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Thank you so much for this forum

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I just joined the forum. I am a westerner. I first became a devotee of Shakti when I was in undergraduate school through a close friend from West Bengal and his family. His mother became like a second mother to me. She taught me how to do puja and attend a home shrine. I have been doing this now for almost 30 years. The family deities became mine as Mashima, my mother wanted me to always call her this, would not have it any other way. Mashima also put tilak on me for the first time ever. I wear the same always in puja and at home. Mashima was deeply devoted to the trinity of Parvati, Durga, and Kali. She gave me Durga and Shiva murthis which I still cherish with all my heart.Of late, I have been feeling very much alone. There are no Shaktas here locally that I know. So I am blessed to find this forum.

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