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glucose in urine, blood sugar fine - 12 weeks pregnant - PLEASE HELP!

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I am 12 weeks pregnant and have glucose in my urine 100mg/dl.



Blood sugar is perfectly fine at 74 even 3 hrs after a meal (i.e. post-prandial). Never any issues of diabetes.



My diet is super healthy and vegetarian. No fried foods or cheeses or icecream or snacks, soda etc. I drink lots of water, start the day with hot lime water, do yoga, walk. Perfect BMI weight.



I have been told I have weak kidneys so this could be renal glycosuria.



I have chronic digestion, liver (cannot digest fat, protein) and constipation issues which are also terrible than ever.



The typical remedies of gudmar, cinnamon etc are out during pregnancy I am told.



I have started incorporating some bitter melon juice - 1tbsp on empty stomach daily.



Any suggestions for the glucose in urine and improving digestion, constipation much appreciated.



Thank you.

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