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Marriage Related Questions

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Hi Sir, 

My name is Megha.

My DOB is 29-06-1988.

TOB:3:30 P.M (afternoon)

POB :Chennapattana(Near Bangalore)


Rashi: Dhanus

Lagna :Thula

Sir please let me know when will I get married, How will be my married life, From which direction will the guy come from,his profession etc.

My parents are trying very hard to get me married and we are unable to find a suitable match yet.



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Do you have any marriage related questions? Post time/date/place of birth with your query. I will try and answer with best of my ability


Kumar Ramabhadran

Time:  2 AM

Date: May 12 th 1966

Place: Tekkali


Having issues. Is there any chances for reunion?. Is there any remedy?

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Hi Sir, 

My name is Megha.

My DOB is 29-06-1988.

TOB:3:30 P.M (afternoon)

POB :Chennapattana(Near Bangalore)


Rashi: Dhanus

Lagna :Thula

Sir please let me know when will I get married, How will be my married life, From which direction will the guy come from,his profession etc.

My parents are trying very hard to get me married and we are unable to find a suitable match yet.



Nakshatra: Moola

Rasi: Dhanur

Lagna: Tula

Dasa: Surya till 12/2016


Marriage possible before May 2014. Will be married to professional. Married life will be moderately happy. Please do remedies for rahu for post marriage issues


With best wishes

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birth details: 18 December 1987, 00:59 Kottayam, Kerela Please tell me about my marriage prospects.I have guru chandaal yoga in 7th house(guru is lord of 7th house), whats the effect of it on my marriage etc?

Nakshatra: Visakha

Rasi: Tula

Lagna: Kanya

Dasa: Sani till 02/2020


Badak planet guru, along with malefic rahu is placed in 7th house. 4th house occupied by surya, sani with sani in combust mode. These indicates marriage to be very difficult.


with best wishes

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Respected Sir,


Could you please give me little bit more astrological details as to how my second marriage will be happy ? Would really appreciate that. My first marriage was a disaster with a very aggresive person...

9th house represents second marriage provided first marriage fails. In your horoscope, 9th lord, surya, is placed in excellent position. Also 2nd/3rd lord, sani, is placed in 9th house


with best wishes

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Dear Sir,


I'm Anand Born at Belgaum on 30/05/1978 time 11.40 A.M .

When will i get married?

Nakshatra: Poorvabhadra

Rasi: Khumba

Lagna: Simha

Dasa: Budha till 09/2019


No issues seen except delay in marriage due to presence of sani in lagna/7th house from rasi. Will get married by May 2015. 


with best wishes

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This is nicky again, sorry ,forgot to mention the DOB.

Was born on the 9th of Oct 1994 in Nagpur, Maharashtra at 7:45 pm sharp.

I'd like to know what my kundali has in store for me. There are 4 planets in the 7th house. What does that mean? Also, career wise if you'd like to mention anything.. anything at all, that'd be great. Thanks a ton.

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Hello Sir,

Just I posted a question. Right now Sani Mahadasa is going on. Forgot to mention the year. it is 1966


Time:  2 AM

Date: May 12 th 1966

Place: Tekkali


Having issues. Is there any chances for reunion?. Is there any remedy?

Hello Sir,


 Waiting for your reply.


How is my children future as per my jataka?

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Pranam Guruji,

Here is the birth details of one of my friends.

D O B    23 June 1975

T O B    11:40 AM

P O B    (Jogeshwari) Mumbai Maharashtra India



He got married on 21 oct 2010 n got divorced on 19 june 2012


Any chances of him getting married again. id yes then, when and Is it possible that he get to marry the girl he wants to???

Thanks & Regards

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Pranam Guruji,

Here is the birth details of one of my friends.

D O B    23 June 1975

T O B    11:40 AM

P O B    (Jogeshwari) Mumbai Maharashtra India



He got married on 21 oct 2010 n got divorced on 19 june 2012


Any chances of him getting married again. id yes then, when and Is it possible that he get to marry the girl he wants to???

Thanks & Regards

Nakshatra: Moola

Rasi: Dhanur

Lagna: Simha

Dasa: Chandra till 04/2017


The chances of second marriage is very slim as 9th house/lord from both rasi and lagna is not very well placed


with best wishes

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Hello Sir,


 Waiting for your reply.


How is my children future as per my jataka?

Nakshatra: Sravana

Rasi: Makara

Lagna: Khumba

Dasa: Sani till 06/208


No official breakdown indicated. Possible for reunion only after Dec 2014. Most of problem is probably due financial which can be solved by human. Have faith in god. No issues with respect to children. They will bring name/fame to you


with best wishes

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This is nicky again, sorry ,forgot to mention the DOB.

Was born on the 9th of Oct 1994 in Nagpur, Maharashtra at 7:45 pm sharp.

I'd like to know what my kundali has in store for me. There are 4 planets in the 7th house. What does that mean? Also, career wise if you'd like to mention anything.. anything at all, that'd be great. Thanks a ton.

Nakshatra: Swati

Rasi: Vrichika

Lagna: Mesha

Dasa: Sukhra till 01/2030


12th house from rasi aspected by rahu and 9th house lord in tula indicates settling abroad after marriage with respect to career. 

4 planets in 7th house (with 5th/9th lord) with respect to your chart indicates possible love marriage. Rahu in 7th house with sukhra indicates that differences with your wife due to ego and over domination. It may lead to separation


with best wishes 

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Nakshatra: Visakha

Rasi: Tula

Lagna: Kanya

Dasa: Sani till 02/2020


Badak planet guru, along with malefic rahu is placed in 7th house. 4th house occupied by surya, sani with sani in combust mode. These indicates marriage to be very difficult.


with best wishes

"These indicates marriage to be very difficult"--by this you mean there will difficulty in getting married or my married life would be bad?when can i get married and can you please elaborate how would be my married life?

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Nakshatra: Sravana

Rasi: Makara

Lagna: Khumba

Dasa: Sani till 06/208


No official breakdown indicated. Possible for reunion only after Dec 2014. Most of problem is probably due financial which can be solved by human. Have faith in god. No issues with respect to children. They will bring name/fame to you


with best wishes

Thank you Sir. Right now we are living in different places and the friction is in high end. Is there anything to do from my side?

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can you pl predict the probable marriage period and married life.....


Male, 17th January, 1986; 20:05 hrs

Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh.



Nakshatra: Ashwini

Rasi: Mesha

Lagna: Simha

Dasa: Surya till 01/2015


Marriage possible after May 2015. Post marriage issues (family relationship) seen as guru is neecha and rasi is aspected by malefic mangal/rahu. Do proper remedies for Guru (jupiter)


with best wishes

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