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Is Yoga cure Depression?

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Rakesh Kumar Gupta


Is yoga cure depression? I am very confused of it please let me know. As one of my friend is suffering from depression so I want to help her. Please let me know. Thanks!



Is yoga cure depression? I am very confused of it please let me know. As one of my friend is suffering from depression so I want to help her. Please let me know. Thanks!

Yes ! Yoga is a perfect medicine for depression patients.  But it takes time.  Continue your medicines and join yoga.  Think positive.  After some time, say 2-3 months, you will see the changes. 

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  • 5 months later...

Yoga and pranayama are proven to cure imbalances in the hormonal system, which can lead to depression. Depression is mostly a state of the brain, 

secreting too many neurotransmitters that cause you to feel dull and unhappy. Specific asanas and pranayamas that are very good in case of depression: anulom vilom pranayam, brahmari pranayam, omkar pranayama, surya namaskar, sarvangasana, balasana and shavasana. 


Take care. 

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