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Sanskrit Name?

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Namaste to all,


Can anyone supply me with the Sanskrit or the Hindi name of "Salvia Divinorium" aka. Diviner's Sage? To tell you guys the truth, I'm new to Ayurveda (Herbalism) and have heard a lot about the effects of this plant, it being a Psychoactive plant. I would really appreciate if anyone could guide me through its Ayurvedic name, methods of intake and effects in detail. Also, if there are any similar psychoactive Indian Ayurvedic substitutes, please update me with them so that I can research on them too.


Thanking you all in advance for giving your time in reading my post and replying.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey there,


I've sifted through my books The Divine Science of Life does have a quite extensive herbs Glossary), but none of them reference Salvia at all. I'd suspect that's because the plant is native to Mexico. The only mention about salvia at all is about Salvia Officinalis being helpful against a sore throat, but that's probably not what you're after... The information you're looking for might be hard to find within Ayurveda.

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