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Acas, Ancient God Of Conciliation

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The Guardian (London) - April 15, 1999


SECTION: The Guardian Feature Page; Pg. 20






... NOT even history's greatest seers - from Nostradamus to our very own Paul Johnson - could ever have foreseen the news that makers of Channel Five's Xena Warrior Princess have been forced to withdraw an episode following an inaccurate reference. Fans of the programme - known for its forensically faithful reconstructions of the myths and legends of the ancient world - will be shocked to hear that a portrayal of the Hindu deity Krishna was so offensively inaccurate that its international showing has been scrapped. 'We are outraged,' said a Los Angeles based Hindu campaigner.


'How would Christians feel if a bunch of Hindus took Jesus Christ and filmed Xena punching him in the face?' This, however, is not the end of the matter. The Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association is now claiming that withdrawal of the episode is a sop to Hare Krishna homophobes upset to see their deity consorting with a lesbian icon, and are demanding that Universal Studios release the show. Acas, ancient god of conciliation, may soon be summoned to settle the matter.


Copyright 1999 Guardian Newspapers Limited


Contributed by Mrigendra das - Los Angeles


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