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Snake Dream Interpretation _ Western and Indian Interpretations

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Amiya Porche

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Hello Friends and Folks


Few days back, very early morning 4 a.m I witnessed dream consciously unconscious and it woke me up at 4.20 a.m. I still remember it fondly, Could you guys help me understand its true meaning. Visited many websites, there say different things.


'' I am with a former old friend who loved me but is married now and we are no longer in taking terms. I do feel in dream worried about the way he interpreted the whole thing, and see him coming towards me, sitting under a tree, I get thoughts of asking about his well being and telling him how well he is doing in life now, and that he is happy now. Well suddenly few younger guys come and start playing cricket right next to me, there cricket ball comes towards me, I hold it and throw back at them. To avoid being on there way, I shift my chair aside, little more aside and find myself very near to a still bigger than a digging or small pond alike thing water is still in it, there are snakes, bigger and smaller all lying in harmony. Well, suddenly I fall into said pond. I am very clam, composed and in equivocal state. This plain light green small to medium sized in length and breath snake comes towards me and bites at my last spinal chord point adjoining hip bone, as I have fallen in triangular shape- back down towards pond surface legs and body up towards surface of water. Other snakes are lying in harmony, everything is in harmony equivocal state, I neither panic nor am afraid of not even confused its sorta of feeling like am in harmony with them and witnessing everything knowingly. Those guys and friend did not panic as well. they pull me out and take me to school building. I forgot to mention; the scene of dream is set in my high school ground and building. So in one of rooms near pathway in building, I am surrounded by them along with doctor treating me for wounds if any from fall. He has cotton cloth moistly dipped in warm water and rubbing on my upper back shoulders. I suddenly remember I was bit on my lower back at bum adjoining area also called mooladhar/kundalini start point. But at that moment, i guess doctor had left or my friend who hears it, himself takes cloth and starts rubbing it against that point. At his rubbing, I feel sexually touched pleasure of sexually touched and love making feel. Although, I never loved him and never has any sexual desire from him till date. But when he was doing it, I felt touched/filled the kind of love touch, as should have been from someone I desire.


I know this dream just didnot meant being sexual energy because I was bit by snake at mooladhar. I have experienced chakras working, passing energy from one chakra to top most in past, regular flow of energies and saw voilet color in its full, and often sometimes see violet spots when i close eyes.


Just two days after this dream; I met another old friend who had proposed marriage few years back, who that day again told me, He was true in his emotions and still feels for me the same way. I did feel somewhere healed touched as I am hurt in heart somewhere.


Guys interpret this dream, it is of high importance for things and feelings i am going these days.

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