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Not sure where to start...

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Namaste all,


I'm new to these forums (duh), and I figured this was a good place to post an introduction thread. :) I'm a Westerner who wants to embrace Hinduism, and I've tried to do so in a few ways, such as going to the local Hindu temple in my area, and meditation and mantra chanting at home. But I'm not sure where to go from here...


Does anyone have advice for a Westerner starting out on the path like I am? What should I do next?

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Namaste all,


I'm new to these forums (duh), and I figured this was a good place to post an introduction thread. :) I'm a Westerner who wants to embrace Hinduism, and I've tried to do so in a few ways, such as going to the local Hindu temple in my area, and meditation and mantra chanting at home. But I'm not sure where to go from here...


Does anyone have advice for a Westerner starting out on the path like I am? What should I do next?


welcome to hindu vedic dharma. you are on the right path.


before you go for meditation or bkakti devotion you should read some hindu scriptures like bhagavad gita.Before starting anything you should gain philosophical knowledge then only you will be fix in your devotion or mediation.


so i suggest you read hindu holy scripture " bhagavad gita " told by lord krishna to arjuna


I hope u will surely succed in hindu vedic dharma.


Shri hari govinda! !!!

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