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Chaga, shilajit tcm properties

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Does anyone know about TCM properties of shilajit or chaga?


I have been looking for them for ages.


I understand Shilajit is SHEN JING CHI and kidney yang tonic, does someone know how does it affect other vital organs?


I might have found organ meridian associations, but they do not tell me whether these herbs tonify yin/chi/yang of these vital organs.


Chaga was called "the king of all herbs" in one of the founding books of chinese medicine. This is why I think it should not be impossible to find the properties of this herb. But it appears to be.




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I am sorry to be the one to tell you, but you have been misled, most likely by some vague internet source. Chaga has never been mentioned in the 'Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing', this is a story made up up by MLM sellers that try to make money. If you are interested in all the facts (not the hype) about Chaga I can recommend an excellent and informative blog post to you. I cannot post links here for some reason, but googling 'wordpress chaga-the-facts' will probably give you what you are after.


As for the TCM properties of Shilajit, I think Googling will find you several sources. Wikipedia also has an informative page, with several links to resource articles.

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