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Does anyone have experience with enlightened saints?

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Based on some (auto)biographies I read of enlightened Hindu saints, there was a focus on powers they have, mainly healing powers and psychic powers. I have been to see 5 Indian masters and only two of them said anything to me showing psychic vision (maybe three but the third case was kind of unclear). I must also note though that I only met with all of them briefly. I am wondering if anyone has experience with these enlightened saints? It seems to me that the case maybe has been somewhat exaggerated and that they are not as powerful as they have been made out to be. Maybe someone like Neem Karoli Baba, Sai Baba of Shirdi, or Bhagavan Nityananda all had powers, but I don't hear about any modern day saints having these kinds of powers. I would like it if Hindu saints would give an explanation of their powers so that the people who go to see them have an understanding of what to expect and the limitations of what a saint can do. Maybe if anyone knows anything about the Naths, Siddhars, and Aghoris I would be interested to hear more about them too.

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Guest Robert

It is said that siddhis are the result of enlightenment, i.e. powers, however I would say that anyone looking for siddhis will never become enlightened. Rather I would say those wishing to give up all powers are more likely. 

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Guest raudrini

Siddhis are not the result of enlightenment. Persons having "powers" do not automatically translate into enlightened beings. Siddhis are the bye-products on some of the many paths to enlightenment. This may sound a bit far fetched, but when you encounter an enlightened soul, you simply "know". If you haven't know-ed it until now, either the person is not, or you are not receptive enough.

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There is that which is original cause,all the power is from that place, it operates beyond ordinary reality, the problem for human beings is a sense of identity separate from Original Cause, the only way to experience real power is to let go of the illusion of separateness, just simply realize I am Cause, I am that. 

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Guest Yogi Thakur



Though the Siddhis are the result of Enlightenment but not the achievement of Moksh or the Liberation (Smadhi). Today the Enlightenment word is wrongly understood and commonly taken as the fulfillment of Spiritual path. The actual Enlightened Sadgurus were used their power sometime but not all the times by the grace of Almighty without disturbing the Nature's qualities. A true enlightened devotee always give ups the powers.       

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Guest Dr Avinash Dixit

Some experiences are there just to feel. Specially when it is related with Sadguru dev. Yet I would like to mention here the name of my Gurudev Anant Shree vibhooshit Swami ji maharaj Shri Pitambara Peeth, Datia (MP). No body knows his name except Swami Ji Maharaj.

In his whole lifetime he never allowed any body to tell about the miracles he showered on to save them or providing some eternal things,but after when he left his mortal body in 1979,his disciples shared experiences. Then it was decided to publish,whatever were the achievements,then a book SWAMI SMARITI GRANTH was published.

He is the Power, Our nation is saved because of.


Dr.Avinash Dixit


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Guest Mahesh

Dear all

I have my own experiences with enlightened saint Param Pujya Sadguru Dhyani Swami @ Kanabha, near Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

He knows all, yes that is, but that power uses to bring the person close to Supreme Lord Swaminarayan.

There is thousands of people worldwide got cured who was ready to go for surgery, same like all diff. fields in daily life.

but that is worldly help so devotee can live happily and can focus in devotion to Supreme Lord Swaminarayan.

The real main power he has is to free the devotee from five main internal enemies -"Kam, Lobh, Swad, Man & sneh" ; which is due to continuous pleasure of Supreme Lord Swaminarayan on him;

When you go to meet him, he knows about your past present and future, also past births.

Swamiji has control over nature felt by and known by almost all devotees (around 18 Lakh disciples)

He is around 94 yrs of age now.

I would like to say something based on extract of all 350 Hindu scriptures.

the great saint is who knows and loves Supreme Lord Swaminarayan, One shall first consider oneself as distinctly different from the three bodies (viz. gross (sthool) subtle (sukshma) and causal (karan) then shall identify oneself with Brahman and then with that form sublime shall always worship Lord Shri Krishna.


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Hare Krishna. This question depends on your perception of 'enlightened saint'. HDG Srila Prabhupada was/is enlightened and saintly. There is a great deal of information about his life available on the internet.

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Guest Krishna Mohan

As a frequent trekker, in the Himalayas, and the Jungles of the south, I've encountered quite a few, personalities, who where known for their out of world nature and existence, most of them couldn't stay in my skeptical mind as I was never bothered to judge or rate them (who am I to do, off course), but one soul which I would remember till my last breath, is Omswami, Who Lives near Giripul, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, is one of the rare kinds I've encountered, Initially I have known him since the days when he was in search of caves for his solitude, I was fortunate enough to share his search for a day in Himalayas beyond Badrinath , after wards I came to know that, he left a great fortune and legacy (In Corporate world), Just to seek answer for his own Quest and truth. Though I cant reveal the miracles which I my self have witnessed, but for sure, I feel this being is not bounded by the existence anymore, if he is still staying amid us at least for a brief period in a year, may be that's the height of compassion he could have upon people like us. the remaining time he lives in solitude in his cave Beyond Rudranath, completely away from the civilization. I feel I am fortunate to that extent, wherein I 've got memories, worth hiding for a lifetime in our brief meet, back in 2010.

Cheers :smile:

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Guest pradeep

people talk of enlightenment but there is no way to  judje enlightenment yes u may feelit and remember the Bhakt kavi says 


     Avgati ganythingati kachu kahat na ava or u can not explain  so do good deeds

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Siddhi powers are under the power of Maya.  Siddhis are not the result of enlightenment, rather they are the result of certain spiritual practices.  They are an impediment along the road to liberation, as they fuel the ego.  I was graced to know a divine saint who has since left his body, Jagadguru Kripalu Maharaj ji.  His principal book on philosophy explains in detail the matter of siddhis. http://radhamadhavdham.org/shop/prem-ras-siddhant-english  I agree with the others above, there is an element of just knowing.  But more than that, notice whether the association of the "saint" results in any change in your thoughts and actions, (most particularly without struggle and forced striving)

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My sister with saint Benedictus here in Portugal too.. She prayed to heal her foot's from warts and ask help to Saint Benedictus who is very know here to do miracles.


She promised candles and flowers to the Saint. The warts gone but my sister forgot to pay his promise... The warts back in great number, then she go to the monestary ( Geres, São Bento, Portugal ) and payed the candles and flowers... Next day, her foot was clean, until today.


I love Lahiri Mahasaya, and when I become desperated I call his help.. It seems a so powerful, heavy, but calm energy surrounding me.. Its a wonderful experience.

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"Experience with enlightened saints"

Yes, I am such. I hear from the Divine Spirit each day, and have significant dreams most nights. My wife and I have received visions of the Lord, and He speaks directly to her since she is His prophetess. My son laid his hands on her last week and healed her of her lifelong spinal defects. God has directed us through visions to make plans to come to India to minister to the poor and teach them. He is the God of Love. He has welcomed me into His family. I am becoming one with His Spirit.

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Guest Ram Sharan Jha

Great to have such questions.


Actually, today The Hinduism is covered with mass rituals and its long time conditioning. Only enlightened saints or any incarnation can break the conditioning and grant enlightenment to seekers breaking the bondage of rituals and conditioning.


Our forefathers who had the true knowledge had created the method of worshiping the panch tatva and they all had attained enlightenment or Yoga with all pervading power of God and thus his worship was raeching to the diety. Today its false hood by pandits who have no knowlege of truth and so on.


Enlightened saints may be many and thus we see so many saints( by appearance and claims) in our land but true enlightened saints who could grant enmass enlightenment  has been  only H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi( March 21, 1923 – February 23, 2011). She has given SahajaYoga to mankind for self-realisation of his own divinity and attain yoga. The person becomes self guru after attaining self-realisation and crosses the bondage of so called religions like Hindu,mUslim Skh Ishaee etc. He becomes a Sahaja Yogi and gets connected to param chaitanya, by blessing of Shri Ganesha as described in Lalita Sahstranama also. You may please visit sahajayoga center for further knowledge or to a nearby sahajyoga centre in your town/area.


Jai Jaganmata


With love :smile:

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Guest Srinivas

Any kind of healing ( not for self ) with pure heartedness with out selfish makes one travel through the path of enlightenment & practicing the same will enlighten slowly day by day,hence a secret is said Vaidhyo Narayano Hari.Every person can be enlightened by true devotion of his karma & possess the so called powers of the karma.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest sumiti gupta

Really interesting to read all the responses. Amazing is the world of the Supreme...He manifests in different forms and in different places. Ironically he has to prove his very existence by showing miracles to this ignorant human who has the courage to even challenge the Supreme Power, the Creator, The Lord , our God. Really interesting. In reality God has bestowed himself and the same powers in all humans. but it is some who are able to unlock the gateway to the Divine and embark on the journey of self-realization. Admirable are the saints of India and even others like Saint Benedict who have sowed the seed of Divine Love in the hearts of millions. God Bless us all. Please keep sharing more experiences. I have learnt a lot from you all. Hari Om ! 

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Guest MBA Khan

Can any one suggest the name and address of any person having miraculous sidhi or power by which one can cure schizophrenia ( a mental disease with psychotic bouts) which is becoming intractable for modern medications? We will be very grateful. It should fraud free and based on divine power or even medical power.

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There are stories of Sages at the following link.



Hopefully, the blog may answer some of your questions.

If not, I am certain when your celestial luminary is decorous all will be reveal to you !

May your journey sparkle in the Universe and perhaps display your own magic for the moment.







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Guest Deepa

would like to meet up with you because we also do healing as service to mankind without any fee or charges, our teacher founder of PRANA VIOLET HEALING has taught us that Divine Energy will itself come and do the healing if we are ready to become instruments of God... and we are trying to do so by teaching  and healing people without any motive for money/ name /fame and at times healing takes place like a miracle...

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Guest Deepa

For past many years I had been learning various healing techniques to help people in whatever way possible to relieve them of their health problems.

Around 3 years back I met up with Mr Siva P ( PRANA VIOLET HEALING) at a Healing Expo in New Delhi.

I was quite drawn into his healing system as 1) it was free of charge (all teaching and healing)

2) based on Forgiveness and Gratitude 3) Balancing karma was the idea behind it.

Today many of us are healing people as learnt from him and we are witnessing miracles in many cases.There is no money factor, we do it as service to God and mankind.

We have learnt simple basic truths and fundamentals of life and spiritualism. Really really wish that people all over the world can become aware of this healing which is imparted FREE to all without consideration of caste, race , religion, nationality or social status.  

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Guest Gopinathan k

The narration of all the  guests are wonderful and correct in the way as they understand them.My experiences are that sidhis are not to be used even

if you acquire them.It could lead you astray.Deviation from original path could happen.Have met enlightened souls and taken advises.But my understanding is that for a particular birth to be completed you bring the prabdha(a portion of the cumulative karma results which you have acquired

from so many births).No one ever gets any exemption from this.Even these enlightened souls suffer so much but they never try for any self healing

techniques which they are capable of.Even requesting one's own guru or any other sidha to cure it is not considered desirable.All cures are possible

with mantras (appropriate ones are there for different purposes).But it is no easy method as you have to practice austerity measures and lead a life 

consistent with the mantra to be used or practiced. My considered opinion is that it is better to pray to GOD the almighty,and hope for the best.Only he

/she can cure without a corresponding addition in the prabda brought by you in this world.Gurus can cure but then they will have to experience the

suffering which you are supposed to suffer and experience.Most of the gurus do it only out of extreme sympathy for a being or for a disciple who is

needed for accomplishing some special tasks to be handed over to him for fulfillment in this birth.

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Guest suresh

Can any one suggest the name and address of any person having miraculous sidhi or power by which one can cure schizophrenia ( a mental disease with psychotic bouts) which is becoming intractable for modern medications? We will be very grateful. It should fraud free and based on divine power or even medical power.

hi you can try kundalini meditation to solve mental issues,...

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