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Path to Hinduism

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Hello all. First, I hope this post is in correct place, and if not I do apologize. I was raised into Christianity, and through the last ten years or so have been searching for a better path. Recently I have discovered Hinduism and have been feeling a need to learn more and more about being a follower even though I live in a remote area in the Southern US with no other followers around my area. Can someone please offer advice to a man only wanting to follow and live in peace.

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In Hinduism self practice is very important. So even if you are alone in a remote area, you still can do everything you need to advance spiritually.


Svadhyaya (self study of scripture) is essential. There are hundreds of ancient vedic texts on all varieties of spiritual paths and knowledge which you can study. Of all the Bhagavad Gita is generally considered the most important.


Sadhana (personal spiritual practice) is also an important aspect of Hinduism which you do alone. Depending on the path one chooses, it could consist of mantra chanting, meditation, yogic exercises (such as pranayama, asanas, etc.), worship of deities, or philosophical contemplation.


Since Hinduism has so many spiritual paths within it, you should first narrow down what attracts you by studying various scriptures.

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Hinduism is a very open religion. Our main law is the law of Karma: what you sow, is what you will reap. Watch your actions and start meditating, you will feel enlightened. Meditating, surveying your thoughts, can be very tough at the beginning, however yoga and pranayama can make this much easier. You can watch some videos by baba ram dew on youtube, he preaches both yoga and meditation. 


Also, I would recommend you to read the following literature: the Bhagawad Gita (our Bible) and Autobiography of a yogi. Both books worked really well for me in the beginning of my spiritual quest. 


Take care.



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