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does anyone know anything about the cadamba plant/kadamba plant curing diabetes?

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Guest pooney67

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Guest pooney67

Hello, to all India divine memebers. Hello my name is Elbert Vaughn.  I am a new member to indiadivine.org, I plead with anyone that knows anything about the Kadamba tree/plant(also known as the cadamba tree/plant) in terms of its ability to cure or sucessfully treat diabetes to, please, please, please, get in touch with me. This plant/tree is a divine tree that grows in India(also grows in Asia). It is alleged that this tree can cure many diseases. One of them being diabetes. I am suffering horribly from diabetes. I am literally dying from diabetes. I believe it is a cure for diabetes, because I had been in correspondence with Alekh Sharma for over a year. Alekh Sharma is the son of Suresh Sharma. Suresh Sharma was a  scientist in India who allegedly cured over a 1000 Indian citizens of their diabetes by using the leaves of the Kadamba/cadamba tree plant(You can google Suresh Sharma cures diabetes/diabetes zone forum or you can google Alekh Sharma cures diabetes). Suresh Sharma died in 2008, and his son Alekh is continuing his fathers legacy, but unfortunately Alekh Sharma is trying to profit from his father's invention( a potentialy great invention for every diabetic) by trying to get this herb approved and made into a drug(he has patented it). Like, I said I had been in contact with Alekh (for over a year), and he has given me over 10 medical records of diabetics who are no longer diabetic after taking his father's medicine. I have read on the internet, a article that seems to imply that maybe it is not necessarry to take this drug(that he is trying right now to get approved in India), but all that is necessary if for a diabetic to do is to consume the akaloids(2 specific compounds taken out of the plant by extraction which any chemist can do) of the plant, and that is all that is necessarry to do to effect a cure for diabetes. Here is the URL for that article. This article speaks about the plant curing diabetes while consuming only the akaloids of the plants. The section of the article that speaks about the kadamba plant/cadamba plant curing diabetes by only consuming the akaloids of the plant is titled medical use. From corresponding with Alekh Sharma for over a year, I have acertained from what Alekh has implied  to me in his emails(how he would cure diabetics in America by using only the raw herbal formula),that what he has implied to me can easily be duplicated by any chemist. I have the ablility to duplicate it(because these leaves of this plant can easily be obtained, and there are many chemist/private labotories here in the U.S), but I want(if possible) to hear from anyone that may know about the medicinal effects of this plant in terms of it possible effects on diabetes. I am begining to believe that just by taking the extracts(not the 2 specific akaloids) of this plant/tree would be just as effective  as the drug that he is trying to get approved. We parted ways, because he wanted me(mid way through our relationship ) to try to help him get American citizenship, and help him establish a business here in America to sell his fathers medicine(as a herbal treatment for diabetes) in  ways in which may have been illegal or put my family in  jeopardy, and I was not comfortable on doing what he wanted me to do. I was preparing to do what he wanted me to do anyway, because my health is in a dire state. but I did tell  him via email that my mother had some concerns on what he wanted me to do to help him establish a business here(we were not sure about the consequences that may have entailed from any actions on my part), and also that she believed that he was never interested in helping me obtain his fathers medicine to cure me of my diabetes only unless I helped him obtain american citizenship, and to help him establish a business here first.(Alekh Sharma had been promising me for over a year that he would send his fathers medicine to me to cure me of my diabetes, but promise after promise was broken), Basically my mother believed I was being used, and he could care less about my health needs, and was only concerned about making money(my mothers opinion) by establishing a business here, and not being upfront in the very begining that I could never recieve his father's medicine only until he could establish a business here(he needed a american citizenship to help  him establish a business. To do that he had to motivate me to do the things he wanted, by continuing promising me that he would send me his fathers medicine to me, which he never was intending on doing. Only if he could establish a business here first would that happen, but he never told me this. After I told him about my mothers concerns about him, and what she believed was his true motivation(trying to gain american citizenship/establish a business here in the United states, and that he was just using me to accomplish this, and never really cared about my health(unless I could get him american citizenship/and help him establish a business here). When he read that email that voiced my mothers concern about him, he became upset, and it was he who actually ended our relationship, because he told me that I would have to come to India to be cured of my diabetes, and that he would find someone else to help him establish a business here in the United States. He also said that when he did establish a business here in the United States he wouldn't tell me about it( he said that I would have to come to India to be cured of my diabetes, because apparently he already has a business in India already that sells the extracts of the kadamba plant as a herbal treatment for diabetes already or is in the process of selling his fathers medicine in India as a herbal treatment for diabetes. It is 100percent herbal so I don't believe he has to get approval from India's FDA.  I guess he was in effect punishing me for what my mother said about him. Alekh Sharma was a person I considered a friend(as much as a friend can be while corresponding via email, and video feed) I truly believe from reading between the lines from our many emails, that what his father did was nothing complicated. Before, I pursue this course of action, I wanted to hear from  anyone that knows anything about this plant in terms of it curing/treating diabetes or any advice/recommendations on others who may know about the cadamba plant/tree in term of its potential of curing diabetes. That is why I am sending this request to all of you who are memebers of this forum. I can promise everybody(because most people know someone that has diabetes) that if I am cured of diabetes or my sugars become well  managed from taking the extracts or akaloids of this plant, I want be trying to make money off of it, and everyone will know what to do, because these leaves are readily accessible to everyone, and this disease is killing millions of us each year. I just believe that maybe it is not necessarry to get a chemist to perform extractions on this plant. If you know anything that you feel that could be of any help towards my understanding of this plant in terms  of its treatment/cure of diabetes, please contact me. Thank you. Elbert Vaughn

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