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Hi Everyone,


I am a new member to this forum. Actually, i am suffering from black magic for more than 6 years. I know the person who has done to me and also, i came to know from a spiritual source that they have sent kaateri along with karna pishachini. First, i had problem of some noises hearing only to me and then slowly i could able to hear some ppl i.e. three to four ppl speaking into my ear. Then, i could able to hear very clearly what they speak and i came to know that they are chasing through the thought reading also. But, i could able to say that through some witch craft, these ppl know what ever i think and they are causing so much hurdles in my development.


I dont know in tantric world, its possible. i dont know how they do it. I just believe one and only in god. I dont have any other problems other than this. I am sure this is not psychological problem. I am normal in all other activities. But, i heard through some ppl who are close to me that these things are done to give hurdle to my development and to make me lunatic.


I just wanted to break this black magic/ witch craft stuffs. But, i could not. I tried so many means, performing homam of prityangira matha, homom for varahi matha and daily chanting sundar gandam of Ramayana. I am a devotee of matha Chandi and lord Ram. I chanted Chandi paath/devi mahatmayam for more than 10 times and given 2 times of fire sacrifice during the navaratri. My spiritual guru is the god himself/herself. I pray to all god/goddess whichever is the holy spirit. And i dont get any bad dreams. I always get positive dreams. Good sleep. only problem is the hurdle for the marriage and my career development. But, now after these good number of chants of Devi mahatmaya, the sounds into ear has been very much reduced. Only problem is the thoughts reading.


Please, can you anyone advice me what additional things i need to do? Do this kind of witch craft is really possible?? Why these ppl believe in demi-gods / evil spirits and dont they have any fear of parashakthi for punishments?


Thanks in Advance.

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Please kindly help me by posting your suggestions. I am really in need of help. The vidya of thought reading is misused in my case and i have been chased by the rowdies. By misusing this vidya, i have been eve-teased. I have been insulted very much. I could not able to reverse the black magic stuff, as the chasers are purchasing the person whom we are approaching. I have been tolerated this for more than 3 years. I could not able to give legal complaint as there is no proof against the witch craft. Whatever i do as a prayer, all has been insulted by them. I dont know what to do. By any how, i need to break the witch craft. please let me know what i need to do further to stop thought reading. Is there any pooja more effective and instantly can stop this witch craft technique??


Please consider this and help me for the sake of humanity. Consider me as your sister / daughter, and give me ur valuable suggestions to completely get rid off this. For the past 5 years, I could not able to trust anyone and almost everyone who is so and so called manthriks are seems to be fake.

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One thing alone that all demons, dark forces, evil spirits cannot stand... The invocation of the Lord God!

Speak these words and all evil beings will be gone from you. "In the name of my Lord .....(say Jesus, Krishna, Budha or Zoroaster) I banish thee, be gone from here go back from where you came!

This is very powerful and all demons MUST obey this command. Call upon the Lord. Gods love be with you!

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Thanks Pavanji for the quick response. :)

Hi Avanija,

I too am new to this forum and really new to this world of social networking and stuff.

I just wanted to share this information I had which might serve/guide you in your situation.


There are various mantras including SRI VIDYA UPASANA which will help you to get rid of your problem. I strongly recommend you to go through the website thoroughly and you can find mp3 downloads in the download section for all the mantras.I have been following a set of very powerful mantras called RASHMIMALA mantras for the past few weeks.And they are extremely powerful in healing various ailments regarding your physical, mental and also spiritual ailments.

I would rather suggest you to practice any type of YOGA which include the basic 8 stages/steps and then practice these chantings which will empower you with abundant grace of the almighty.


God Bless, Take care...

Have faith, nothing is impossible.

Every possible situation given to us is just like a test, a stepping stone towards our progress towards self-actualization/realization.


I don't hope that this works but rather I strongly believe that this works.

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Hi anahatanadaji,

Thanks for the guidance. I am new to this total stuff and i will try to get these manthras by searching. If you can forward me such manthras would be fine. And please furnish any sri vidya upasakas, who can provide diksha or guiding proper way of initiating the pooja procedure. Yes, as you said nothing is impossible. But, my main goal to come out of this witch-craft stuff. If you have any RASHMIMALA manthras, can you please forward to me.



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Hi Anahatanadaji,


I went through this website {...} for the Rashmi mala manthras. They have mentioned that "Every Sri Vidya Upasaka who has received Panchadasi or higher mantras is supposed to recite the set of mantras to be recited now. They are called Rashmi Mala mantras." So they are trying to say that only the ppl who have received the panchadasi or some higher manthras from a Guru are supposed to chant this manthra.


In my case, I dont have such a guru to guide me and to give me diksha. How to initiate this chanting in my case? Chanting Rashmi mala manthra without any proper sadhakam willl give fruitiful result? pls advice me in this case.




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I have been practicing yoga for past 6-7years now. I have not received any formal diksha from any formal guru. But I know that i have been blessed by the divine grace of Shri Mahavatar Babaji and I consider him as my Pram GURU.


Yes getting a formal Deeksha is a very good step to start anything spiritual and helps a lot in our progress as the guru looks after us as his own extension.

But nowadays a realized soul/GURU is very rare to find as we all sadhaks know. But there are such masters still around us but in disguise.

So I suggest you to download the e diksha mp3 from the site and start to practise first.I will pray for your deeksha and well being, dont you worry about such things as deeksha and stuff. You will have to trust me on this.

But instead worry about things like discipline, honesty, being patient, regularity in practice and most of all devotion and love towards the Almighty.

There are certain mantras which has to be chanted before beginning the actual mantras where you salute the masters, and the lord. After that there are mantras which will destroy all the possible obstacles in the way of your sadhana for that particular time. And then the actual process starts.So there is nothing to worry. Moreover you are praying to the "Mother of allShri Lalita Maha Tripura Sundari". She knows your situation very well. So don't worry. And if you have a chance to visit andhra where Shri Amritanandaji resides do take deeksha from him. I have not seen more authentic practices than in that website until now.

There is one more thing which you can do. I was reading Shrimad bahagavatham and came to know that there is certain kavacha, a shield which protects us against any evils ad weapons. Which is called as "NARAYANA KAVACHA".

This was given to Indra at the time of great trouble from the lord himself you can get it on the internet or else I can post u the link.


I would like to know, if you have practiced any kind of yoga so far. If not what you know about yoga. Because it would be good to suggest you more specifically about the sadhanas.


Out of topic- I am new to the concept of forums and posting stuff. Does it always take 2-3 days to post something and get a reply?


Take care God Bless

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Hi Anahatanadaji,


As far as Yoga is concerned,i am practising Raja yoga and pranayama. I practise the basic pranayama i.e. inhale, kumbaka and exhale at the proportion 1:2:4 and doing meditation by concentrating at the centre of the eyebrows meeting point. To be honost, I could not able to do it regularly. But sometimes, i get some pricking around my face while practising meditation at Agna chakra and gets disturbed. I dont know whether this is the correct path to do the raja yoga. But, i do my daily poojas regularly. I do offer the 5 sacred things to god as a part of daily pooja. Thats all i do.


Regarding diksha, i remember, sometime back in our home, we did pratyingara homam. The priest who did this, gave a pratyingara manthra to me and asked to chat it regularly. I can consider this one as a diksha. Am i right? Suddenly, it struck me that the priest (he has done big yagas and he said he himself does varahi and pratyingara upasakam) has given the manthra to me. But, i dont have other instructions from him apart from chanting the manthra. We dont have contact with him also. But, i didnt start chanting the manthra and have to start chanting it. Moreover, i hear lalitha sahasranama as a regular practise if not have time to recite it. I am a great devotee of the supreme mother.




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Hi Aavnijaji,

That's great news to hear from you.

Since you r practicing yoga u can easily understand the chakras systems and where they are what their basic purpose is and everything. May be only basics but that is enough to understand the rashmimala mantras.

Lalita sahsranama regularly that's great.

And its even good that u do poojas and meditate quite often I suppose, not regularly! thats ok .

Yes that can be considered as a basic deeksha. Now stop thinking and get started.

Download the MP3's and listen to them first in a calm relaxed and in a devotional mind set.

So start with doing

1.Prayer to the mother and guru (the guru aspect of the mother)

2.Asana-Surya Namaskar (Optional)/ Aerobics

3.Pranayama (atleast 6-8 rounds)

4.JAPA/Chanting -the mantra your poojari gave.

5.Narayana Kavacha

6.Rashmi Mala mantras

7.Final Prayer and end

If you r honest, devoted and regular enough all the trouble will be solved within 6 months. This is my strong belief.

I will also pray to the mother for your well being.

Did u get Narayana Kavacha?

If u want anything more about chakras I can provide u with a link.

In the 4th point - While doing japa include pranayama with it. Which means inhale with both the nostrils and chant until your comfortable. hold and chant until u r comfortable. also chant while exhaling. chant in shunyaka also. note that breathing should be done simultaneously and spontaneously without any stress and strain in a relaxed manner while doing japa. Do atleast 3 rounds in the morning and 3 in the evening.(3*108- is one round). Japa can be done at any time because it includes no harm, but japa with pranayama should be done only when the stomach is empty.


And about raja yoga if u r interested i can suggest some books and links.


Take Care, god bless

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I think we get conditioned when we enter a particular forum. I have a reason to believe so.

If we scrutinize the problem of the questioner, we can understand it more clearly. I have my observations. I know, s/shri anahatanandji and avanija would never agree with my observations.


She is a victim of her own notions about black magic.


If we believe her, "performing homam of prityangira matha, homom for varahi matha and daily chanting sundar gandam of Ramayana. I am a devotee of matha Chandi and lord Ram. I chanted Chandi paath/devi mahatmayam for more than 10 times and given 2 times of fire sacrifice during the navaratri. My spiritual guru is the god himself/herself. I pray to all god/goddess whichever is the holy spirit...." it poses serious questions about effectiveness of our Mantras, Guru and the remedial measures.


If a person chants Chandipath/devi mahtmaya more than 10 times, just imagine what portion of the day she spents in this activity (or is it just during Navaratri?). I am afraid, too much of indulgence in ritualistic activities may be the reason of he state of affairs.


Where is the problem ? She says "....i dont get any bad dreams. I always get positive dreams. Good sleep. only problem is the hurdle for the marriage and my career development. But, now after these good number of chants of Devi mahatmaya, the sounds into ear has been very much reduced. Only problem is the thoughts reading." - now, let me tell you the hurdle for marriage and career development is a very general sort of things and this can be experienced even in absence of black-magic. What is so bad about it..?


I think she need not worry for the 'Thought reading' phenomenon. Untill, some one takes disadvantage, what is bad if though reading is done ? Does it get her thought printed over walls ?


As she says.."I could not able to trust anyone and almost everyone who is so and so called manthriks are seems to be fake. " I wonder, how can she expect to get genuine guidance over the internet ?


She is confussed about the problem. Karna Pishachini is the shakti attained by a sadhaka. This shakti whisper in the ear of the sadhaka about past and present events of the desired person. The shakti cannot be used to whisper things into another person's ear.


I suggest that Avanija, should carefully read this webpage - it provides more useful information on her problem :

Hearing Voices

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Hi Ganesh,


Now, i dont hear any voices to my ear. That is totally stopped after doing all these. Recently, i did chandi path chantings. One chapter per day. thats it. Totally i finished 13 times of chantings alone in a year. It took one year for me to complete the 13 times of chandi paath chanting. During navarathri, we did a fire sacrifice by chanting the Devi mahatmaya. But, i have this thought reading issues which has been misused by my enemies. I dont know how they do it. No idea about it. My enemies used to chase me through this thought reading. coz of this, i could not able to tolerate to many extent. So far, i thought this will also pass soon if i dont give importance to it. But, they are not giving up. I am not saying they are powerful ppl. But, still i need to get out of this. Due to this, there is huge hurdle in my career and life. Moreover, the person who has done black magic on me, engaged rowdies and asking them to chase and tease wherever i go. My close friends asking not telling me anything and they are not interested to get involved and help. They fear that they may also become victim of it. My friends advice to keep myself calm and not to give importance to this. I dont know whats happening around me. I asked to many persons who get god on them, they said it is due to black magic and the person who spelled on you is doing this. I could not able to ask anyone since it is mind reading. So, i am doing meditation to not to get negative emotion and stay myself positive. Also, i am trying to find any means to come out of this witch craft stuff. I can very well say i am not a psychologically affected. I still work in a global indian IT company and chasing of these ppl are everywhere. I dont know about others mentality, but i could not able to tolerate these nuisances. But, there is no use of getting negative emotions, its wise to think how to come out of it. Many ppl has written about the problem of hearing voices, but, they said in the same forum thread somewhere, its possible to read thoughts also. But, i got into this worst situation of being chased everywhere.





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Hi Ganesh,


I thought of answering another question. I approached many manthriks for that hearing voices problem, but, the problem was not reduced. But, then i fed up of approaching these ppl, and then planned to do pooja to get rid of this hearing voices problem. So, only started this Devi Mahatmya chanting. Did for almost a year, the problem is now reduced and almost stopped. Thought reading as u mentioned is not serious thing. But, in my case, it is being misused and the person is chasing and teasing using my thoughts. I am sorry, i think i was not clear in my first post. So, i thought of asking some help to get out of this problem. one of the manthriks I approached, he told me that karna pishachini has been used. Sorry, i dont know how that shakthi can be used at far more distance. The overall problem which i am now facing is more than 5 years knowingly.




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Thanks Anahatanadaji, for your quick response. I will follow these steps with utmost devotion and start doing my japa also. I am interested in Raja yoga. If you can suggest any books for this, it would be great. Regarding Narayana Kavacha, i will get it from internet or else, i will get a book here.


Very Thanks,


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Hi Avanijaji,

The best book for Raja Yoga is the one written by Shri Swami Vivekananda. This book contains almost everything about yoga itself. Its just a 150-200 pages book and u can get it for approx Rs.100/-. And you can also read the writings of Shri Swami Sivananda its free on the net. U can download the Pdf's.


Take Care, God Bless

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The line that devides psychic things and black magic is very fragile one.

I think no person with psychological problem ever knows that he/she is affected.

I wonder if you visited the link I offered in my last post.


You, otherwise, appear to be an educated person and I wish you should come out of all these mantra-tantra and get yourself treated through a professional psyhologist.

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hi Ganesh,


I read that. Thanks for the link. I had taken medicines for 2 months from a pschatrist 4 years before and had several sittings with him. No use. But, after doing meditation and poojas of chandi, these hearings stopped. Now, i dont hear voices into my ear and i freed from that atleast. Rest of the stuff, i am sure i will be coming out of that very soon. Yes, i am very well educated, first i didnt believed these things initially. But, later, i came to know this is black magic / witch craft.

I am not going to practice tantra or vama-chara, just going to chant manthra with pure devotion. Because, i know the person who have done to me. I know why they did. My close friends also told me who did it and they wish not to approach legal advice for the trouble they are causing. So, i am trying to break the black-magic alone.


Anyways, thanks for the suggestion. I think i am clear with my mind. Will get soon by the grace of god.




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Hello Ganeshji,


Thanks for your suggestions/advice. I went through your profile and your website. Seriously I am no match for your experience. But there is but one small suggestion from a small time sadhak like me. That there is something very important missing in your sentences I feel. Which moves the worlds and everything around us. Which makes the flowers blossom and the clouds to rain. Which heals the wounded and rescues them from the pain. Which I consider to be the most essential thing to communicate and counsel. That most important thing is LOVE. Sir you might be right or wrong. But before meeting the person in person. You can't judge his mental balance or imbalance. But what i suggested was more a overall development process which doesn't depend on any exterior analysis of the person. The process depends on the will of god and the devotion of the student. And Avanija as i see comes from a very good cultural family background and is practicing spiritual austerities from child hood. B'coz nowadays people have not heard of any lalita sahasranama or chadi japa or anything like that.

Pardon me if I am wrong. And kindly suggest me if there is anything.




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Res. Anahatananda ji.

My overall philosophy is to scrutinize Mantra etc. with scientific background so that innocent people who are being exploited (knowingly or unknowingly) at the hands of unfair people. Simillarly, I also try to explain how a Mantra works so that people can undertake it with proper perspective and not by 'blind faith.'

I believe in GOD. But, for the purpose of scrutiny of an issue, we cannot just bring him as an excuse.

If we entertain notion of God, I have no comments to offer. If some one is performing some rituals etc. since child hood, he/she is bound to be conditioned. My submission is, if the Stotras etc. were so good, she should not have been subject to sufferings. She should have found solutions without going on a public forum.

If you are convinced that you have a problem bothering you, then you should be ready to review the methodology you have been exercising so far.

This is because, your present condition is the result of the way of life you have lived so far. If you are not ready to change or exercising another methodology or options, you will continue to experience the same things.

BTW, did I addressed any thing to you ? I don't think I did.

However, if your sentiments were hurt, it was never my intention.

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I don't know much about these things but my teacher once told me that when they had a problem with a spirit in a new property they used mahamrityujaya mantra and that successfully resolved the problem. In my own experience the 'bullshit' mantra can work well, that is strengthen your own mind against the suggestion of a curse, by just resolving that you are protected, cannot be harmed, and that the 'curse' is a load of BS.


Namo Narayana

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Hi Anahatanadaji,


Thanks for the books suggestion and guidance. I will get the book as soon as possible. I have started my sincere prayers with meditation and japa. I have something strong in my mind that i will come out of this witch-craft stuff very soon. :)


As you said to Ganeshji, that i am knowing these Anushtanam and doing this from my childhood. From my childhood onwards, i used to learn small slokas and used to chant. Daily, i used to chant vishnu sahasranama also on the way to office. But, i left chanting in between. I left doing my pooja also due to work timings incompatability. Then only, i realised these black magic trouble. Then, in between i lost my job. was almost like a mad in my home. My parents suddenly fixed a marriage for me. That was also failed. This happened within 2 years. Then, again i resumed all the anushtams of chantings, specifically vishnu sahasranama and hearing lalitha sahasranama daily without fail. I resumed my work at the same work place.


Why i am saying these is, knowingly unknowingly, these vibrations, bakthi lead us to a safe life and protecting us from evil crooked ppl as well from the evil spirits. Manthras gives us inner strength and glow to soul which actually makes us to face anything that which comes before us.




Prevention is better than cure. But, i am now infected with witch craft. have to get severe anti-biotic to get rid of it. Thats y i was in search of powerful manthra for some instant relief.


And also, his suggestion was not of scrutinizing one. He suggested a straight-forward method only. According to me, what i experienced is, the manthra chanting, meditation does not end in bad result. Honestly speaking, it has given me so much concentration that i could able to do my work without distraction. I wonder why i missed it during my college days. :)


Very thanks,


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Hello Ganeshji,

It was a great pleasure talking to u. I can see your intentions very clearly. I know that you meant no harm or to hurt our sentiments. I was just asking for your guidance and support to make myself better in serving others. Pardon me if I have hurt any of your feelings or anyhting like that. I am a constant learner and would like to share something I have learn t only, after thorough practice and scrutinizing the methods for a real long time. Anyways If the person we are trying to serve is helped along the way then the whole situation is solved. Thank You for your kind words.


Thank You Sir,

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  • 1 year later...

I quick red your problem, before coming to a conclusion, to connect yourself with yogic way and solve the problem let me say,

I have come across so many people who suffered and got cured, in first place to connect with you I snuggest do a simple techniqu

that will help to know what it is exactly and what to do then. If interested mail me your details.



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