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Vrindavan Sanga, March 2000

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This March, in Vrindavan the first and largest non-sectarian Gaudiya Vaisnava internet community, Sanga, will be hosting its first annual gathering. Under the auspices of Swami B. V. Tripurari, there will be a month long program of sadhu sanga: Hari katha, bhajans, discussions and prasad at the Sanga guest house near the Krishna Balaram Mandir, Vrindavan.


Friends and members of our internet community are cordially invited to attend. Meals and accommodations, as well as recommendations for discount air tickets, can be arranged in advance by contacting sadhusanga@swami.org. For more information visit the Vrindavan Sanga webpage


The Vrindavan Sanga program will be as follows:


Morning, 7:00 a.m. Bhagavad-gita discourses, from Swami's recently completed manuscript, 'Bhagavad-gita: It's Feeling and Philosophy' followed by breakfast prasad.


Afternoon, 12:00 p.m. Arotika and lunch prasad.


Evening, 5:00 p.m. Caitanya-caritamrta discourses, from Adi-lila, followed by Arotika and dinner prasad.


For a map and more information visit

email: sadhusanga@swami.org


Upcoming Sanga Programs


Thursday, February 17, 6 PM

Appearance of Sri Nityananda Prabhu

At the home of Nagapatni dasi. Discourse, kirtan, prasadam feast.

524 N. Velie, Visalia, California.

For more information, call (559) 734-4463

Swami Tripurari will be speaking at 6 PM


Friday, February 18, 7 PM

Mandala Publishing Group, discourse, kirtan and prasadam.

Corner of 12th & Folsom Streets, City Lights Bldg, Second Floor

San Francisco. For more information call 1-800-668-2218

Swami Tripurari will be speaking at 7 PM


Questions or comments may be sent to sadhusanga@swami.org.


[Reprinted with permission from Sanga 2/16/2000 http://www.swami.org]

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