it is for you to decide what way you qualify for Siddhis..!

If you genuinely intend to pursue some spiritual sadhana, then also you need to understand the science of Mantra. It is much more than just reciting for 'x' number times etc..! I would suggest you to read my thread at this link http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/mantra-tantra-vigyana/1414763-essentials-mantra-sadhana.html




thank you for replying.

So I can chant the mantra om for like 1 hour everyday?

Where should my concentration be while chanting this mantra?

What if while chanting I have some thoughts,what to do with them?

And I should chant 'ooommmm' in an elongated manner and not just 'om' to complete hundred thousand fast?

Is it necessary to use a rosary for this? how is rosary used,I don't know.


And my forehead remains heavy all the time.so is my third eye already opened or opening or overactive or what?

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Sorry..Makar. It seems like you are back to square one..!


You have not indicated any thing about : your objective, are you doing it as a part of any sadhana, whether have you ritualistically obtained the Mantra from a Master etc.


Different school of meditation prescribe different way of chanting AUM. e.g. some suggest that you need to take a deep breath in and then while releasing the breath out, you need to speak AAU..........UUU.............MM.


  • As you start breathing out; initially you need to concentrate on lower abdominal cavity and create the sound..'AU..........' You need to visualize the form of Lord Brahma there.
  • Then shift the focus to the middle passage (wind pipe) and create sound "UUUUU..........." You need to visualize Lord Vishnu at this stage. Remember you are almost half the way of your breathing out the air you took initially in.
  • At last, you would culminate the mantra with the sound of "MMMMMMMM...." You need to visualize Lord Mahesha at the spot within nostrills where the breat out air hits. The the volume of the sound "MMM....mmmm" should gradualy be slowed down as the breath lasts.

Here again, there are issues like - whether you know the techniqaue of spiritual breathing. In spiritual breathing, the abdoman gets inflated as you breath in(in stead of chest that happens in normal average breathing)


The technique creates reaction with the hypothalamus through pharynx area.


'Jo Khojta hai Wah Paataa Hai..'


Keep it up..!


  • thank you for replying.
    So I can chant the mantra om for like 1 hour everyday?
    Where should my concentration be while chanting this mantra?
    What if while chanting I have some thoughts,what to do with them?
    And I should chant 'ooommmm' in an elongated manner and not just 'om' to complete hundred thousand fast?
    Is it necessary to use a rosary for this? how is rosary used,I don't know.

    And my forehead remains heavy all the time.so is my third eye already opened or opening or overactive or what?


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