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my wife's mental health and rahu dasha

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my wife's birth date is 08-02-1989, time 8.20 morning. place - aligarh (u.p). since past one week, her mental health is not well. i consulted with an astrologer and he said that she is suffering from rahu dasha. i am going through a very tough phase of my life as she didn't talk to me anymore and we have one 2 years old daughter. please please help me what to do?

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Make her visit an Iskcon temple and attend lectures on the real knowledge of life - Bhagavad Gita which are held twice daily in almost all Indian cities (actually all over the world) at 8 AM and 8 PM.  Find an Iskcon centre near your place and take her there regularly.  

Rahu wants  one to be spiritual rather than being religious.  I was also suffering from same problem but when I started visiting regularly and attending BG lectures and started applying changes to my life and practising devotion, its a great relief just due to the blessings of Iskcon devotees - the real Vaishnavas!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Ravi,

Do you work in an academic institutions or financial institutions? are you a guru (teacher or purohit)? Do you or your wife have an elder sister who has problematic life? Anyhow coming to your wife's mental condition I have to sincerely tell you that her condition is not going to be normal until 3 years from now. It may further deteriorate at the end of 2015. Propitiating Moon and Rahu will help you to tide over these difficult times. You may worship Durga for this.


With best wishes,


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Ravi,


Your wife is going through Saturn Maha dasa according to the birth details you gave, and Venus antar dasa until 08/06/14. There will be problems until 2017 end. January 28th 2018 onwards things will starts to get better.your wife should pray to god, especially to Lord Shiva and Mata duga to reduce the effects of saturn dasa . I'm sure sincere prayers will help to reduce the bad effects of the planets to great extent. Consult an asrologer for some yantra for saturn


God bless you both



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