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Kundalini -Ajna Chakra, constant pain 2 years Please help!

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Guest John

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Guest John

Here is my story, excuse my briefness of it...


About 3 years ago, I experienced a spiritual type awakening after becoming friends with a woman who was probably extremely "awakened".  I started to have extreme mental anxiety with an overwhelming feeling of constant synchronicity...like as soon as I would think a thought, I would see something that coincided with that thought...and also very spiritual vivid dreams.  Before this I had lived very unhealthy (ie. smoking, fast food, etc.) and as soon as I started to "clean out" and eat healthy..the symptoms started.  


I will skip some details...but basically, my current problems start at this point...about a year after the initial awakening symptoms, I was getting some energy work done..I normally did not feel "physical" sensations during meditation or energy work, but this time was different.  The woman doing the energy work was standing behind me and all of the sudden it felt like someone as pulling a warm bubble out of my neck...it felt amazing and I almost laughed it felt so good.  As soon as the bubble left my neck, there was a pulsating light behind my eyes that converged in the 3rd eye region and all of the muscles around my eyes started twitching like mad.  Then it was over.  Fast forward a month.  I was meditating and I felt a fluttering/vibrating feeling in my genital area and the lights started pulsating behind my eyes again converging quicker and quicker until it was vibrating very quick...then a flash of energy (sexual feeling energy) from my root chakra up to my head and my eyes start twitching like mad....all of these sensations were very pleasant.  This continues to happen when I meditate on a regular basis.  Fast forward 3 more months  Receive a massage and energy work from an amazing and wonderful shaman whom I received work from on a regular basis, but this time as soon as she was in the room, my eyes started twitching...I woke up the next morning and my eyes never stop twitching and fluttering to this day.


 Fast forward 7 months.  While working on an organic permaculture farm in the mountains, I had been feeling so in tune with the earth..living in rustic conditions, eating lots of wild and homegrown food...super connected to creation...I started getting extreme digestive problems, constipation and then a month later...waking up in the night to urinate 3-4 times..constant extreme dry mouth (I believe I was having adrenal exhaustion)...then a few weeks later, I felt like all of the mental anguish from the initial awakening dulled and I went into this weird foggy dream state, and started getting migraines on a daily basis.  I moved home to parents and started getting literally constant headache with the feeling of pressure (sometimes stabbing and burning pain) right on the ajna chakra. My eyes flutter so so much with constant converging and strobing lights behind my eyes.  The headaches have been going on for near 2 years.  (I caved and went to see a neurologist who took an MRI which of course showed nothing).  Pain increased with meditation for first year.  Then started having weird sensations with the meditation.  I can disconnect from the lights in my head and will feel a large pressure lift in my head,sometimes my body does weird things like having my chin pushed down to my chest..or my eyes being pushed down to the extreme..but kundalini will not break through...so frustrating...so close.  I did not believe it was actually kundalini until a few weeks ago as I was meditating with a tree....my eyes were pushed down and a few seconds later the kundalini came through more powerful than ever...my body felt like I was having an orgasm and I was shaking like crazy...still did not purify ajna chakra  Stilll constant headaches..getting even worse.  I am so frustrated at living in this pain it makes me want to cry. It is so hard to meditate because it is so painful and meditation is the only thing that I feel will lead to in getting better.  When I spend a lot of time in nature with plant friends and the wind and water, headache will lessen greatly, but the lights are always there when I close my eyes.  What do I do??

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During the course of our healing we have experienced that in people who do a lot of meditation, headaches can be explained as follows-

During meditation a lot of energy flows into the body through the crown chakra but the nadis( energy meridians) are blocked hence this energy gets stuck up in the head area, cannot spread to entire body; resulting in severe headaches.


In many people the Earthing/ Grounding chakra is blocked, extra energy received during meditation cannot flow down to the earth, which again results in headaches and strong sensations at different chakra regions.


As for pain in Ajna particularly, it can result from cords coming to that chakra or can also be because of chakra energy disbalance even if no cord.

When cords come to any chakra/ body part they can really drain away your energy


To heal you we will have to check your aura and chakras.

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Guest Paripurna

John, I have read your post. From which part of the world you are? India?..I would suggest you to consult any enlightened master. They should be able to help you. You can reach out to me. I will try if can get some help for you.

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Guest Muthu

Dear Mr.John

As the energy level is very high at Ajna, you feel the head ache. It should be minimised and for that there is a process of bringing down the energy from Ajna back to Mooladhar. This can be done only by some masters and this is one of the practice being followed in one of  the spritiual organization where in they awaken the kundalini energy, If you let us know where you are staying, I can find out if anyone who can help you. Its a 20 mts process, your head ache will go off.

All the best


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Guest R K Palta

Dear John,

God bless you.

Congratulations for your progress in the Journey.You are very lucky.You try to be with nature,it is good.Be always relaxed.Keep on reading spiritual literature, especially on Kundalini Awakening.Spend your time in good company,reading, doing light physical exercises and meditation.Meditate on colours and sound of Ajna Chakra.Before starting your meditation, meditate on Shakti Maa( or Durga Mata)and ask for her blessings, help and guidance.Have faith and every thing will be set right and you will move very fast towards your goal.It is you only who have to complete this journey.

With best wishes


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