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Please help to find career path through astrology

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Guest narendra

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Guest narendra

I request all the astrologers to please help me to find my carrer path.


How and when would I be able to start earning money and have some stability in terms of work.?


I am still unmarried and directionless..Please shed some light on my career or help me to fnd an accomplished astrologer who could guide me.


My birth details are


12 may 1979,time- 18:45 p.m.,place ayodhya


Looking forward for some help.

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dear narendra,

                  your navamsa 10th house has venus and ketu (using raman ayansh) which indicate education / cumputer as your line for career. moreover jupiter is aspecting 10th house which further points to education as your line . your 10th lord of rasi chart sun is placed in sagitarius navamsa indicating colleges /higher education. try your luck in educational institites . period favourable from july 2014 in ketu sun dasa.

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  • 3 months later...

Can someone help me find my career? my DOB is 13-April-1977. POB is Dubai, UAE & TOB is 13:20 pm Dubai time..i want to have my own business and not work for anyone.. what business will be good for me and what will not?

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